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Posts posted by Beazulbob

  1. I've re-written my character to avoid using multi-form (not a popular power on herocentral - that and duplication), and want to see if folks think. My worry is that my attempt to condense 4 seperate multi-forms into 1 PC comes out sloppy, losing more flavor then I'm willing to concede. Either way, feedback would be great!




  2. Re: How much is this worth


    The character has power over reality - but when grabbed/held by another sentient creature, he is subject to the same rules of reality as they are (losing his MP). He has a 20 strength without the MP. Entangles wouldn't effect him since it has to be a creature with a sense of reality. A viper agent could take him down, but a bear could not (via grab - the bear doesn't have a strong sense of reality, you need at least human intelligence in order to close his MP down). When not grabbed, he normally has a 50 strength.

  3. I have a PC that I just built and he has the limit on his MP 'not while grabbed'.

    At first I was thinking it was a 1/4 limit, but anyone could do it to me, so should it be worth more?


    What do you think that limit is worth?

  4. Re: A weather control satallite?


    I did have a character, aptly named the weatherman, in 2nd edition, who spammed extend (I think that's the advantage) to create regional entangles, eb, nnd, tk, and darkness.


    In this case, though, I am looking for milder effects, as it will be mostly a story device, not a functional attack. At most, it would be setting up a snowstorm to slow down a shipment of weapons, putting out a forest fire with rainstorm, and other similar applications. Then again - it would be cheaper (1d6 nnd snowstorm, defense is bundling up) - but it would end up causing civilian losses, and I'd be losing the modifier long lasting - so the weather would instantly dissapear once I switch slots, so I'm not sure yet. If I did it the way you (Cassandra) are suggesting, I'd still need multiple slots, which would still put it out of my point reach (71 pt mp).


    Christopher - I would love it if I could just call it a plot power, but I don't have a GM at the moment for this character, so I cann't assume it will be hand waved as good for the story ability.

  5. Re: A weather control satallite?


    Thank you for your feedback. I can drop some mega scale for range and if I have to I can reduce the area a little. This power isn't intended for combat, its just a plot/benefit he has to help with bad weather on earth. Unfortunatly, it still looks like it will take a slot per weather type. Since I'd be looking at at least 4 weather types, a non-combat influence will cost me 12-16 points - well outside of my PCs budget. Sigh.

  6. Re: A weather control satallite?


    I have megascale on some slots in the MP (I have a near & far version of the meson gun, for example). I was hoping to limit the enviro to 1 slot, but I didn't seem to be making it work to well, even using multiple slots.


    Since it fires from a satellite, It needs 100,000 km mega for range and 100 km mega for area. I also need to buy area of effect +1/4 (6th edition). This leaves the weather change very minor..

    I've got -2 perseption, -1 m fly, +1 lv wind for a rain storm and longlasting 1 turn for 70 points. At this rate, I think I'd need at least 100 point MP in order to have strong weather - and buy each weather type as a slot. This is for a PC and is just a flavor power, so I don't have the points to spare to bump up the MP that much, just a few points to buy a slot.


    Unless I've missed something, I think I'll have to abandon the weather satillite that changes the weather.



  7. I've got a satillite with a 71 pt mp (for meson gun, laser, and weak nuclear force manipulator) - and I'd like to add weather control to it for the least fuss. Unless I'm missing something, I'll have to add something like 5 slots just to cover the basic weather. Is there a smoother/better way to do what I'm aiming for?

  8. I'm not sure if this power works the way I was intending, so I thought I'd ask the more experienced folks and see their feedback.


    Change environment, -6 roll, personal immunity (1/4), cost end only to activate (1/4), invisible power effects - fully invisible (1/2), area of effect 16 m radius (3/4)


    What I want it to do is require ego rolls to move through the effected area. Does this do that? I have a hard time adjucating what change environment can do sometimes. Please let me know what you think it would do, and if I'm wrong, what I need to change to get the desired effect.

