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Jayde Tiger

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Everything posted by Jayde Tiger

  1. Hmmm . . . No interest in my first foray. I'll send another and see if I get any feedback. Once again, thanks for looking!
  2. Hello All! I have been watching the current thread with a lot of appreciation and interest since it began. Its been great seeing the heroic visions of Champions from around the world. It motivated me to finally combine some old Campaign Artwork, a scanner, and a paint program to try and do justice to some of my oldest characters. I had hoped to one day feature them on a web page, complete with stats and campaign history. I even went as far as dreaming about a Strike Force style supplement. Who knows, something may one day come about. At any rate, here is the first. I look forward to hearing your comments. I guess if the response is not too negative, future postings will follow. Please feel free to provide constructive criticism! Thanks for Lookin
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