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Posts posted by Gemphyre

  1. Re: Regeneration/Healing


    Another thing to remember is that, in terms of game mechanics, Regeneration (Healing+Always On+Extra Time+ Regeneration Only) really isn't a very efficient damage mitigation tool:

    • it's 20 active points per level of Body healed every Turn. Yeah, the limitations get it down to 7 points or so Real, but that's still going to run into campaign caps fairly quickly. (4 BODY/turn = 80 active).
    • Also, most Champions fights last only a couple of Turns; the ability to heal is mainly a way to limit down-time between fights, rather than to help IN a fight.
    • Finally, in most Champions games, STUN is more important than BODY.

    Probably a better "model" of regeneration-as-defense would be an insanely high STUN and REC, and a moderate PD/ED (as others have suggested, to "heal fast").


    A another option would be as follows:


    SPD 4 - represents your normal speed.

    SPD 4 (Only to take full-phase recoveries)

    Insubstantial (Always On, Only when taking Full-Phase Recoveries, only to prevent being inturrupted while taking a full-phase recovery, can still be hit.)


    That last bit is a bit of GM handwavium to represent the fact that the character automatically 'rests', and retrieves his full-phase REC bonus, even if someone is hitting him.


    Note you'll have to watch this build fairly closely - especially if the character has a moderate level of PD/ED and a high CON, it's concievable that many opponents simply can't do enough damage to get through his REC. It's actually for reasons like this that I believe Regeneration is costed the way it is (post-12 phase recovery only) - the way I describe it above, it may get too good, too fast.


    An additional limitation on the "Fast Recovery" might also be in order. Include "Only to RECovery STUN", so that you don't have a person that can NEVER run out of END without someone draining it from him, especially if the person also has high END attacks. For Martial Artist type characters and others that normally do not run into END troubles, it would be less important.



  2. Re: Heroes for pay


    Honestly' date=' I think it would be hypocritical for someone to say a paid "superhero" is unethical while the accuser is being paid for their own job. I don't consider teachers, soldiers, policemen or firefighters unethical for being paid to do their jobs (being among the most necessary of the heroic).[/quote']


    HERE, HERE!:thumbup:


    Some of the most important jobs for a viable modern society are some of the worst paid. And those are the ones that I put at the top of my own list.


    Former sailor (AT2),

    Mother is a retired teacher,

    numerous friends are teachers, soldiers, and sailors, as well as police and firefighters



  3. Re: Heroes for pay


    How does the concept of heroes for pay strike the board' date=' principled mercaaries that do "heroic" deeds but are paid for it, like very principled merenaries. How about sponsered Heroes that receive a salary? Are either any less heroic?[/quote']


    My opinion is that it is slightly less heroic, but not undoable. A lot depends on who is paying them and why, as well as what jobs they do and if they can turn jobs down.


    For example, let's say that a large metropolitan city pays the heros as a sponsored crime fighting team and is effectively a "super SWAT" and rescue team for situations that the normal SWAT teams are ill-equiped to handle, such as Dr. Destroyer showing up. They would be given a half-way decent base in the middle of the city and a basic support staff, and they would have police powers, but they would also be on call and need to handle the situations that the police commissioner dictates, as well as any other crimes that they happen to be able to stop. They would be subject to police regulations and regular news stories. They would be held to represent the city as well, either in their best aspects or their worst. They would still be considered reasonably heroic in the same manner as police are. They are just not as altruistic as unpaid heros. Suggestion, base the pay on what the police elite units are paid, since that is what they effectively are. Also vary the attitudes of the cops, judges, and lawyers about them.


    More mercenary teams might be less picky, or have less say over the types of jobs they take. They would be considered even less heroic.


    A team with an unknown sponsor would be defined more by what they do than whether or not they are paid and who by, unless the sponsor turns out to have a poor reputation, even if all their deeds have been stellar. (also known as a plot twist in the making. :eg: )


    Paying the heros can actually go in just about any direction, and can be done for a number of reasons. The heros deeds and misdeeds, as well as whether or not this payment is known or unknown by the general public and who it is that is footing the bill will have a lot to do with what the public attitudes are.