  9. Re: Villains


    [ATTACH=CONFIG]40688[/ATTACH]Next is the Triassic Man


    Background: Rodney was on a dig of Triassic period fossils when he found a strange organic pool with a fossil resting inside it. During his examination of it, seismic activity triggered a landslide, burying him beneath stone, pinning him in the fluid. While he was pinned, submerged in the mire, he panicked, sure he would die, either by drowning or asphyxiation - he fell unconscious. His wife was told her husband had died in the landslide.

    Rodney woke up - the pile of stone atop him no longer seemed too heavy, he pushed himself up, shedding the rocks like water. He was immense and the fossil was wrapped about his body like a second skin.

    His wife was visiting the grave site when her husband approached her. Relieved to find him alive, she listened to his story about enemies planting explosives to create the landslide. He told her about the terrible conspiracy he faces - and she believed him. She helped him stay hidden from the authorities, and even now believes the authorities to be double agents, persecuting her husband.


    Personality: Triassic suffered serious brain damage from his first use of growth - the increased distance the neurons have to travel and changes in his brain's architecture.

    While before this change happened, he was a gentle man - now quite violent. Before he was stable, now he's paranoid. The experience of being buried alive has left him claustrophobic, as well.


    Quote: I know what you're doing here – don’t lie to me!


    Powers: The faster Triassic grows, the more likely he is to become enraged, the tougher he becomes, and the longer he'll likely be enraged. A very smart man, he tries to limit his growth to 2 steps at a time, but under duress, he'll chance the rapid growth. To gain armor, he has to go to a location with fossils and draw them to him - destroying the fossils in the act of making his armor.


    Campaign Use: Triassic is an innocent villain - the change that occurred was against his will, drove him insane, and he isn't committing crimes so much as fighting against a non-existent enemy.


    Appearance: Rodney is a handsome man with intense eyes. He has laugh lines on his face - though he rarely laughs now.

    In 'costume', his face is typically in a sneer, and the body is covered in flexible stone and fossil. His clothes do not grow with him, so he typically puts on his armor before changing.

  10. Re: Villains


    Another villain - Acid


    Background: Avery was born in the wrong decade - he should have been born in the 50's so he could be with the other hippies. He didn't miss the drug revolution, though, and started blowing his mind in high school. By his 30's, he was using acid once a day, sometimes more. He couldn't seem to get enough. His mutant power developed late in life, allowing him to share his trips with other people, creating reactions in other people’s bodies as if they had taken drugs too. After a few times his powers failed him, he had a friend make him a gun that fired blue haze, a chemical mix that's absorbed through the skin. While its effects are only temporary, they weaken a person’s ability to resist his powers - and incidentally sickens the person, too.


    Personality: Acid likes money and drugs. Crime gives him what he wants. If he followed society, he'd be working at a retail store for minimum wage and be limited to cigarettes and beer. Going straight is just wrong, as is anyone in society that doesn't agree with him. He'll push the system until it stops fighting him or he cracks its brains. He likes to slip drugs into office coffee decanters, on the sticky side of envelopes, and any other place he can put them - society will have its awakening.


    Quote: You know, things look way different to me man - maybe you should try some enlightenment.

    The establishment makes you keep your head down. Straights cann't see the stars.


    Tactics: Acid's trips are constitution based and the first suggestion of what is perceived or to be done is taken as the effect of the drug. He likes to confuse the battlefield by targeting groups of normals so that they interfere with his foes - or even attack them. He knows he's not tough, so he avoids getting into melee or line of fire.


