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Posts posted by archermoo

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Maybe. But consider this: Are jokes about lynching a black man OK? Are jokes about rape OK? They're just jokes, completely fictional, no harm meant. Or are there some things that just aren't all that funny?


    And yes, I am too close to the reality of it. Absolutely agreed. No one should have to see those things.


    For some people there are things too serious to be joked about. For some people there are things so serious that you have to joke about them. For that matter those groups aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    A strange observation: I've known people who could joke all day about killing kittens, cooking cats, drowning cats, skinning cats, ha-ha-talking-about-hurting-cats-is-hilarious-isn't-it. But say one word -- even so much as a hint -- at hurting a dog? Oh my god, how quickly things turned around. You are a monster for even suggesting such a thing.


    But the really funny (not funny ha-ha but funny weird) thing is, I've never known the opposite to be true. I've never heard anyone who joked about hurting dogs to become offended when someone jokes about hurting a cat. Maybe I'm just lucky to have never associated with such people.


    For the record: I have a low opinion of anyone who jokes about hurting either a cat or a dog. Not funny, people. Not funny at all.


    I've known both kinds. Heck, I'm pretty sure I've seen both kinds here on the boards. And while there certainly are the occasional person who makes those kind of jokes because they would really like to do those kind of things and are just covering it up as a joke, for the most part people make those kind of jokes for the same reasons people make most kinds of absurd jokes: because absurd things are often funny. But in general people are less willing to joke about things that they hold dear, which is why you'll find dog people making jokes about hurting cats and cat people making jokes about hurting dogs. Generally what they are really doing is making fun of the people who like those other, obviously inferior animals.

  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Must not be coastal people. Our house ranged from 20F to 80F most years depending on the season' date=' and usually summer was 60-70F. (And then if you swam in the Pacific, you better have a decent cold tolerance...)[/quote']


    The people in specific I was thinking of were up in Folsom, but I've seen people wearing heavy jackets and otherwise acting like they were cold when it was 75 or 80 degrees outside in San Francisco.


    of course where I'm at temps run typically 15-110F, but it's dry so not as noticeable. I felt hotter in New Orleans at 75F than here at 95F.


    It's been dropping more snow the last two years, not sure if I'm too keen on that. More whining from people happens.


    Yeah, give me a dry 95 over a humid 75 any day. Though my preferred is a humid 40 or lower...

  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    Don't let her near any self destruct buttons.


    Or remote control buttons. Or AV equipment buttons. Heck, she's managed to lock her car door on more than one occasion. :)


    It is odd. There are some buttons that she knows that she isn't supposed to touch. One of those is the power button for the receiver in our living room setup. Every once and a while (and it has been at least a month since the last time, so hopefully she has gotten over it) she gets a compulsion to press it. She walks over to it with an look that makes it obvious that she knows she is about to get in trouble, but she can't seem to help herself. It isn't even the "hahaha, I'm having fun 'cause I know you'll chase me, this is a fun game" look. It is the "I know you're going to put me in my pack-and-play if I press it, and I don't want to go in there, but I just HAVE to press it" look. Then she'll press the button and almost immediately at least start sniffling if not actually crying.


    For the most part she is a really bright little girl. And the fact that it has been a while since she's done it lets me hope that she has gotten over at least this particular issue. Of course there are plenty of others. :)

  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    My comments fall more under the banner of hyperbole than dogma. Though I am quite well informed on the subjects of pizza and gluttony in general' date=' my brief does not confer executive powers over other people's sad delusions about what makes a good pie. Go in peace, you poor misguided man.;)[/quote']


    Sorry, I should've noted that I while I realized you were likely just engaging in hyperbole that I've actually met people who have said the same thing but truly meant it. Up to and including people wondering why it was legal to call something that had pineapple on it pizza.


    And hey, I have no problems with you not liking good 'za. Leaves more for me. ;)

  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Aren't those where the snow never actually touches the ground?


    Not sure which ones you mean. Both Denver and Minnesota get snow, though Denver doesn't get anywhere near as much as a lot of people seem to think. A time or two every decade they'll get a storm that drops 20+ inches in 24 hours. Oklahoma gets snow, though often not much. The problem there is that it gets warm enough to melt it during the day, so it then re-freezes at night.