  4. Re: New Skill(?): Investigate


    Bribery, Conversation, High Society, pertinent KS and Deduction might also be appropriate to any given situation involving Streetwise.


    If you have Pulp Hero the Detective Package Deal has some good suggestions. As does the Private Investigator Package Deal in Dark Champions.


    Basically, "Investigate" is what the PC does, the other skills are how he does it in game. I really don't see "Investigate" being a separate skill.


    Most of those he has already. High Society would be out of character for him, and Bribery might be next on the list.


    I just got Dark Champions a couple days ago, but I have not read it yet. So I did not know about the package deal.


    And I agree that Investigate probably should not be a separate skill, but I want what the player sees the skill as as well as comments from more experienced heads, which is why I started this thread. After knowing what the player sees the Investigate skill as being, I will have a better idea how to approach the question. Most likely, it will be a case of most of the pieces are actually covered by other skills.



  5. Re: New Skill(?): Investigate


    You should do this.


    Edit: I see nothing at all wrong with making it its own skill, but at the moment no one knows what the player means by "the Investigate skill". There's really not a lot more can be said until we do know more.


    Which is why I asked him to write out what HE meant by it. The "near future" in this case was this evening, after I wrote the post.


    I was interested as well as what others thought that this skill might entail.



  6. Re: New Skill(?): Investigate


    I would be interested what you see this getting you (Investigate is not in TUS as a separate skill).


    I see this being a function of Streetwise, with any number of other possible skills being Complimentary depending on the specific situations at hand.


    As do I, with Criminology and Research. However, that is why I asked the player to define what he meant by it. He is an experienced gamer, just not as much with the Hero System. With knowledge of his viewpoint, I can make a decision. I figure I will get something back from him by the end of the week.



  7. I have a character in the game that I am running that is planning on buying a new skill or two for his character. The character in this case is basically a physically tough and durable detective. He has Deduction, Conversation, Persuasion, Shadowing, Stealth, and Tracking. The next skill that he wants is the Investigate skill, which is not in any of the books I have for the Hero System. (I do not yet have The Ultimate Skill.) For the moment, I have suggested that he take Criminology, which covers some of the same things.


    What I am going to do in the near future is ask him to write out exactly what he considers the Investigate skill should be and include, and see if it works as a new skill, or if it is covered by other skills.


    My question to the more experienced heads here is what YOU think an Investigate skill should include, and what it shouldn't. Or, if appropriate, what other skills already exist that cover the breadth of what you think the Investigate skill would or should include.



  8. Re: Grandiose Schemes


    How about this? Rig the Presidential election to make William Shatner win as a write-in candidate. :eek:


    Wouldn't work. He was born in Canada, IIRC. Would be challenged and upheld without problem, assuming that he did not point out that fact and disqualify himself.



  9. Re: New President -


    But he's a demon from hell. Jokes about New Jersey aside' date=' he's not a US citizen.[/quote']


    Etrigan would accept.


    And his host is British. I do not think that he was on US soil in 1782 when the Revolutionaries defeated the British and won independence, the only loophole to being born on U.S. soil or to U.S. citizens while they were abroad.


    Mark Sebree

  10. Re: help! multipower at random?


    Combining your example with my previous 3 produces:


    20 Spellbook of Ar-Rath: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); Variable Limitations (requires -1 worth of Limitations; Options: No Conscious Control (Random Spell Selection) (Only Effects cannot be controlled) OR Extra Time: Extra Phase, Delayed Phase; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only 2 options available for Variable Limitations; -1/4); all slots OAF (Spellbook; -1), Incantations (-1/4)

    5m 1) Energy Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) - END=6

    5m 2) Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (60 Active Points) - END=6

    5m 3) Flight 30" (60 Active Points) - END=6

    5m 4) Force Field (30 PD/30 ED) (60 Active Points) - END=6


    Note that the inclusion of the (-1/4) Limited Power only saves 2 Real Points. Also note that the Extra Time Limitation only affects the slot choice/reserve distribution. If the character takes the extra time once and then doesn't change anything on his next phase he can use the same choices with no delay from that point on. Whether that is really worth a -1 Limitation is questionable.