    Campaign Use: Acid wants to destabilize the world and put it all into a giant drug trip. Then hate, bigotry, fear, all of mankind’s failures, will dissipate. People just need more esoterica in their lives to realize how hum-drum reality is while not stoned. He'll drug any event he can to accomplish this


    Appearance: Red hair dreadlocks, pink Lenin sun glasses, jeans and a hemp shirt - he looks like a poster child for a counter revolution. He has a wide smile, a thick mustache, and a holster that holds what has got to be a squirt gun.[ATTACH=CONFIG]40657[/ATTACH]

  11. Re: Villains


    Now Shadow Man


    History: The Shadow Man does not remember its origins, but knows it was on earth as far back as when the dinosaurs roamed the world. It typically feeds on small animals, with larger creatures (including humans) every now and then. It doesn't feed on flesh, just the life force released upon death. It is a hermaphrodite who buds offspring. It kills its offspring, preferring to be the only one of its kind on earth. Just as it ensures its the only one of its kind on earth, it has a natural reaction to hate Stigma and its race. Shadow Man isn't sure who would win the battle any more then Stigma is, so they continue maneuvering around each other, biding their time. Eclipse, the human villain, draws Stigma's attention - Shadow Man doesn't know why, but intends to find out.


    Motivation: Hunger and curiosity rule the Shadow Man. It has learned not to kill too many humans, as it triggers a hunt for it. The killings of Stigma are drawing police attention to the Shadow Man as well - and so Shadow Man has had to become more circumspect in its activities.


    Quote: ......


    Powers/Tactics: Shadow Man likes to stalk people, even if it doesn't plan on attacking them. It enjoys the hunt and discovering about that given human's life. Shadow Man has learned a great many secrets - but it doesn't think in terms of blackmail. It rarely talks unless hidden in darkness, usually to scare people. It will reveal itself to give people night terrors as well. It prefers to terrify children.


    Campaign: A foil for Stigma, it is possible the Shadow Man will even align itself temporarily with the PCs to kill Stigma. It stalks Eclipse indirectly using its clairsentience ability. It can be involved with the PCs by terrorizing one of their children, giving them night terrors, or by following a PC home to their secret identity.


    Appearance: A silhouette that ranges in size from miniscule to giant, and without a measurable mass - yet not subject to extra knockback - Shadow Man varies in appearance as much as a person's shadow does. When out in the light, it looks like a three dimensional shadow of a person. It doesn't appear to have eyes.

  12. Re: Villains


    And here's Yellow Jacket


    History: Travis was a sports obsessed boy who suddenly started having health problems at 13. Tumors started to grow on him. Terrified it was cancer, he was taken to the hospital. Though it flummoxed the doctor, he removed the external tumors only to discover that it hadn't required surgery, it was growing on his skin's surface. A month later Travis was back, again, for the same reason. His doctor experimented until he found a drug treatment that held the tumors in check. Travis, now without these hard, surface nodules, or tumors, returned to playing sports. Years later, Travis applied to the police department, and he visited his doctor, applied a bit of cash, and had mention of his tumors removed from his health records.

    A crooked cop, Travis was enjoying a boating vacation when a storm hit, ruining his sail and stranding him out on the ocean for three days. His medication was ruined by the water. He was horrified to see the tumors begin to reappear on him, faster then ever. By the time he made it to the peninsula, the tumors had started connecting, but with flexible joints. Curious, he hid in his hotel room for the doctor to mail him replacement medicine. By the time it arrived, he was wearing a complete exoskeleton, incredibly tough, with an opening just at his face. Wings had started to grow. He ignored the medicine and began to experiment. Travis had become the Yellow Jacket.


    Personality: Travis always looks for his angle. He does it with sports betting, trying to get an edge over his opponent. He does it as a police officer, confiscating drugs for resale, blackmailing threats to his promotions, and now, as a villain, by taking what he wants.


    Powers: He's discovered he can control swarms of wasps, bees, and yellow jackets (and hornets and other similar insects). He brings a temporary hive with him, attached to his armor if he has no place to put it ahead of time. Upon his command, they will swarm 1 hex, repeatedly stinging whoever happens to be there. Easily killed, he usually reserves their use for martial artists and civilians.

    His likes to use his stinger spray against lightly armored enemies, an the poison aerosol against foes resistant to the stinger spray.


