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Posts posted by StormK

  1. Re: Darklenz Character Advice


    Eventually as he transforms more and more, he will begin to rewrite his human DNA and the alien code will "bleed" into his human form. Once this starts to happen he will find it difficult to control his rage even in human form. He will have to make will checks to maintain control, and eventually the Darklenz may be able to take possession of him for short periods of time...

  2. Re: Darklenz Character Advice


    My concept is that he is a normal human kid (around 100 points), but in his "Hero" form he is about 450 points (including 150 complication points).

    The influence of the Darklenz is such that he can't really "hear" it in his human form but when he changes, his brainwaves change frequency or something and he is now able to "hear" the whisperings of the Darklenz. He thinks they are his own thoughts. Also he is prone to have a more aggressive attitude and he is easier to provoke in his alternate form. He does have the same personality and consciousness, however. Whereas Hulk and Banner do not share the same memories, my concept is more like when someone is drunk and they have a slight personality shift. When the awake the next day, they may wonder why they did the dumb things they did the previous night but it is not a multiple personality thing...

  3. Okay, it's been a while for me but I had to come here for help.

    I am trying to create a character called Darklenz and he is essentially a Hulk-type multi-form character. The story is that an alien artifact known as the Shard of the Darklenz has embedded itself in our hero's chest and it gives him the ability to transform into a hybrid half-human half-niberian. Like Ben Ten he retains his personality and memories as well as having full control of himself. Unlike Ben Ten, the Shard is actually an advanced alien intellect bent on using Earth and all of humanity to resurrect the extinct Niburu race. This intellect is evil and manipulative and has yet to reveal itself to our hero.

    While in human form he is completely in control of himself. While in Niburu form the shard can influence him toward violence, rage, and may even be able to take possession of him.


    So the dilemma: How to represent the shard in his two forms?

    He is meant to be a Hulk/ Wolverine clone but only in his alien form. He has a number of disadvantages in his hero form should the susceptibility to the Shard's influence be a disad only to his multi form or does it need to be represented in both forms because it is essentially an NPC?


    His human form will be created as a normal human, but his hero form will be 300 pts with 150 disads.


    Help is greatly appreciated...:king:

  4. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality?


    I now need perspectives on the following powers:


    6. The ability to read minds.


    Someone who could read minds might spend a lot of time exposing the truth about people and their hidden agendas. Imagine this person going to a political rally and telling the crowd what the candidate is really thinking about. Exposing a scandal, or a massive conspiracy to the public. At first he would have no credibility, but as he successfully demonstrates his powers, he would gain trust as being infallible.



    7. The ability to conjure permanent items that weight up to ten pounds.


    Aside from the various possibilities as a magician or trickster, consider a thief who could conjure the exact device needed to defeat an alarm system at a museum? Even better, why not just visit a museum and conjure yourself a perfect replica of a nice, expensive piece? How about an assassin who can get through security and then conjure up any pistol needed? Another application; summoning stacks of cash, or ten-pound blocks of gold? Yeah that one has tons of possibility.



    8. The ability to regenerate from even mortal wounds and ignore illness.



    First you would have someone who is completely relaxed. This person would never stress about anything. Nothing can kill him. Nothing can make him sick. The ONLY type of suffering he would have to endure is from emotional bonds he may have with the people around him. He would not look down on people with illness, maybe he would become a Christ-like figure of compassion? On the other hand, maybe he has a eugenics style philosophy of those around him; Lesser beings who suffer from physical ailments are not worthy of life and so must be eliminated. Only perfect specimens of the human race deserve to live. (This is very much the philosophy of the National Socialist Party that took over Germany before WWII).



    9. The ability to teleport (closely related to flight, but it differs significantly).


    I think the movie "Jumper" explored this possibility perfectly. This ability gives someone the absolute freedom to do anything they want. Money is no obstacle and is completely unnecessary. Who needs to pay for food when you can just teleport out of the grocery store? No need to buy a ticket to watch the new movie. No need to fly on a plane. Vacation requires no luggage, you can hit the clothing stores when you get to the Bahamas, France, Tibet, Argentina, Australia, etc...



    10. The ability to selectively enhance your senses at will: see vast distances, hear ordinarily inaudible sounds, function in the dark as if it were day, track by scent, and so forth.


    First and foremost! You would NOT want to be around people. Large population centers would drive you insane. If not then describing what you sense would make people THINK you were insane. Your reactions would be quick too. Imagine hearing someone pull up in front of the bank where you are conducting your business and you hear them loading a firearm. You could calmly go over and lock the door and alert the security guards before the incident even becomes an incident. This ability would cause fear to disappear from your psychology. You would not get creeped out when you take the garbage out at night because you can see and hear everything. You may even make a decent living as a tracker/ bounty hunter/ detective who specializes in finding things that are lost. Think of the the Sentinel.

  5. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality?


