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Posts posted by Naanomi

  1. Re: Powerball


    Power Ball!!: Major Transform 3d6 (Powered Person into Non-Powered Person, Leaving The Arena), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (No Powers; All Or Nothing; +0), Area Of Effect (1m Surface; +1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2), Constant (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Rapid Healing (-1), Limited Target ([slightly Limited]; -1/4), 1 Recoverable Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; -0)


    This means that the person who grabs the ball gets quickly transformed into a non-powered equivalent of themselves. This gives them a few moments of ball time before they totally power down (though partial transformation means that powers start failing immediately), and they are powerless for a few moments after releasing the ball as well (stops 'juggling' tricks). The transform could cover all special-effects, inherent powers, and even super skills.

  2. Re: How to deal with a "remote control" Superhero (or Villain)?


    I've played a character like this and found A) It wasn't too much of a narrative stretch to get the 'real body' attacked fairly often... B) If the heroic body was reasonably difficult to replace, then it played no different than a very tough or resurrection/regeneration hero and C) In most super-hero genres outside of grittier iron age types, heroes were more often incapacitated or just failed to stop the villain than were in actual threat of death anyways, so the 'remoteness' often never even came up. YMMV of course.

  3. Re: Lucking Into The Plot


    I've worked on the same power, and ultimately wrote it up as a 'Danger Sense' type thing or an 'Independant' Clairvoyance. Writing it up as 'Luck' was always disconcertingly vague in practice for me.


    I can see need for this sort of power to balance out with other heroes who traditionally have super senses, contacts, or super-detective skills to do their crime-finding... probably totally unnecessary if the power/plot level is beyond this though, after all many supers (X-men, Justice League, etc) had trouble find them *or* be big and loud enough to react to without much investigation needed (alien invasions, Juggernaut attacks, etc)

  4. Re: Character Training Exercises


    This would work best, I think, if there were another super-team to 'compete' against on occasion.


    Also, these sort of machines always seem to get possessed, hacked, taken over, whatever and actually start attacking those trapped inside... always fun! Heck, some supervillains main shtick is taking over these training devices for their own nefarious purposes (Arcade, I'm looking at you!)

  5. Re: Powerball


    I think in this game characters with support and crowd control type powers (force field' date=' deflection, entangle) would gain practice defending normal citizens on the streets while combat focused character get practice against these abilities.[/quote']


    Depends on power levels I guess... if people were unlikely to accidentally kill each-other, but might knock out or significantly injure each-other, without armor than this would be ok... but if death is significant (or essentially assured), I think some armor (even if it is -1 'Only VS Body Damage') is necessary.


    OR if there is some sort of 'Super-Field Medic' available at each game with resurrection powers of some kind. If it is a 'super' enough world for this to be viable, I would actually go this route... since Heroes are supposed to avoid killing people in general, it could be a penalty to kill rather than incapacitate the opposing players.


    Incidentally, if there are any semblance of rules in this game you will need some super-referees... ones who have a reasonable chance to break up fights, can see invisible/super-speed people breaking rules, etc. Probably robots of some kind I would guess, or magical constructs if that is more the feel of the game.

  6. Re: Powerball


    I wouldn't make the ball carrier be *completely* powerless' date=' as that could lead to a lot of deaths and serious injuries on the field. I'd say the ball suppresses all offensive and movement powers, as well as relevant Characteristics (STR, SPD, etc.) -- though this would still affect defenses if they're part of a Unified Power.[/quote']


    I like this idea, though I would remove all powers (including defensive ones) and just add some scale-appropriate armor to the uniform. Less deaths, bricks still shine defensibly, but without unfair defensive advantage while carrying the ball.

  7. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues


    No. Mostly because no such funds exist.

    ADA does offer supplementary funds and support services for people with disability-limited diets, generally very restricted allergen diets. My son has been eligable for such a program in the past. While it isn't a golden diet, it *has* been expensive fish protein.



    While IDEA is a funded program' date=' if they can't do it, they can't do it. [/quote']

    If they can't (and, in most states, that means 'our school will be bankrupted if we do this'), the school is still responsible for providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), usually in the form of supported home tutoring.