    Quote: You think that hurt, wait till I sting you! Buzzz.[ATTACH=CONFIG]40629[/ATTACH]


    Campaign Use: A crooked cop, he'll eventually cross paths with the heroes, who he'll try to frame, then blackmail them to avoid turning them in. So he should be an enemy to the PCs as both a normal and as villain.

    If captured, unless he is forced to take the appropriate medicine, he'll simply regrow his exoskeleton.

    His exoskeleton is removable - and remains viable so long as he puts it back on within 3 days for at least 3 hours. If he should loose his armor, he can completely regrow it in 5 days

    If he spends too much continuous time in the exoskeleton, he'll discover he can't take it off anymore without serious surgery. From there he'll find himself getting tired, then in a coma - and the exoskeleton will become a cocoon. What comes out won't be human at all.


    Appearance: The exoskeleton is yellow and black - with an opening where his face is. Typically he drills holes in the face section and screws a bulletproof visor with a lock over the opening, making his face appear to be a plain black plate.

  13. Re: Villains


    [ATTACH=CONFIG]40628[/ATTACH]Next up is Eclipse


    History: Luthor worked at a grocery store and went to jr college as a chemistry major. He had friends, a girlfriend, and a normal life. When he turned 21, though, something changed. He stopped going to work and school, stopped answering his phone and the door, and brooded. He felt better at night. Something important happens at night - he just didn't know what. Then shadows moved to his will, light bent to his command, and it felt better then anything else ever had. He abandoned the home and began as the supervillain Eclipse. Things were different, and so he began to explore the darkness. Back at the house were the bodies of his parents and sister - something in the dark had eaten them.


    Personality: Luther's personality is being submerged beneath a new, emerging one. He feels excited, acts on urges without question, and it gets harder and harder to reach him. What he will finally be is of great interest to Stigma and the Shadow Man, who interfere with his life and each other.


    Quote: Hello Darkness.


    Tactics: Eclipse works in darkness, blasting his foes with bursts of the light. If he isn't able to fight from darkness, he beats a hasty retreat. Too new to his powers, he isn't ready to risk a fair battle.


    Campaign: What he metamorphosis into is open, though surely a creature of darkness. His unusual cravings and urges make him the perfect source for weirdness. He is firmly in Stigma's area of interest, which the attention of the Shadow Man. He may become important in the fighting either of these villains, and if he is reached, perhaps his personality could resurface, making him a hero.


    Appearance: When 'active', he is clothed in darkness. Only his eyes show up, as pools of light. When not 'active', he appears as a simple young man with a dull phase and a dazed expression.

  14. I thought I'd post a few of my villains (5th edition, 250 heroes) for fun. Let me know what you think - and if I forgot something on my write-ups.


    First up, Stigma


    Background/History: Some things are too awful to be, locked away from our world. Inimical to life, Stigma is all of these things and more. He is a member of an eldritch race that was banished 3000 years ago by a cabal of mages, and has only just returned via a crack in reality. He isn't capable of traveling between realities yet, but he searches for a way so he can lead his fellows to the ripe hunting that earth provides. Incapable to sustaining himself long term without a host, he burrows into the base of a targets skull and alters the creature's nervous system, like a wasp controlling an ant or beetle. While in the host he is completely hidden, but limited to looking through the hosts senses and sending suggestions to it. To observers, the host seems normal except for its enhanced

    suggestibility and occasional tremors.


    Personality/Motivation: Feeding, opening the gate to allow his race access to earth, and the destruction of Shadow Man and his race. Other then these priorities, he doesn't just feed on the life force of his victim, he tortures and kills them. He collects parts of his victims as trophies. He wants and needs the victim to feel pain and fear. Beyond being a serial killer, he has a final interest. Eclipse shows powers of darkness and light. How and why are important - he may be usable as a living gate for his fellows - or he could represent humanity gaining powers over darkness. Stigma slew Eclipse's family and stalks him, waiting until he can decide what to do with Eclipse.


    Quote: Scream for me.


