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About Scatman

  • Birthday 03/03/1961

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  1. Re: Missile Deflection question Thank you!
  2. If a person superleaps at a person with missile deflection, can that person missile deflect the oncoming person?
  3. A player had this question for me about leaping and Move throughs: When you leap aren't you already moving at you max speed so that you could do a move through when standing 1" from someone at full velocity? My immediate answer was no but looking at the movement section it refers to running, flying, gliding and swimming in the acceleration/deceleration page but no leaping! And since they can be at least 1" away to start a Move Through if a brick with 75 STR and 30" of super leaping does a move-through that would be 15+10= 25 dice of damage! So is this possible with leaping or is there something I'm missing here?
  4. Scatman

    The 4400

    Re: The 4400 I like the 4400 (although I missed the pilot episode) and the premise would be good to implement in a Champs game.
  5. Can you still buy levels for reducing the Turn Mode for Flight?
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