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Chris Pearson

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Everything posted by Chris Pearson

  1. Re: STAR HERO Reading List Not sure if these were mentioned: Scalzi, John -- "Old Man's War" (a trilogy, so far, I believe). Hmm, if you have NOOK perhaps I can "Lend" it to you.
  2. Re: Inventor skill clarification... So, in mechanics terms, it would perhaps make sense to utilize an Inventor check prior to any requisite skill check, such as Electronics or Mechanical. The preliminary Inventor check would allow for the fabrication of a unique device or item, giving the crafter the blueprints to do so. Would you build the device using listed Powers as a structure? Say, inventing and then building a device which creates holograms via the Images power? How would one mitigate/regulate the creation process? Would it utilize experience points and, thus, character points? I understand that to create a temporary device, one could build in the Charges Limitation, which may cheapen the cost of any invention. (Though that might turn out rather expensive. It would probably make more sense for such a Gadgeteer style hero to purchase a Variable Power Pool for making on-the-fly devices. I suppose Inventor allows for more of a one-shot or scene-specific solution to a situation or problem, usually prepared in advance.) I am not sure how heavily this aspect will play a role in my campaign, but I can't help considering the possibility.
  3. How would one create/build a power that allows a character to duplicate himself and have those duplicates be capable of exploding at will?
  4. I could not find an answer to this in another thread, so I suppose I will seek one here. After reading the Inventor skill description I am still don't think I understand how or why to use it. If skills like Electronics or Mechanics can already build related items, and Inventor doesn't incorporate that expertise or knowledge, why take Inventor at all? ...Any insight into this would be great, thanks!
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