    Tactics: Not shown in the write-up is the weapon of opportunity he uses to carve up his targets. It changes with every attack and can be as simple as a fork in the neck to as deadly as a machete. The real damage is done with the body transfer - the marks on the body and the associated pain are simply for his pleasure.

    Against heroes, he instills a target with fear or creates the illusion that an ally is actually the enemy. The flash is used if the foes group close enough together to make it a viable attack. The touch of horror is only against foes who obviously lack the defense.


    Campaign Use: A powerful creature of darkness, he represents humanities end - if he can open the gate. At first he seems a simple serial killer, then a month after capture another killer starts duplicating his MO. Eventually the group will drop the killer, only to see darkness escape from his body. Hard to kill, stop, and not willing to bargain, he represents a seemingly unstoppable force with designs for humanities destruction. Only after research can the heroes find his weaknesses.


    Appearance: While in a host, he seems normal, with slight tremors and increased suggestibility. Despite the reference to 'he', Stigma's race are hermaphrodites - but they need another member of their race to reproduce, otherwise the world would already have more then one Stigma.

    Outside of the host, he is a roiling cloud of darkness, oily light, optical illusions that scar the brain, and peeks into the shame and horror that lie in the viewer's mind.

  15. Ok - here's some changes


    Here is the Psi Fighter


    Size 5

    Str 24

    Dex 18 (23)

    Bdy 18

    Spd 4 (5)

    OCV 7

    DCV 7 (9)

    PD 0 10 hard armor 5 ff hard

    ED 0 10 hard armor 5 ff hard


    45m x8 flight

    5m mega 1000 km, extra time 1 turn

    Fusion plant 120 end, 25 rec

    Hull Armor 10/10 hard

    Resist prot (FF) 5/5, hard, cost end to activate

    HRRP (x2)

    Turbo mode +5 dex, +1 speed, +2 DCV cost end


    Radar megascale


    IR megascale

    Radio flash defense 10 hard

    power defense 16, hard

    ego defense 15 hard

    LS rad, cold, heat, vac, self contain breath, cost end

    54 str clinging – docking clamps

    2 LV with MP


    Weapons MP (x2)

    Laser cannon: 2d6 rka, no rng mod, ap x2, auto 3, megascale, 1 km, 180

    Particle accelerator: 2d6 rka, auto (3), no rng mod, mega 1 km, 180

    Meson Gun: 1d6+1 rka vs power defense, auto 3, no rng mod, mega 1 km, does body

    Psi Feedback: 5d6 vision group flash vs mental defense, 4 m area, ap, indirect, no rng mod, megascale area, 1 km, 180

    ID assault mind blast, 3.5d6, area 4 m, indirect, megascale 1 km, 180


    **Now the FF, being 5/5, goes down after almost any hit. So, multiple attacks in a round will take it down, leaving the fighter at 10/10 hard.


    Is this better, or should I alter it some more?


    PS the game I signed up for (for which this character & his fighter were written), has closed/died. Aargh!

  16. Re: Is this fighter kosher?



    1) oops! I forgot to include the modifier for the meson gun, it is now 1d6+1

    2) I could drop the laser to x2 AP and added the option to shoot 3 times

    3) I'm using no range modifier as it is cheaper then buying the levels and gets the same result

    4) Psi Feedback: oops again! It is now 5d6 flash vs ego defense, with the indirect to start within the ship.

    5) Mind blast is indirect, again to target those within the ship.

    **) I am assuming that psionic races would use psionic weapons on their ships.

    6) If the standard ship has a 10 defense, I guess I'll drop mine down too. Yikes. Is 10/10 hard def ok? I take it I should lose the FF.