    Here in the Bay Area it just doesn't snow. Or really ever get cold enough to snow. I've worked with people out here that would start shivering and putting on sweaters when it would drop below 80F.

  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    No' date=' you live someplace warm, right? ^^[/quote']


    Oh, Oklahoma is pretty warm during most of the year. Gets hotter than where I currently am at the worst. But Oklahoma also has what is recognizable to me as winter. The Bay Area doesn't. You get a fairly long, warmer than I'd like summer (we had temps in the 90s last week), which leads into a very mild autumn which seems to lead directly into a mildish spring.


    I miss Minnesota winters. Heck, I'd settle for Denver winters...

  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    It once was' date=' but that is no longer the case. Back when I lived there, Fairchild AFB outside Spokane was the #3 base to be hit when the missiles came over the pole. But the SAC squadron of B-52's is no longer based there. So while it's still a target, it's been pushed down on the priority list.[/quote']


    Best of my knowledge Tinker AFB is still home to all of those AWACS, so presumably still has a bright red target painted on it. Not that I live anywhere near it anymore...

  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    If I'm doing onion on a pizza, I prefer caramelized to raw (or just scallions). The "fancy" pizza place we like to go to has as their Hawaiian be pineapple, ham & regular bacon.


    Meanwhile, there's a nice Mexican place right across the street that has a braised pork taco with grilled pineapple. It's not bad, but I think I could improve on it at home. I just need to figure out the best way to braise pork shoulder first.


    I can only eat onions that have been caramelized to the point of having no texture left, otherwise they make me physically ill. Which sucks, since I love the flavor of onion. This means I go through a lot of onion powder. :)


    Sounds like I'd like your local "fancy" pizza place...

  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    You just like it when people come up and press the button.


    (I don't even want to know what happens when they do)


    Depends on the person. :D


    So far it has only been my almost two year old daughter that has done it. Without even any prompting. She recognized the button as a button, and since she is addicted to pressing buttons she presses it...

  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    I dunno' date=' that hasn't filtered over here yet ... Hawaiian is just Ham and Pineapple (I have to add the peppers). I hadn't considered onion, though ... that sounds good. But then, I like well-loaded pizza. :)[/quote']


    It seems to be just some places. They only time that it really annoys me is at pizza by the slice places, since none of the ones I've come across out here let you customize your slices. Which means that I can't generally get ham and pineapple slices, since they make them with all of that other stuff on them. There was a great place I used to get slices at many years ago that just made cheese pizzas and then would add whatever toppings you wanted and pop the slices in the oven for a few minutes. Can't remember the name of it anymore...


    Oh, and I love a well-loaded pizza. Just loaded with things that I like. Which pretty much limits it to meats, mushrooms, and pineapple. Occasionally black olives. And of course my standard maxim when dealing with food always applies: If it doesn't have meat in it, it is at best a side dish. Maybe just a snack.

  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    Ham, Pineapple, and Green Peppers make an awesome pizza.


    I won't touch anchovies on a pizza because, well, I don't like them. Tried 'em, didn't care for 'em.


    Just because your post started me thinking about it:


    I'd love to know when "Hawaiian Pizza" stopped being "Ham/Can Bac and Pineapple" and became "Ham/Can Bac, Pineapple, onions, and bell peppers". Terribly annoying that...

  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


    Never. Never, ever. Never, never, never, ever put pineapple on a pizza. I don't know who told you people that this was acceptable, but NO. Just, NO.


    People will eat fruit on a pizza, but they won't touch anchovies. Go figure.


    I'll never understand the need some people have to tell other people what they are allowed to enjoy.


    I love pineapple on pizza. I can't stand anchovies, on or off pizza. But I'd never tell anyone that anchovies (or for the most part anything else) should never be put on a pizza by anyone. I'll just settle for "not on any pizza I'm expected to eat/pay for". Onions, bell peppers, and a variety of other things are on that list too.


    So no, despite your wishes otherwise, I'll keep ordering and making pizzas with Pineapple on them. :P

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