    Which is why this forum exists in the first place. To let people bring forth their questions and suggestions so that a rough consensus can be reached on the "best" ways to do things, or to point out things that individuals forgot or did not consider. Different viewpoints are provided and critiques made, which helps us become better GMs and players.



  11. Re: help! multipower at random?


    I have been reading this thread, and I must admit that the original poster has an interesting idea.


    What I was thinking on this is that since it is an either/or situation on the MP, i.e. EITHER the power is selected at random OR Extra Time is taken to find the exact spell you want, then the Extra Time limitation could be set at the same level as the No Conscious Control, and one limitation is taken that includes both.


    The reason is that Variable Limitation has always struck me as being a case of selecting any limitations that you wanted, as long as they added up to the designated level. In this case, for the MP as a whole, there are only two possibilities, and they are defined as being mutually exclusive.


    Here is an example of how I would construct the MP reserve, given what he original poster has described, as well as taking a little creative license:


    MP: Spellbook of Ar-Rath, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Random Spell Selection)(Only Effects cannot be controlled) OR Extra Time: Extra Phase, Delayed Phase (-1); all slots OAF (Spellbook) (-1), Incantations (-1/4)


    Followed by the slots in the order that her wants. GM and player of course agree a head of time what is used to select the slots randomly. Each slot, assuming no other limitations, would be 3 points, since this cannot be used with multi slots by definition of the concept.


    A reason that the spells take a few seconds to find could be that the are all close together (near the front of the book?) and the writing looks similar between the spells. The book also rejects and/or absorbs any attempt to mark the pages for faster reference. As he deciphers more spells, his multipower gets longer.



  12. Re: Character monologues


    Once played supermodel heroine-against-her-will Fluff, who could "wield the power cosmetic", and break down the structural integrity of matter on a large, large scale.


    Not so much a monologue as a one-liner, but sums her up:


    "Oh look, all their big guns just went all soft and fuzzy and limp and flopsy and bendy. Those would be good names for bunnyrabbits, don't you think?


    "The power COSMETIC???":confused: Should I even ask? Although it would explain how she became a supermodel.



  13. Re: Density Control Question


    I have a player who wants to have the power to affect the density of inanimate objects, the example he gave was he could throw a small rock and then increase its density to do damage or increase a persons weight to make them unable to move. I am looking for possible ways to do this while i look for my rulebook. Your suggestions are appreciated.


    Thanks a lot.


    Since nobody has mentioned this yet, Until Superpowers Database has a section on Density Alteration. That could provide other suggestions.


    For holding the person down, an Entangle, Takes No Damage, has already been suggested. Another option from USPDB (slightly modified) is Telekinesis, with a Limited Power of only to make the target heavier or only to pull them straight down to the ground.


    As already noted, the attack is simply a special effect of an EB, with appropriate modifiers.



  14. Re: Updating VOICE


    Everything is on hold. My National Guard unit had it's deployment schedule shifted' date=' and were leaving earlier than I thought (This Friday, June 1st), for a year long deployment to the Sand Box. So, things are on hold till I return.[/quote']


    God Speed' date=' stay safe, and [b']Thank you [/b]for your sacrifice,


    What he said.


    And remember, no medal is worth getting shot for. Remember to duck.;)



    (former Navy Petty Officer, joined at the start of Desert Shield, the first run in the Sand Box)

  15. Re: Horizon Academy (Teen Champions) Notes



    The Bus Principal Peterson had his doubts about the bus he was being offered, but there was no doubting both its effectiveness, and loyality. While students may become a bit confused as they end up inside it during battelmech mode, it's a safe bet to say that flying is no longer the safest way to travel. See attachment pic below




    This just ran through my head when I read this description.

    (cue music)

    "Transformers! More than meets the eye.

    Transformers! (synth) Robots in disguise."




  16. Re: Viper/Demon and organization in other fiction like them


    For some reason I got to thinking about Viper and COBRA (from GI Joe) and thinking how if wanted you might could sub COBRA in like that so I was thinking what would be some groups in non-HERO fiction that could be used as a sub for DEMON.......others to sub for VIPER.