  17. Re: Is this fighter kosher?


    Here is the Psi Fighter


    Size 5

    Str 24

    Dex 18 (23)

    Bdy 18

    Spd 4 (5)

    OCV 7

    DCV 7 (9)

    PD 17

    ED 17


    45m x8 flight

    5m mega 1000 km, extra time 1 turn

    Fusion plant 120 end, 25 rec

    Resist prot (FF) 10/10, hard, cost end to activate

    HRRP (x2)

    Turbo mode +5 dex, +1 speed, +2 DCV cost end



    +30 telescopic for vision & radio

    Radio flash defense 6 hard

    LS rad, cold, heat, vac, self contain breath, cost end

    54 str clinging – docking clamps

    2 LV with MP


    Weapons MP (x2)

    Laser cannon: 2d6 rka, no rng mod, ap x3, megascale, 1 km, 180

    Particle accelerator: 2d6 rka, auto (3), no rng mod, mega 1 km, 180

    Meson Gun: 2d6-1 rka vs power defense, auto 3, no rng mod, mega 1 km, does body

    Psi Feedback: 10d6 radio group flash vs mental defense, 4 m area, ap, indirect, no rng mod, megascale area, 1 km, 180

    ID assault mind blast, 3.5d6, area 4 m, indirect, megascale 1 km, 180

  18. Re: The fractured mind of the Chessman


    Ah, but there is a queen, his ex-wife! She is one of his hunteds. She needs/hates him. She is trying to force him back into the coven to pump new life into it. Each time he participates in a circle, they gain more power - but he wants nothing to do with them.

  19. I just signed up for a starhero online game and bought (with equipment points) a fighter to augment the group's ship. I'm hoping for feedback to let me know if the fighter is ok, too powerful, or too weak. It is a 6th edition game but I own 5th edition. I'm using herobuilder software to make a 6th edition ship, but since I don't have the main book, it's still a crap-shoot as to if I did it right.


    So, would you allow a character to have this ship?[ATTACH]40585[/ATTACH]

  20. This is a multiform character with a summons, so 5 character sheets. Oddly enough, the man behind all of this isn't among them, instead he remains insane and babbling on the ever expanding chessboard in his mind.



    Peter inherited a goodly sum of money from his parents, had managed to pay off his student loans, gotten married, and had two daughters. Peter had it made – or so he thought - he was in fact severely disconnected from reality. He had far less in common with his wife then he realized until he discovered his wife’s drug use and membership in a witch’s coven. The recreational use of pot was no great leap for him to accept, but she used hallucinogens with some rituals. The faith was a far greater shock – they had both been agnostic when they married, and now she was fully involved with a religion he knew nothing about. In truth, she had always been a witch and used drugs, she'd just hidden these from him so he would marry her. She had wanted him for his money.

    Attempting to salvage the relationship, being completely unaware of her true position, he offered to try witchcraft and see if he could adapt, develop faith, or at least learn to respect it. She accepted – she needed time for the lawyers to arrange for a divorce, so she introduced him to the circle and began the invocation. Out of spiteful humor, his wife slipped him several tabs of acid in order to make him see ‘magic’. He did see things that no one else could, his mind opened to a higher existence for the first time, driving him mad and letting true magic flood the circle.

    The coven was shocked, horrified, and mystified. The event changed them – now their magic wasn’t just spiritual, but physical too. Peter was taken to an asylum, his mind blown, his personality fractured. No divorce needed, his wife filtered the money out of the accounts and gained full custody of their daughters. She had won – she had everything and he was gone. Her connection to her husband had focused on her more then the others, making her the most powerful witch, and now coven leader. After a few years, though, the magic started to fade away.

    Desperate to regain her power, she got her husband out of the asylum and tried duplicating the earlier circle, including more acid. Just like last time, magic flooded the circle, but Peter fractured personality solidified, changing him into what would become the chessman. The others were flooded with power again, but surge after surge left the group dangerously manic. The shrieked, danced, shattered windows, and burned the rug; the ecstatic celebration demolished the house. Peter fled with his daughters just before the police arrived. A combination of the drugs and violence got the whole coven arrested. The tables turned, Peter was unaware that his wife had betrayed him. He bailed her out, she bailed out the coven, and they gathered at the house.

