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Jayde Tiger

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  1. Re: Blue Beetle's Disads? The fact that he was killed by Max Lord and is still dead should be worth a hefty Physical Disad . . . . I know, BAD JOKE, but someone had to say it.
  2. Re: Defensive Luck - Just a Power Gamer's Tool?? I forgot to add: Would you apply the defences to Area Effect Attacks which are normally not dodged? JT
  3. SO . . . The brick picks up a rock, car, partner, etc and throws it with strength - he/she pays endurance for Strength. The weaponmaster is carrying 10 throwing knives and can throw them to the furthest extent their strength will allow (Range Based On Strength) and pays no Endurance. JT
  4. I'm sorry if this has been already covered, but I need a little clarification here: 26pts - Armor (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Luck Based or similar disad; -1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) 31 pts - Force Field (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (54 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Based on Luck or similar disad; -1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) 24pts - Combat Luck Combat Luck is really confusing me. Why is it cheaper than Armor with similar limitations? This led me to try and compare it to Force Field as well. I realise the first two above are likely illegal builds, but I was trying to illustrate a point. All three builds are hardened, all three builds are non-persistant. The -1/2 disadvantage for Based on Luck, and a post in the Rules FAQ have confused me further: It doesn’t work if he’s asleep, unconscious, Isn't that when a character would want to be lucky? Isn't his luck all that would protect him in this case? or deliberately throws himself in the way of an attack (for example, to save a comrade from injury). This one makes sense because he is actively fighting against his own good luck. Nor does it protect him from damage in most situations where he deliberately does something he knows will hurt him (such as performing a Move By/Through, both of which cause him to take some of the damage he does to the target). Again he is actively fighting against his own good luck. It won’t apply if the character is Surprised (see page 380); the GM may require a PER Roll or other roll to determine if the character perceived the attack in time to use his Combat Luck. If he is surprised, he is unlucky, and loses the benefit of his armor, but if he sees the attack coming (perceives it in time) he gets "luckier" and can avoid more damage. Because Combat Luck depends on a character’s ability to dodge, block, or otherwise avoid damage. Now I'm really confused. Is the character talented at dodging/avoiding damage, or is he lucky. The former suggests control by the character, the latter suggests "fate smiles upon him" if the character knew he was attacking someone with a Damage Shield. But that depends largely on how the GM chooses to interpret the concept of “deliberately†putting one’s self in harm’s way; sometimes it might not be appropriate to apply Combat Luck. If the character didn’t know about the Damage Shield, maybe his Combat Luck would protect him... once. This answer reverses the control vs fate model above. If the character knows about the damage shield, he's hoping his luck will protect him, (he perceived the attack as in the surprise example) and does not benefit from the protection, yet if he doesn't know its there (is surprised by it) he might be protected by his Combat Luck. I guess my feeling is that Combat Luck should simulate "fate smiling on the character" when they should normally be hurt. The way it is written, the character can actively control their own luck and become harder to hit when they know an attack is coming. Any comments would be appreciated. I hope I have been clear in explaining my confusion. Please ask if I have not. This all started because a build for an upcoming campaign took defensive maneuvers to reduce or eliminate the chance of surprise, and ended up paying less for their "Armor" than the Brick Would you reduce the amount of the "Based on Luck" modifier, since the Defensive Luck Armor becomes far less limited?? Thanks for listening JT
  5. I looked . . . honest: Does a character using a muscle powered ranged weapon, or more specifically one built with the Range Based On Str Limitation, and Charges (to represent the number of "shots" pay Endurance based on his Strength to perform the attack. I didn't see that the Muscle Powered Range Weapons were bought down to 0 Endurance. Thank you again - JT
  6. I'm sorry if this has been already covered, but I need a little clarification here: 26pts - Armor (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Luck Based or similar disad; -1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) 31 pts - Force Field (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (54 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Based on Luck or similar disad; -1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) 24pts - Combat Luck Combat Luck is really confusing me. Why is it cheaper than Armor with similar limitations? This led me to try and compare it to Force Field as well. I realise the first two above are likely illegal builds, but I was trying to illustrate a point. All three builds are hardened, all three builds are non-persistant. The -1/2 disadvantage for Based on Luck, and your follow up answer in the FAQ have confused me further: It doesn’t work if he’s asleep, unconscious, Isn't that when a character would want to be lucky? Isn't his luck all that would protect him in this case? or deliberately throws himself in the way of an attack (for example, to save a comrade from injury). This one makes sense because he is actively fighting against his own good luck. Nor does it protect him from damage in most situations where he deliberately does something he knows will hurt him (such as performing a Move By/Through, both of which cause him to take some of the damage he does to the target). Again he is actively fighting against his own good luck. It won’t apply if the character is Surprised (see page 380); the GM may require a PER Roll or other roll to determine if the character perceived the attack in time to use his Combat Luck. If he is surprised, he is unlucky, and loses the benefit of his armor, but if he sees the attack coming (perceives it in time) he gets "luckier" and can avoid more damage. Because Combat Luck depends on a character’s ability to dodge, block, or otherwise avoid damage. Now I'm really confused. Is the character talented at dodging/avoiding damage, or is he lucky. The former suggests control by the character, the latter suggests "fate smiles upon him" if the character knew he was attacking someone with a Damage Shield. But that depends largely on how the GM chooses to interpret the concept of “deliberately†putting one’s self in harm’s way; sometimes it might not be appropriate to apply Combat Luck. If the character didn’t know about the Damage Shield, maybe his Combat Luck would protect him... once. This answer reverses the control vs fate model above. If the character knows about the damage shield, he's hoping his luck will protect him, (he perceived the attack as in the surprise example) and does not benefit from the protection, yet if he doesn't know its there (is surprised by it) he might be protected by his Combat Luck. Any comments would be appreciated. I hope I have been clear in explaining my confusion. Please ask if I have not. Thank You!! JT PS: If a character takes danger sense or a defensive maneuvers to reduce or eliminate the chance of surprise, would you reduce the amount of the "Based on Luck" modifier, since the Defensive Luck Armor becomes far less limited??
