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Posts posted by Mimer

  1. On 4/17/2020 at 10:05 AM, Tasha said:

    IMHO the export formats always looked better anyways. At least the type doesn't go microscopic if you were too wordy in an entry.


    Yep, for the most part that seems to be true.


    I usually go in and edit the RTF document when  go too crazy with multiple Multipowers with many advantages/limitations. :)

  2. 10 minutes ago, massey said:

    The first version uses the power Drain as its base.  Drain goes against the rare defense "Power Defense".  PD and ED (which everybody has at least a little bit of) do not stop Drain.  As a result, an NND advantage simply changes the attack from going against one rare defense to another.  Therefore, it's a +0 advantage.


    Blast, on the other hand, attacks the most common set of defenses.  PD and ED.  So to change it from a defense that everybody has, to one that almost nobody has, requires a +1 advantage.


     You're right of course, I completely missed that the Stun grenades, unlike their Knockout counterparts, are base on Drain rather than Blast.

  3. Howdy!


    I'm currently building Sentinels for my Marvel 1980s game, see this thread:



    This of course includes a number a Gat Jet attacks to neutralize and capture pesky mutants, modelled on the NND attacks presented in the 6th Edition Character Creation (6E1) and the Champions powers book


    However, there seems to be something off in how the NND Advantage is valued or applied, or I’m missing or misunderstanding how the Advantage is applied.


    6E1, page 196:

    "Stun Gas Grenades:
    Drain STUN 3d6,
    NND (defense is Life
    Support [No Need To
    Breathe]; +0), Area Of
    Effect (9m Radius; +¾)
    (52 Active Points);
    OA F (-1), 4 Charges (-1).
    Total cost: 17 points." 


    Here the "No need to breathe" (at all?) NND is a +0 Advantage.


    6E1, page 326:

    "Knockout Gas
    Grenades: Blast
    6d6, Area Of Effect
    (12m Radius; +¾),
    NND (defense is Life
    Support [Self-Contained
    Breathing] or holding
    one’s breath; +1)
    (82 Active Points);
    OA F (-1), 4 Charges (-1).
    Total cost: 27 points."


    Here the same basic condition applies, but arguably to a somewhat lesser degree, since it could be interpreted as that the Stun grenades ignore "Holding one's breath", but the Knockout Gas doesn't


    Champions Powers, page 18:

    “Suffocation I

    Blast 4d6, No Normal
    Defense (defense is Life Support [Self-Contained
    Breathing]; +1), Constant (+½). Total cost:
    50 points.”


    This power is basically the same as the Stun grenades when it comes to the NND part, but it's rated as a +1 Advantage.


    Is this just an error, an inconsistency or am I missing something? Which advantage seems most applicable or reasonable to you guys?



  4. As for what I’ll be building, there will be making numerous versions of the Sentinels, from the Mark III (the worst model, not that tough at all, almost a really durable and dangerous minion) to the Mark IV and Mark V (quite good and tough respectively) and the Mark VI (really tough), based on the writeups in the Children of the Atom book from the old TSR Marvel RPG, but I’ll use all the tips I’ve gathered here for how to build them in Champions 6th Edition.


    That way I can use different variants depending on the situation and what suits the adventure. I'll probably have them run up against quite a few Mark III's and (and get used to fighting them) then surprise the heroes with the almost identically looking but far tougher later marks in a later adventure.


    For a curveball, I might throw in the Mark II's (even better than the later Mark VI's, actually the toughest regular Sentinels outside of the Days of Future Past storyline) later on when they've learned to tell them apart just to surprise them further still, but that ways down the line (have to build and use the Mark II's first of all).

  5. 51 minutes ago, massey said:

    I'd suggest something like this for general guidelines:


    Many thanks for the tips and guidelines on building and running Kirby's old bots, I'll be using quite a bit of what you suggested (though I'm leaning towards making them Automatons and Machine minds).


    The game I'm running is a 300 point game, but the (Mark III) Sentinels probably won't show up until they're at least at 350 points.


  6. 30 minutes ago, segerge said:

    Haven't posted it there. If you can't wait,  I can make the HDC files available to you on request.


    Be warned that I based my rebuild on the Mark VIII Sentinels in X-Men/Marvel that required a Human pilot.  They also share some of my other quirks in building characters/vehicles.


    No rush, I just thought you had them online somewhere and that I missed them.

  7. 16 minutes ago, segerge said:

    The 4th Ed supplement "The Mutant File" also had a stat block for the Minuteman Mark VII. It was in their chapter on GENOCIDE.


    I have upgraded that design for 5th Ed with the intent of using it in a plotted TASK FORCE story set in early 1996.


    If you don't mind, where can I find this updated version you've made? I checked your Task Force website, but I can't seem to find them among the Villains there.

  8. Howdy!


    Anyone round here who's made a version of the Marvel Comic universe Sentinels (the mutant-hunting robot kind) for Champions 5th or 6th Edition, or know anyone who has attempted this?  


    I can't find any examples online, but my Google-fu may be failing me... 


    The reason behind all this is that I'm going to create Mark III and Mark IV Sentinels for my current Marvel 1980s Champions campaign, and it would be interesting to se others take on Jack Kirby's iconic robots...


    I'm debating whether to make them Automatons or not, for example.





  9. 17 hours ago, Jayzon said:

    I ran into this same issue when trying to print out a 'computer' and was never able to. I am not versed it what might caused the problem or how to fix it, but when I ran into this problem once I think the way I solved it was selecting the proper export format, closing program and opening again and it worked for me, no clue why, it just did (I can do it for characters but not for computer built w/ the program, also no clue why). I have even downloaded a few character export formats from the forums and proven they work also. Hope this helps in some way.


    As I understand it, there's a difference between the fixed "print to pdf"-function and chosing an export format (do correct me if I'm wrong here). The latter works fine for me.


    As for the former, I apparently can't get it  to work on either of my computers, so I've basically given up on using that option.

  10. 1 minute ago, Simon said:

    First determine if it's something in the character file (not indicated by the trace.log, but worth checking):  start a new character (empty) and try the Print to PDF to the same location you were trying with the full character.


    Tried that with Superheroic and Heroic, same result.



  11. Just now, Simon said:

    1. Print to PDF is only for characters (and only for characters using the built-in templates -- custom characteristics will throw the process off).

    2. If you are receiving the error on a character, you'll want to ensure that you have full permissions to the directory that you're running HD from. Under Windows, this is not always obvious (due to UAC).


    1. The example above is a regular "Superheroic" character, no custom characteristics or templates etc. at all. The same error message appears for ordinary "Heroic" characters.


    2. The hard drive I run Hero designer from is in a separate regular Hard drive (it's not the Windows/boot drive), with full permissions.

  12. A question regarding powers with and Multipowers:


    If a power with a trigger is placed in a multipower slot, say, the STUN transfer multipower on 6E1 197 (30+36 AP) should this


    a) Require a single multipower slot within a 66+ multipower.


    b) A single single multipower slot within a 36+ multipower.


    c) Two slots within a 66+ multipower.


    d) Two slots within a 36+ multipower.


    Personally, I'd say a), but trigger powers have always seemed kind of tricky.

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