    Magic aptitude is not plausibly a disability.

    It would be possible to be 'talented' in this area, and thus under IDEA's 'talented and gifted' provision might have special consideration. Particularly at the highschool level, the district often is responsible for funding tutoring or sending kids to college courses during school hours.

  8. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues


    One aspect of law, which I have discussed before on this forum, is the potential interaction between disability law and super-law...


    Dr. Goldman, as a side effect of his powers, must consume about 1/4 pound of gold each day to survive. Despite the name, he isn't a real doctor, and can't afford this ongoing expense. Can he apply for federal ADA funds to support his 'special dietary requirements'?


    Can ADA building funds be used for various super-construction projects? Will they pay for the modification of Gigantoman's house into a giant sized house? Are there funds available for telepathic shielding on Mr. Mind's house, so he can get a good night's sleep?


    Being permanently invisible has made Miss Ghost unable to hold a regular job, and thus eligible for SS disability income, right?


    Most interesting to me is this same idea taken to educational disability law... fireproof that classroom so my son, Infernoboy, can go to class safely or you are in violation of section 504 of the ADA? While we are at it, my son's uncontrolled telekinesis is the district's responsibility to get under control, under IDEA.


    How about TAG laws? Is the district required to support the development of my daughter's uniquely talented magical abilities? Regional should pay for a Master Magician to tutor her, again under IDEA TAG laws...

  9. Re: How To Build: Unwanted Familiar


    The Setting: Modern Superheros, magic is an uncommon but known power source for supers.


    The Character: many of her powers involve summoning 'shadelings', small shadow elementals that look like tiny (1' or less) pitch black winged demons with glowing eyes. The shadelings have no self-preservation instinct and indeed cannot be permanently damaged on this plane of existence.


    While the character can command Shadelings with her powers, there are also a fair number just sort of... hanging around her. They obey her, but without direct instructions are just a nuicance. They are curious, getting into things or getting in the way. They are also mischievous, enjoying pranks and minor cruelty (pull the cat's tail level stuff), and have little understanding of earth or the character's motivations (wouldn't understand 'trying to be stealthy' or something). These 'stray shadelings' are not useful in any meaningful capacity (beyond those uses already defined by powers).

  10. I have a player who has a character with a... lets say 'wizards familiar'. Immortal, unkillable (at least as far as anything normal is concerned) but... pesky, curious, and conspicuous. It is definitely a bad thing, in complication territory, but what complication?


    I was thinking either DNPC (maybe... 'slightly less powerful, very frequently'), or Unluck defined as the antics of the familiar. which fits better?


    Also, do you think a 'Distinctive Appearance' is in order for a winged imp-thing constantly sneaking around a character trying to keep a secret identity? Like... Noticeable by common senses, concealable?

  11. Re: You ARE Dr.Destroyer


    If Economaster kept her powers, and thus had the signs that her role as economic defender was in tact, she would carefully distribute the Doc's technology into the general population in a way to best benefit the global market, disassemble and redistribute the material assets (money, bases, etc) into the various local areas from which they were drawn, and finally walk away to fulfill her own role.


    If she *lost* her powers in the transfer, things would be more complicated. Part of her would want to just walk away from the whole super-world, and let the chips fall where they may. In the end, though, her loyalty to her old masters would be too strong and she would either do the same or, perhaps more frighteningly, see her role as necessary in supporting the 'supervillainous economy' that Dr Destroyer was such a part of and thus feel the need to continue his legacy.


    The Golem would do everything possible to give the body back. As much as it longs to be human, its mind would still be 'incomplete' in this new body... and this was not a true redemption. Make sure the body doesn't survive my transfer back into the golem shell...

  12. Re: Would your hero register his Secret ID with Primus?


    The Economaster operates internationally (and, I suppose, interdimensionally) and happily works with PRIMUS but doesn't consider herself specifically limited by US registration laws. Fairly public ID though, so the specific distinction isn't too vital.


