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Everything posted by AlCook

  1. Re: Fantasy Hero 6th book question Great, that's what I was looking to hear:-) The quality of the core books spoiled me.
  2. Hi everyone, I posted this elsewhere and Steve thought I would be better served posting here. Really looking forward to getting the Fantasy Hero book soon, hopefully next week. Now I know that the book is supposed to be a full color hardcover, just like the core books- I was curious if the physical quality of FH was going to be just as high as the core books. 6E1&2 are the nicest bound books with the best paper I have ever had the pleasure to use. Seriously, they are sweet.
  3. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Fantasy Hero 6th:-) I know that it will be a full colored hardcover, and I wanted to know if the book is going to be as high quality as the core books. Those core books are seriously awesome quality.
  4. Re: Combat with all the switches turned on Sounds good. Thank you. Al
  5. Just wanted to see if anyone here plays out HERO combats with all of the options listed in Volume 2, and if so, what they thought of playing that way.
  6. Re: What's a good way to learn the game? I've never played either, although I've gotten the HERO system since the 4th edition (loved to read them, but never really "read" them). My grasp of the system is weak, but I'm getting there. The size of 6th is intimidating, in my opinion, you'll be doing yourself a favor if you do read through both books cover to cover. Take your time and read through. I wouldn't worry about trying to completely absorb or understand everything right off the bat. You can always go back and re-read the parts that gave you trouble in the beginning. I'm mentally marking those to go back to myself. Stuff will sink in. Right now I'm about 100 pages into Volume 2, and some of the things that I read in Volume 1 make sense. Once I'm done with the second book, I'm going to start making some characters and see what happens there, then maybe try out some combats and see how that goes. Good luck and good reading:) Oh, just wanted to add that I've found that I can read about 5-10 pages before brain melt sets in as well. Then I just put the book down for a few hours and read 5-10 more pages.
  7. Re: Total Point Cost Guidelines for 80's supers
  8. Re: Total Point Cost Guidelines for 80's supers Definitely 6th edition:-) I'm really loving the new books. Yeah, most of those guys are much older than the 80's, but those were the years that I first got into reading comics and I have very fond memories of those times:). So someone like Nightcrawler or Moonknight could be 500 points? If there's one tough thing I have with HERO (or any super hero game that isn't Marvel or DC) is that I have a tough time determining how this character or that would stack up against Moonknight, Nightcrawler, Martian Manhunter...ect. With things like the Strength table and the Speed table, it's easier, but I just have a hard time with other things I guess. Al
  9. To clarify, I'm asking what would be a good guideline for a total points cost for the lower powered 80's super heroes. What kind of total cost would you give to folks like the 80's Vulture, Hydro, Boomerang,Nightcrawler, Moonknight ect. This will be the first time that I'll be creating some characters with HERO (6th ed) and I don't know if the low powered supers guideline in the book would be too powerful or not. Thanks for your time. Al
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