  7. Re: Wheelchair hero Thanks folks, These suggestion pretty much mirror my own thoughts. Much Appreciated - keep em coming JT
  8. I may have missed a thread like this before, but has anyone come up with a good way to represent a young hero in a mundane wheelchair? I have a hero starting in a Teen Champions campaign that is likely to begin in a normal wheelchair, before eventually developing a "super" one. Is it a vehicle? A limitation on his/her 6" normal movement? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated/ JT
  9. Couldn't resist . . . Comments? Feel free to comment. Thanks for lookin J
  10. Canadian Shield Hi Sorry, almost forgot to post the last member of the Canadian Shield. Here he is: GREY WOLF, the group's resident shapechanging lycanthrope. Grey Wolf was a pretty standard character, designed as an NPC and a quick PC for visiting gamers. He ended up being a lot of fun, since the constant change in portrayal fed his rather mixed up lifestyle. It added to his appeal when he couldn't always remember what he did the last time he was in Man-Wolf form. It gave the other PC's an excuse to update the new player on recent events. Thanks for Lookin' J
  11. Canadian Shield Hi Thought I would throw one more member up here before I end my day. At one point in the campaign, the player of Doc Virtual was called away. (Can you believe it, he gave up gaming to get MARRIED and moved to Calgary! ). Anyway, the Canadian Shield needed a replacement Mentalist, and what they got was a hard edged street punk with telepathic and telekinetic powers. And his name was PsiKnight If I ever get around to posting that web site, I have PsiKnight's "first appearance" done up in comic pages form. It would be a real hoot to ink and colour those. In the meantime, hope you like this snapshot of the "second to last" member of our little hero group. Its been fun posting them. Don't be shy, add to the collection, and let me know what you think!! Thanks for lookin' J
  12. Hello again, Only two more members to go. To recap yet again, we have: Manta - Leader and Aquatic/Flying EB Doc Virtual - Mentalist/Computer Telepath Witchgate - Apportation Sorceress primarily conjuring Warp Gates Galaxian - Alien brick with flight Blitzkreig - Part Speedster, Part EB (Whom I forgot to recap last time) Ruby - Martial Artist, Superspy and Skilled Human And now may I present HAYWIRE, the Canadian Shield's resident gadgeteer. Haywire's motif primarily revolved around a quick hardening, highly adapatable adhesive of his own design. For all intents and purposes, he was like Spidey's Web shooters on steroids!! He did the usual entangles, swinging, and wall crawling, but was also able to produce strands of Mono-filiment cutting wire, and his patented "yank-em cord" that he used to effect objects at a distance. He was another character whom primarily fulfilled a support role in combat, but was very effective in slowing down or distracting troublesome opponents while the rest of the team concentrated on whiddling down the numbers. Hope you like Thanks for lookin J
  13. Hi Quick suggestion - could you move the iris' of the eyes up a little so they are not round in the center of the eyeball. It gives her a rather unnatural wide eyed look. I usually find 3/4 of the iris (in this case green) gives a better look. Thanks for listenin' J
  14. Canadian Shield Time for another member I think. Lets recap, we have: Manta - Leader and Aquatic/Flying EB Doc Virtual - Mentalist/Computer Telepath Witchgate - Apportation Sorceress primarily conjuring Warp Gates Galaxian - Alien brick with flight This entry was the character built primarily on skills. I guess she would be classified as a martial artist. Anyone familiar with the DC Heroes rules would recognise it as the "Batman Option" in which the character is a highly trained human with a few gadgets to even the playing field. Ruby, as she was known, was envisioned in the "Black Widow" vein: an undercover agent of the Canadian Secret Service who became disillusioned with her job, and turned to crime fighting. Since her personal records were known to the Government, and hidden from the public, she never felt the need to wear a mask. If memory serves, she acted primarily as the team's forward scout, especially on those missions involving investigation and the ever popular "sneak into the enemy lair" scenerios. Her higher that normal speed (usually chemically induced) and her defensive martial arts kept her safe until the majority of the team could "step in" through one of Witchgate's teleports. Hope you like Thanks for lookin' J
  15. Hi, This is only my personal opinion, but as a Gm I feel that you may be getting a little too wrapped up in the rules and write-ups. You stated that this character is an NPC controlled by yourself. I don't see the need for a write-up at all. You are in charge of controlling what the Players see, hear, feel, and otherwise sense within the game environment. You are also responsible for determining what happens in that environment, as well as the effects on all your other NPC's. If you determine that an NPC trips, or is momentarily blinded, or any other effect the disembodied Coriolis achieves in the game. Why do you need stats for this at all? The second part is that you must bow to the importance of the story itself. It sounds like it is important to you that this re-forming be a gradual thing, and be presented subtly. Why roll dice for effects that can be too weak, or too strong. As a GM I would want to control how many, and of what quality the clues are that I give to the players, so that they do not "figure it all out" too soon, or ignore the presence of this re-emerging NPC all together. Thanks for listening J
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