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Posts posted by martin4frogs

  1. Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


    Dad: Probably something like super INT and then he would use it only to amuse himself.

    Mom: I'm thinking super strength so she can actually unleash all of the repressed rage. (Not that she really gets angry often, but she seems to hold back too often.)

    Step-dad: I'd say super strength for him, as well. But he'd use it to do yard and farm work.

    Step-mom: Reality warping. She seems to do it in her head anyway.

  2. Re: Creepy Pics.


    So, in my sister's kitchen yesterday and saw this:


    The creep factor was increased due to the lighting. That is, no light one with just a tiny bit of outside light shining on it. And that was increased when I found out that my five-year-old niece that happens to be a twin and has a tendency to get serious and intense is that one that did that. Because she thought it makes it prettier. I'm scared.

  3. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


    Riding in my brother's car to something or other with my niece and her friend in the backseat. My brother said something to tease his daughter's friend. Then this exchange happens:


    Niece's Friend: You're dad's evil! You're family is evil!

    Niece: No we're not.

    Niece's Friend: Yes you guys are. You're family is just evil!

    Niece: We're not evil. We're...twisted. There's a difference.


    I was proud of my brother's offspring in that moment. Especially since her friend gets fairly annoying and it shut her up.

  4. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!!


    I'd like to add one more strike against myself, or nail in my geek coffin, as it were.


    While I don't hate Batman, I do find him to be a horrible character. He's supposed to be an extremely skilled and intelligent guy with gadgetry. But have a discussion with just about anyone about Batman vs. X.

    Who comes on top? Batman according to the majority of people out there. Which annoys me. He should be getting his butt kicked by most of the higher powered people out there. If a particularly ruthless psychic wanted to, they would kill Batman outright. Brain: off. Just as an example.


    Batman can be cool, but he's way overrated and conceptually lost in memes. Screw Batman in his caped posterior.

  5. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!!


    I think Tolkien's writing style is one of the most boring writing styles I've ever encountered and I used to read the dictionary for fun. I mean, come on! He goes on for a page and a half about the dew in the grass. I know this because that's as far as I can get every time I've tried to read Fellowship and I can never get past it. Ever. Horrible, horrible flow of story at that moment.

    Also, I liked the Super Mario Bros. movie.

  6. Re: Do random power SFX games work?


    I've almost played in a game like that. It was 4th Edition and none of us had a great grasp of the rules. The GM had us build characters with 20 points and had about eight ideas that we rolled for randomly and didn't know about before the powers started manifesting. We had to make checks until he felt we had the hang of the powers. I knew mine ahead of time because I ended up with a mercenary/munitions build.


    This didn't work for us too well due to the GM's style of play conflicting with the group's usual play style and a poor grasp of the rules on everyone's part. Also, I personally didn't care for only using 20 points to build with and we had to convince him to let us have at least 15 points in disadvantages. And apparently the whole universe was against us. Even contacts or "old buddies" felt like saying "hi" was a huge hassle.


    Of course the player with the biggest problem ended up with a "chaos" power set. One that he couldn't control and could be any power at any time. This made for some contention. But the idea is sound so long as you aren't actively trying to screw over your players, which is different than causing trouble or challenging their characters.

  7. Re: Pixar's the Incredibles


    @csyphrett - I did a search and all I came up with was something about best movies of 2004, if you could point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.

    @assault - I have seen that one and I agree that it would work to a point, as well.

    @lapsedgamer - That site is awesome, thanks.


    And would they be allowed back? Legislation can take a while to repeal, especially when it was based around such a heated topic. As for government funded, I'm not so sure about that one. I guess each group/team could have a government liaison to keep them in check, or something. Just looking to see if people have ideas on it that I might be overlooking.


    Also, it seems like several of the heroes were "eliminated" by Syndrome. Would that make more of the heroes reluctant to start back up?

  8. Anyone out there ever run a game based on the world/events from the Incredibles?


    I'm going to try run a game for my brother and his 11 year old daughter at some point here. Neither have ever tried HERO and I thought it would be a good way to get them into the game.


    Anyway, my real reason for posting is this:

    What do you think that world would present for stories/hooks and what kind of social environment do you think they would face. I'm thinking of the game happening after the end of the first movie.


    Any ideas are appreciated.

  9. Re: God of Redemption


    Sounds like a traditional Judge would work. I'm picturing white wig, black robe, and gavel. An entity that passes judgement and is possibly more lenient towards those that openly admit and show remorse of their past sins.

  10. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes


    In response to the unmasking in court thing, they actually touched on that in Ultimate Spider-man. I don't quite recall the issue, but Spidey is confused as to why the Shocker is not locked up. He's certain he's beat the snot out of him and left him for the police an incredible amount of times. It gets explained to him by a lawyer: He's not in jail because he hasn't been arrested properly, if Spidey wants him locked up, he needs to take him to the police himself and make an official report, which would mean unmasking. Otherwise the case gets thrown out of court and he walks.


    So, that tends to happen in comics from time to time.

  11. Re: Impact of Figured Characteristics


    I think my biggest issue with removing figureds is that DEX still costs more. Yeah, it might be useful for some skills, but so is PRE. And there's an entire other thread dedicated to that one and how powerful it can be outside of skills. Then there's STR which isn't just something you can ignore. Why go skills heavy when you can build up enough STR to throw a truck at somebody. Sure you'll take penalties, but it's an AOE attack at a range. Or you can just grab beat the ever-lovin' snot out of your skilled character because, by golly, why not? Don't get me wrong, I love skills. I just think that making DEX remain the expensive one and not have as much of an effect (game wise) is a little unseemly. But then again I've been wrong in past, so maybe I'm just missing the whole point here.

  12. I've been thinking about this a little bit, and since most of my gaming group are D&D players, I'm sure it'll come up. Anyone have any thoughts on how to build a power with a "crit chance"?

    My thoughts are using a custom limitation on additional linked damage that it can only be used on let's say an attack roll of 4 or less.

    Any other ideas, suggestions, concepts?

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