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Posts posted by Naanomi

  1. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play


    I played a shrinking brick in a convention once... shrink linked with DI to get smaller and denser but not lose mass overall. In a way it is 'just shrinking', albeit with the SFX leading to other fun effects.


    One you don't see much of is the 'Multiple Man' mass duplication schtick... it gets hard to deal with in a game quick, and unless you are running a Duplication/Summon scam of some sort it is hard to get the numbers high in a reasonable number of points.


    That being said, one girl in my main group *is* playing a mentalist split into 8 identical bodies... low speed and low defenses, and lots of tiered 'requires multiple users' limitations, plus the ability to resurrect each other, has made it an interesting but not overpowering character.

  2. If a character has duplicates that cannot recombine... IE: the character exists as separate bodies... and one 'part' of the body exists on a different dimension than the others... does the duplication power need 'transdimensional' or not?


    Example: Character exists as a 6th dimensional Imp (main body, in the 6th dimension) that has several smaller fragments in the physical world (small duplicates in the 'real' physical world)




    Character is a super-hacker but has a 'digital copy' of himself running around the 'net world' dimension.

  3. Re: Life Support and NNDs


    A PC in my group is a Mystic/Mentalist 'Dream Wizard' with a big host of Mental Powers that are all NND: Reduced Sleep and is *very* effective... enemy mentalists hate when you mess with their minds through some back-road and bypass their defenses!

  4. Re: Final Destination


    Economaster would be missed. Few spirit totems are as active in the world as she is, and the immediate negative effects on many markets in the world economy would be huge. A new Economaster would be chosen by the spirits fairly quickly, but whether or not she would return as a superhero is up to the new persona, the spirits, and (if this is a real world scenario) how good her comic-sales have been recently. Could easily return as a villain as well.


    The Golem would be missed by a small few, but largely the world would cheer at being rid of 'the monster'. Still, he is VERY hard to put down permanently... a return is very likely. Stopping its 'killer' would not be important, unless he was some larger threat and by fighting (and dying!) to him/her/them the Golem had knowledge to stop them that others did not possess.

  5. You answered my previous question, more or less... even through muddled wording. Follow up though.


    Does it make a difference (on the requirements of Advantages) if the Duplicant is 'cannot recombine', IE: the character has a Solid part and a Desolid part...


    Is 'Affects the Physical' still a requirement in this situation (where at least part of the character is always vulnerable?)

  6. Re: How does your hero celbrate the 4th of July?


    The Golem doesn't observe secular holidays


    Economaster supports the firework economy in a huge way... buying mass stocks of these seasonal goods and donating them to locations that need a little economic boost by hosting a fire-works show around the country.

  7. Re: Armor-Shredding Strike


    I was just suggesting it as an option, not necessarily the best one. The Dispel looks good to me, as does the transform. This option, however, might be an acceptable 'adder' for another power that, while itself is only 7 points or so, is linked to an 80 point attack that (taken as a whole between the two powers) is not unfairly costed.


    Also might be good in a heroic campaign on a serrated armor-shredding dagger or something, when point cost of equipment isn't as important an issue as accurately modeling the effect.

  8. Re: Turbo-Boost Energy Drink


    Economaster would have only one thing on her mind... TERRIBLE MARKETING. Super-speed in the soda section? Such better markets for it! Track down the manufacturer and get them to change that business plan immediately!


    The Golem is always a bit confused about how living beings put stuff in their bodies and stuff happens. It probably wouldn't even seem too abnormal to it, unless someone pointed out the strangeness of it. Dealing with soda-junkies on the street later might be an issue that is in The Golem's purview though.

  9. Re: Armor-Shredding Strike


    Dispel is good...


    How about some sort of heavily-advantaged 1 point Linked HKA attack that hits focuses when you hit the target? That would be permanent damage (which is nice and fits SFX), would likely take out the armor (or some of its functions if it has more than one), and not slow down gameplay at only one double-penetrating point.

  10. Re: Questions about Money Perk


    Money: 100 Points; Inter-Reality Dealer: Own the wealth of several different multiverses.


    "I could buy and sell your ass! In fact... I just did! Every quantum variation on your ass now belongs to Throgariak, Squidman of Numeforia #1,298,498... I'm so sorry, those squid-men are NOT gentle in that dimension, but it is a seller's market on resonantly unique rear-end commodities. The pickup crew should be in your reality in 2-3 Baleitariean Standardized Non-relativisitic time-units."

  11. Re: Questions about Money Perk


    I think specific charts like that need to be setting dependent though. A superhero world tends to have a few people way off the deep-end of that chart, 'buy and sell the world' types.


    Plus, sometimes people heavily invested in the intergalactic exchange market literally *can* buy and sell the world (and several others)

  12. Re: Questions about Money Perk


    We basically shifted the Money Perk into a small 'VPP: only for Stuff Money Can Do', that contains +Bribery Skill, Contacts/Vehicles/Bases/Followers, minor Powers with Focuses, that sort of thing. I *think* we changed the pricing on it to match, but maybe not. Either way, if it is kept small it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

  13. Re: Healing without scars


    Depends on what the scars are...


    I had a fencing character I wrote up a while ago that had a Transform to give people small cosmetic scars (of the Distinctive Appearance) variety. Without taking into account SFX, regeneration wouldn't innately fix those. Regeneration with 'variable effect' to heal damage, flashes, transforms, and whatever else you set it to probably would cover the overwhelming majority of Scar SFX.

  14. Re: Questionite Shield for 6E


    No doubt they would. They would perhaps wonder why standing behind you protects them when fire is raining verticaly from the sky' date=' but they would be greatefull ;)[/quote']


    Limited to appropriate SFX of course :)

  15. Re: Questionite Shield for 6E


    I would buy myself some way to save people from AoEs (the mechanic and the SFX) if I was a shield-based hero, just seems to be a common use of a shield in fiction that should be done.


    Building it as a barrier isn't necessary what I'd do (one because, if it were not big enough, the AoE would probably just wrap around it!) but I imagine that is the effect that people were going for when they built that power.


    I'd build it as a UBO Damage Negation limited to the people directly behind me in an AoE attack. Wouldn't be expensive to add that to a Shield Multi-Power, and the civilians will thank me for my foresight, neh?

  16. Re: Questionite Shield for 6E


    It must be a really big shield to protect persons behind you. A tower shield at least.


    Nope, just a common fiction convention that even a small shield can protect people behind it if you use it heroically enough.

  17. Re: Questionite Shield for 6E


    It would protect the person with the shield, not the poor civilians cowering behind him. AoE's generally don't operate on Line of Sight, they are happy to engulf your defended self and blast those behind you. That, to me, is what the Force Wall was for, and the role you'd have to replace with something else.

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