    Not sure why I got thinking on this (other than my obsession with crossover madness) but I was curious if somebody remembered any groups in any other fiction that could sub for these to villain orgs.


    I am surprised that nobody has mentioned this one.


    For a more humorous campaign, or for a "slightly" incompetent version of VIPER, would you believe there is KAOS from "Get Smart".



  17. Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


    For this one why not use:


    Gliding: 5", 0 End (+1/2), Trigger (One defined condition, Activating takes no time, Character does not control activation, Trigger resets automaticly) (+3/4)


    Personally, I think that Flight is better for this. The carpet itself would not naturally glide, but rather moves due to spells on it. Flight to the nearest "safe" place is a natural extension of the main spell, and allows for the carpet to avoid landing in things like open water. The nearest safe place could also be above it, such as a rooftop 3 floors up, and Flight can easily go up without extra help.


    On the other hand, I agree with you about the trigger. Better than my suggestion, since it models the concept more closely.



  18. Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


    One more minor power that you might want to add to the carpet, assuming that you go the Focus route.


    x" Flight, 0 END (+1/2), OIF (-1/2), No Conscious Control (Only to safely land when operator is unconscious) (-1), + any other appropriate advantages/limitations.


    Reason, you don't want to plummet to the ground when you get knocked out. Since the carpet is magic, it has a built in safety spell to land in the nearest "safe" space. This could still be in the middle of a fire fight, though. And the number of inches of movement does not need to be that great either.



  19. Re: Combining Heroic and Superheroic Rules


    I'm unable to decide whether that's a compliment or an insult...


    In any case I don't see what the problem is; it's wasteful for Killer Shrike to copy and paste from his site rather than simply point to it.


    True. Especially when his links point to the information that is directly relevant, or at least that page that it is on, as opposed to near the top of the site and force people to search through it.


    Also, at least there are some sites around like this that contain a lot of GM and player tools and information. It makes sense to point to them when they have the answer, as opposed to presenting an extended discussion that could be several pages long and is soon lost as more topics are added and the one the answer is in dies down and ends.



  20. Re: Where's Seeker/Multiple identical weapons?


    well Seeker actualy had identical Sai's' date=' I think you are looking for Shugoshin, both van be found in Watchers of the Dragon[/quote']


    It does not surprise me that I am getting characters confused. I had forgotten about Watchers of the Dragon since I was looking only in the 5th ed. books.



  21. This is one of those "I know I have seen that. But here?" type questions.


    I am in the process of creating a villain NPC that is specified as a Hunted in a PC background. In this case, because of the background, the NPC is a Martial Artist. This MA is armed with a pair of Butterfly Swords as his primary weapons. The swords themselves, besides being high quality, are not special and have no special powers.


    What I am trying to remember/find are the rules that deal with having multiple identical weapons in use at the same time. I remember that the hero Seeker had something like this for his spirit swords, which is why I have been seeking him.


    Reduced Penetration is certainly a possibility, but it does not "feel" right, since the sword itself does not have Reduce Penetration, but the pair of them together might. Also, when attacking multiple enemies, the swords would do similar damage to each. (If I allow such a maneuver.)



  22. Re: Bump of Direction, OIF


    This Article talks about different attempts to give humans new senses using technology. The first is just what the title of the thread says, bump of direction OIF. It consists of a belt of vibrators. Whichever vibrator points north, vibrates. Apparently people who wear it actually develop better mental maps of the places they go.


    They talk about others, including a camera that paints a picture of the room around you with electrical signals on your tongue.


    Oh, and also this article about GM mice recieving a new photoreceptor (they normally have two, the new mice have three) that lets them percieve color as humans can. It goes on to describe the possiblities for humans. I honestly didn't know that there was such a thing as a tetrachromat, but I must now make a pulp character with that ability.


    If I understand what you mean by a "tetrachromat" correctly, they do exist in nature. Many birds see into the near ultraviolet via a rod/cone that was dropped in our evolutionary chain, as well as in color. I remember seeing a Scientific American article on this some time ago, but I do not know what issue it was in, except that it was within the last couple years.



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