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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. The Who' Who for Marvel came out in 1986. The Gamers Guide to the Marvel Universe came out in 1987, with updates in 1989 and 1991 (and an Xmen update in 1994). So they are up to date. Thats interesting about the Marvel RPG coming out now. I wonder if they are going to be putting a new set of "who's who" together. The only bad thing that I had about the Marvel univers guides, is that fore every 1 Interesting person they have in there like, Thor, or Prof. Xavier, they have 3-4 unkonws like Mandroid, or Bettle, or Batroc the Leaper. Lets not forget the all powerful WHITE RABBIT! the badd @$$ lady criminal in a bunny suit! ******* Begin Include ******** BACKGROUND White Rabbit is a rich woman living out her little girl, criminal fantasies. Friendless as a youth, she retreated into books for enjoyment and protection, in particular the works of Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland.) She married a rich gentleman many years her senior and, when he died, used her vast inheritance to indulge in her desires. She robs for the fun of it, taking special pleasures in looting those places she was forbidden to go as a child, such as fast food havens and comic book stores. White Rabbit usually conducts her crimes backed up by three to six thugs armed with automatic weaponry. She, however, is the center of attention in her crimes and gives the orders. Wrapped safely in her world of criminal fantasies, she has a careless and reckless disregard for the lives of bystanders as well as her own goons. To her opponents she shows no mercy, yet she would rather flee than fight if overmatched. ******* Begin Include ******** Man there used to be some dopey Comic book villains. Consequently, they are all still hanging around the Marvel Universe. Punnisher needs to drop a cap in 'em.
  2. Hey guys, This is NOT a Marvel vs DC vs Image thread. PLEASE Do not hijack this thread. My gaming group runs in an amalgam of Marvel and Champions universe. Over the years I have collected some stats on different characters, but its been a long time. Im trying to figure out what published guides there are for Marvel Characters and powers. There was the old Marvel TSR roleplaying game suppliments, of which I have a two of the 4 books. They then came out with 2 updates, a 1988 and a 1991 book. These are, obviously, twelve years out of date. *ARGH IM SO OLD*. Have there been any publications since then that list characters abilities and power levels? I want to start converting some characters into Champions, but at the same time Id like to know for example: What heroes and Villains operate in New York? And other pieces of storyline / background to go along with powers. Does anyone know if anyhthing like this exists? Thanks, Irishman
  3. Hey I didnt give my permission to allow you to use my thoughts and ideas in this! Just cause I post them to a public forum, and... er... thounsands of people read them... er.. Ok, you have my permission. *grin* Irishman
  4. I would have him buy a 60 point multipower for "Strenght Effects" and just buy the powers straight out.If you start buying naked bonuses to str, it gets hard to hold them in check.
  5. Anyone have this formulae? Thanks Irishman
  6. This is probably what I am going to do. I bought the INT of the robot down to 4 (Can follow simple verbal commands on its own) and then bought INT as a power equal to the Operator with a -1 limit, only useable when connected to operator. Ill do the same with the skills.
  7. Ok, again I am working on this concept of the operator / robots. Im buying the robots as Followers, with the understanding if one gets destroyed, he is not avialable for the next game sesson(s). One of the things the Operator wants to do, is to have the robot link into the computer or security system. The robot then links in the operator with either High Range Radio Listen and Transmit or some sort of Mind Link combinations. Then the operator will use HIS skills over that link. How do I do this? Do I buy skills, useable at range, with a level or two of (*GAH*) megascale, and then an OAF robot?, but I could program in person, so I wouldnt ALWAYS need the OAF... Any suggestions? Irishman P.S. How do you get an avatar picture?
  8. Thanks for some of the concepts. I would have to purchase both powers at 0 end, since they are machines, and Im not sure that when you "link" 0 end powers that they are really worth a disad. Im not sure which of these would be Bulky OAF, since I would at least be able to call the robots when Im out of the base and in trouble. How does Clarisentince handle with Increase Range instead of Megascale. I really dont like the idea of Megascale in my campaign world. I think its a HORRIBLY underpriced and overpowered modifier. Irishman And as for Fuzzy Gnome, put the Crack Pipe down, dude.
  9. Im an old school Champions player, who remembers when the BBB came out. Now after years of working in Corporate America, my old college buddies and I have decided to do an Internet Champions campaign. So armed with new technology, We have figured out a way to have voice over IP, a game mat everyone can see, and everything needed for a good nights fun. However As long term GM, im pulling together a character that is mostly NPC. My concept is a normal human techno-genius that will stay home at the "base" while the PCs go out and fight. He has two powers that IM trying to figurt out the best way. 1) He as several robots agents that can go out and help the PCs at time. I thought about Duplication, but I think Im just going to buy these as Minions. Any other suggestions? 2) The big question, is that each of these minion robots is going to have a camera, so I thought about doing Clarisentience, large radius, with OAF robot cameras, and them some other limitiation that he must be at the "Base" in order to use it. Suggestions here would be helpful. Thanks, Irishman
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