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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I get the same result when I've tried to use the new version of Fabrica. And as far as the Timm-style Fabrica goes, I've tried the ctrl + print and alt + print methods to save a pic, but neither one works. VERY damned frustrating (). Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine What do you have to do on the Timms-style Fabrica to save a picture? I busted my behind for close to an hour to get the pic I was working on just right, and wasn't able to save it (). Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Finally... a pair of girlfriends for Tomax and Xamot. Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: When Demons Rule Hmmm... I wonder what the Russian word for Sunnydale is? Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine She's coming out, and she's gonna get this party started... Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine You sure that this isn't a pic of your last really bad date?! Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Oh, when the shark bites... Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Arc: PM sent. Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And the best part about that is (from a GM point of view) that one PC's, or NPC's, personal bugbear usually winds up being shared by the rest of the PCs/NPCs (I hadn't known when I made that post that the Prof was part of a group; I figured like most comic-book mystics, that he was a free agent). Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Cripes...this guy looks like Will Riker after he's gone to the Dark Side (). Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Well, we knew that it had to happen someday. Yogi Bear has finally "gone postal". Ranger Smith had better get his a$$ behind at least 100 feet of solid granite. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Bet that the Prof's career choice isn't sitting too well with a certain individual... Somewhere deep in the Infernal Realms, the damned soul of the one who had been, in life, known as Samuel Arkane watched through a mystic window as his descend- ant Tobias Arkane -- "that useless do-gooder" as Samuel had begun to refer to his descendant as these days -- once again used his mystic powers not to work evil upon the world (or even for selfish, personal gain), but to help others. When Tobias had first found Samuel's hidden cache of mystical lore, Samuel had had hopes that his descendant would be as ambitious and selfish -- and yes, as evil -- as he him- self had been in life. But it was not to be. Instead, Tobias chose instead to waste (in Samuel's opinion) his inheritance, using his newly-acquired mystical powers to help his fellow man. Samuel could only watch in appalled disgust as his descendant did only good with his powers, day after day, until he could watch no more. In frustration, Samuel closed the mystic window and began pacing back and forth for several long minutes, before stopping and looking at where the window had been. "Tobias Arkane, I did not bequeath my mystic heritage to future descendants of my bloodline just to see it wasted by someone like you. Since you refuse to use my legacy as it should be used," Samuel said, his eyes flashing with an unholy light, "I shall have to take matters into my own hands." With that statement, Samuel Arkane turned and, striding into the darkness of the Infernal Realms, began to laugh -- a terrible, cruel laugh... Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine No surprise there, when you consider that the Mauser broomhandle pistol was the framework upon which the SW props people built Han Solo's blaster (you only need to look past the sci-fi trimmings to see the Mauser). Major Tom 2009 Feuer Frei!
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine At least he's not a mess like Therakiel (in Vibora Bay). Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I started to ask why anyone would give a space soldier something as normal-tech as a slugthrower, but then I remembered movies like Moontrap (Walter Koenig and Bill Campbell going up against killer robots on the Moon with modified Uzis) and Soldier (Kurt Russell going up against various enemies in different locations -- including a moon -- with autoweapons of different types) and said "Why not?" Besides, it seemed to work all right in the New BSG (as long as they had explosive ammo to deal with the chromejobs, that is). Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine No iron deficiency in her diet, that's for sure... Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine OMG! It's the Russian branch of the Hellsing Fan Club! Think about it: they're all wearing red, and they've all got those freaky yellow shades. The only thing they're missing is the funky hat. Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Oh, lovely... everyone's favorite Undead Psychokiller from Hell now has someplace other than Crystal Lake to terrorize (). Who's next? Freddy or Michael (or even more frightening, depending on your point of view, Ash)? Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine It doesn't take that long if you use a hacksaw (). Major Tom 2009
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