    Don't think in terms of what you would DO with your powers. Think about who you would BECOME because of your powers. First imagine the fame you would achieve. Now with that fame comes the need to be insulated from the millions of people who are curious or obsessed with you. Money would no longer be an obstacle after optioning your life story/ doing the talk-show circuit/ late-night/ book signing/ publicity tours, etc. Now that you live apart from the common people you will start to view life through a different filter. No longer worried about survival, your thoughts will be occupied by other things. Maybe you take up a cause like Brad Pitt, or try to affect positive change in the political system like Sonny Bono (don't laugh, it's true). Ultimately, though, you would start to ask questions; why did this happen to me? are there others like me? will I always be alone with my powers? who are my peers now? Whatever the answers, these questions will lead you down the path to your new self.

    My opinion? I think suddenly gaining powers would lead to a disassociation from normal people and a detachment from society in general. Within a few years I see a super-being declaring himself above the law, and maybe even thinking of himself as a god or as more than human.

  6. Re: Now THIS is a SUPERCAR my friends!


    Okay. I have you all beat. This car actually exists and is one of the most expensive cars in the world. Tramontana makes twelve a year and everything is customizable. With a pricetag of over 600,000 Euros (more than $795,623) you would have to be a billionaire to be able to afford it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]37113[/ATTACH] The car comes standard with a 5,500 cc V12 engine and can reach speeds of over 260 MPH. It can go from 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, but crime fighting gear is not included. Read more about it at Advanced Design Tramontana: http://www.tramontanagroup.com/car/car.php.



    Imagine this with Gatling guns...

  7. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online?


    I played City of Heroes/ City of Villains then got bored with it. Champions Online came out and I bought it and I loved it. The characters looked better, there were more costume options, and you could make a character that was very similar to, if not identical, your favorite Marvel or DC characters. Champions has a wider array of powers including movement powers that are unavailable in CoH. I created dozens of characters and played them up to tenth to sixteenth level. I really like the game-play and even though I am a strict solo player, the interactions with other players were always pleasant (surprisingly so). After a virus and reformatting of my hard drive, it was easy to get back into the game. I AM currently having a problem with my display driver not allowing me to update it which makes it difficult to play the game, but that is not CO's fault. I give it a 7.5-8 of 10.

  8. Re: Cars as weapons in 6E


    simple version of 6E (which is NOT pretty much the same as previous versions BTW):


    If your Dice Of Strength Damage are LESS THAN the Objects PD+BODY you can start adding more damage using an object as a weapon. The limit is double your STR, an exception to the Adding Damage Rules.


    Now THAT starts to make sense!! So a big monster throws a car at you it might not do as much damage as if he just smacks you with a mega tentacle. Hulk Clone picks up two cars and mashes them into boxing gloves, and he can dish out a little more damage. Maybe there should also be something about the car taking damage and losing the amount of extra damage that can be done?

  9. Re: Character Artwork


    Steel is a WIP, I am using Adobe Photoshop CS4 to paint a foreground, but I am currently inking the cityscape that will be the background. BTW, if you are an artist looking for visual reference of buildings, Google Maps streetview is AWESOME! It's a total "DUH!" moment when I learned that the current X-Men artist uses it.


    (sorry I can't remember the name or where his blog is. it would be a great link to have here if N E won knows...)

  10. Hey all!

    I am new to the community, but many friends that I've gamed with are on this site. As they all know I am always obsessed with drawing pictures of my characters. If you have a good character pic, post it here.


    BTW: Don't make the same mistake I did; Keep it PG...

  11. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet


    Here is my criticism of the 6th Edition character sheet:


    If you look closely on the right side you can see that the rounded boxes have title lines that just barely stick out past the edge of the box.


    That's it. That's all I've got. I will stop trying to make my own sheets now.

  12. Re: CHAMPIONS POWERS: What Do *You* Want To See?


    I would like to see some power tricks with Ultraviolet Vision.


    Our planet's magnetic field is visible by geese and it has a direction that flows north to south, it is how they navigate during long migrations. I think it would be neat to have a trick where you can see magnetic fields, or maybe even have a direction sense advantage?


    Just some food for thought...

  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From a long ago campaign where thirteen of history's most evil villains were attempting to take over the world. Characters were investigating events and trying to uncover the identity of the "Evil Thirteen".



    Agent Fox; an FBI agent modeled after Mulder on X-Files

    Vladimir; a former Spetsnaz soldier and mercenary type


    Scene: Fox and Vlad are hot on the heels of a shadowy stalker who has been caught spying on the PCs. They have chased the bad guy into a nearby church where they see him hiding in the rafters.


    Shouting in rage, Vlad draws both of his Desert Eagle .50cal pistols and shoots continuously at the bad guy while running forward. The ninja drops to the floor and Vlad continues to empty his pistols into the body until he is standing over the body with his pistols clicking empty. As he reloads his pistols, he looks to Fox who has been standing at the entrance dumbfounded by what he has just witnessed.


    Vlad (triumphantly): "That is how we do things in Russia!"


    Just then an Uzi wielding bad guy appears near the alter and starts firing at them. Fox pulls out a pistol and fires a single shot which hits the goon in the head and drops the guy instantly. Fox blows on the end of his pistol and puts it away turning to Vlad he says:


    "That is how we do things in America!"


    To this day it is a moment we all remember.

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