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Everything posted by Broadsword

  1. Re: What is the best thing to Drain to incapacitate? I thought of Int, Ego and Pre. The problem with Pre is that I don't want them running away. And my fear with Int is that they will use some trick to get around it, like overall skill levels or luck of something. They have too high an Ego and it costs too much to Drain it. I did not know End was considered a Def Stat for Drains. Question: Does persistant allow damage for a Rangeless power after a hit, even if those affected run for it? Thanks for the answers! Broadsword -|--->
  2. I am playing in a fairly low powered Champions style game in a Wild Cards themed campaign. I have a Transfer/Aid/Drain character. We are playing bad guys, so my character is working on a Drain to add to his Multipower that will drop other hero level people. It most probably will be used on his comrades in the near future the way things are going. So far I am thinking Drain: SPD with 1d6, comulative and persistant and area effect. That will allow me to hit those next to me no problem and then allow damage to their SPD to compound each phase, right? But, would End or Str be a better "Drop" stat to hit? Or even "Running"? I can easily beat the other PCs physically, but not if they can use all their special gimicks. So, I need them to be slowed down or stopped. Dex is a good choice, but will be very slow to Drain. I am using 1d6 due to Multipower point limitiations with all the Adders I want to layer on top. Any other good suggestions? Broadsword -|--->
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