    Peter was still himself – partially. He had all of his memories, but he compartmentalized himself into 5 separate personas, the four chess pieces, with the real Peter locked away. Not realizing that the witches had no power before he attended, he was confused by their response to his refusal to join. His wife offered to act as a real wife, that she was capable of loving him now, and that she would share the stolen wealth. What she didn’t realize was that Peter hadn’t known these things, and instead of enticing him to stay, made him feel betrayed. He filed for the divorce instead of her. With his wife’s recent arrest, he lucked out and got custody of his daughters.

    Over the following year, the coven consolidated its power and hounded Peter, trying to force him to at least attend the circle. Emboldened by their new found powers, they began committing crimes to increase their resources, only to get caught by the Crusaders and jailed once again. Peter’s personalities continued to separate, evolving into completely different forms. In half a year more, he had evolved into the chessmen. This high level of strangeness in the house, confusion as to his identity(s), and from the efforts of the witches, he lost custody of his daughters – they were placed in a foster home, away from both parents. Peter’s life was a mess.

    The Chessman’s psych forged a central link, leaving each persona as a separate entity, with Peter being the subconscious that joins them together. Shortly thereafter, the Chessmen began to act as super heroes, hoping that heroic service would regain him his daughters. Child service’s bureaucracy instead decided that a hero’s life is dangerous, and instead of custody, he merely gained visitation rights. Even offering to quit heroic service, the decision had been made. With little choice, the Chessman has made sure to stay in their lives – and makes sure his wife didn’t gain access to them.


    What’s in my head?

    Peter visualizes himself arranging tiles on an infinite chessboard, with the current form’s analog adjacent to him. He speaks to that piece, though the chess piece only hears his voice in the back of their mind. The pieces see Peter, but are unable to directly talk to him. They perceive him as a gibbering madman that they are glad to see trapped. They hope he regains his sanity, and rejoins them, but Peter is worse now then when he was sent to the asylum. While all the same creature, the pieces have a hard time considering each other as anything less then individuals who are the caretakers of their creator/father. Telepaths tend to find Peter confusing, at best. Peter’s soul is fractured and his recovery is unlikely.


    His enemies

    The wife & coven hunted mixes family problems with the occult. They hope to brainwash or enslave him, as he is the catalyst that bestowed their powers. They have an easy time tracking him as he shares a resonance with them, allowing the attacks to be done at will. They suffer that same limitation with him; he can track them just as easily. The attacks have succeeded in far more property damage then they have gotten to achieve their goals. Currently they have a cold war, with occasional melees.

    The Black Circle is straight forward – their whole goal is to consolidate their powers and eliminate or suborn magical competition. Both the Chessman and the coven represent possible challenges, so they are both subject to scrutiny and occasional attacks. Their attacks are oblique enough that neither is sure who or why they are attacked – the attackers are almost always summoned or mercenary forces.


    His daughters

    They live with the Jamisons, a foster family with 2 children of their own. While he is desperate to regain custody of them, the Rook has pointed out (to all of his form’s annoyance), that the family is far more stable for his daughters then what he could provide. Given his limited time, he lets nothing get in the way of the hours he does get. The daughters are almost as screwed up as Peter is – their father is 5 people, his mom is a witch, and now she lives with strangers. Therapy lies in their uncertain future.


    His life

    The Chessmen live in their home, dividing their time with the body based on a time schedule that the Pawns wrote up. Events outside of the daily norm throw that list out the window. Peter has regained the bulk of the money his wife filtered away, but the pawns have divided it up and placed it into various bank accounts, CDs, and lumps of cash, and refuse to tell the Chessmen where. They provide a weekly budget with the interest. In response, the King will send them out to work to generate extra funds. The Chessmen themselves will work short term jobs to help with money. Rook works construction, the King acts in plays (not generating a dime, but it is HIS contribution. The Bishop has worked the racing scene, while the Knight works for charities (like the King, generating nothing). In addition, all four chessmen spend a few hours each day as a hero. The King listens to the police radio while sitting in the kitchen, while Bishop and the Knight patrol on foot. The Rook drives through bad neighborhoods with the police radio on.

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