    The Golem isn't alive, isn't human, isn't a citizen, and has no trust for authorities. If the laws even applied to it, it wouldn't trust them unless urged by religious authorities to register.

  13. Re: A complete character: discussion and stats from scratch for Champions


    I read 'Rex' as Latin for king instead of a dinosaur link... so I picture a highly refined killer, probably from a royal line of (ancient of fictional country, or perhaps alien) that is sort of a gentleman 'great white hunter' type. With 'Homicide' right in his name, he isn't subtle. Publicly declaring his targets, high profile hunts with gobs of resources thrown at prominent or difficult targets. Maybe with specific knowledge and exploitation of targets weaknesses (kryptonite bullets and the like), and charismatic in a 'magnificent bastard' sort of way... regal and commanding despite the obvious dismissive attitude towards human life.

  14. Is it possible for a power to be Unified to another power but not the reverse? For example, an ability to 'strike the weak point' that is dependent on the super IQ of the user (HtH Unified with INT, but INT not Unified), so that the Brian Drain ray would shut down the attack, but the 'force reducer' that might blunt the attack wouldn't hurt the INT?

  15. Re: Undercover Ops


    Economaster has had relationships with such organizations in the past, and could probably throw together the funds to get a passable Power-Armor suit, magical artifact, or something similar to impersonate powers of someone else using that sort of 'external' power source... getting inside, getting info, and tearing up the funding for the villainous project sounds right up her alley!


    The Golem is um... 'sculptable' to make a passable physical resemblance to anyone huge, but is probably the worst actor imaginable. Any giant, mute aliens or weirdo mutants with no social skills as villains floating around? Heck, it's reputation is bad enough that an enterprising villain might accept hiring it on just as a villain or monster as is!

  16. Re: Dimensional Crossover


    Economaster has had several relationships in the past, most of which ended well, but her spiritual duties prevented a long term relationship. In such an alternative world, she would probably be depowered, and somewhat worried about that. If, on investigation, she finds that there is a guardian of the world economy that is functioning well on this world, and she finds no tools to get herself back to her home dimension, she would happily settle down with whoever and use the secrets she has learned over the years of heroing to become a very, very rich woman.


    The Golem would be frankly shocked to find any world that would have him in a relationship with a human of that sort... and appalled at a relationship with another golem. I don't think it would have the skills to maintain a relationship of that nature, and with the heavy knowledge that it was probably hurting someone deeply (one more sin to bear...) disappear into it's ongoing journey of personal enlightenment and redemption alone as always...

  17. Re: WWYD - Killer in the fold


    Economaster knows two facts: first, a superhero's marketability in the public sector is based on their public image... get this guy turned in to the authorities ASAP to preserve my own and my teammates career... and secondly there is a good market for killer super-mercenaries to be had on several both 'good' and 'bad' sides. Once the guy gets his current problems sorted out, try to direct him into one of these groups.


    The Golem is in no position to chastise people for violent behavior, and has no trust for secular authority figures... but it would try to council him on changing his ways and (if the bloodlust started turning towards clear innocents too regularly) take care of the problem in a more direct, personal, and final way.

  18. Re: Last Tuesdayism


    The Economaster has been told by her spiritual patrons that other entities are in charge of maintaining the time-stream, and no one before 3030 is allowed to profit from time manipulations. She would help this version of the hero he knows get back in shape and send him on his way.


    The Golem wouldn't really understand time-travel, nor place any value on how time 'should' be... and if this hero were going to bring about some zombie apocalypse type future by 'setting things right' it would probably trash the time machine (with great apologies)

  19. Re: The fine Elven Mithril/Mithral Shirt from the Lord of the Rings movie


    Markdoc is saying Power Defense is superfluous due to the nature of the attack - as long as it blocks the HKA the Drain never goes off. I agree.


    The reason I'd bother is because of how much focus the armor got for his ability to survive the attack... without the mithril armor he would have died... something beyond just the raw defensive capability kept it from being fatal (and, of course, only just barely). What that 'extra something' is, of course, could vary... and whether it was an advantage/power of the armor or a limitation of the attack is up to the GM writing the powers up.

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