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About jcfiala

  • Birthday 12/06/1965

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  • Occupation
    Computer Programmer

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  1. Re: Pulp Adventures -- What Would *You* Like To See? I like the sound of 'Curse of the Mummy' and 'The Locomotive Pirates' myself. Mysteries in RPGs can be difficult to run, but I've managed it quite well a few times. I really enjoy them.
  2. Re: Why are there no Fantasy Hero adventures / Modules I like complete adventures, written up in the system they're written for. This is because I am a busy person, who doesn't have *time* to write a lot of stuff in addition to other module prepping, to get ready for a game. And I call out people who say adventures are only dungeon crawls, and only sell well for d20, by pointing to the rich and varied history of adventures for Call of Cthulhu that are out there. There's some that are very bad, yes, but a lot that are very good. Now, if CoC can do it, why can't HERO? I'll have to keep an eye out for Fantasy Battlegrounds, now that I know what it is, and try to set up a FH game in Denver sometime. (In my Copious Free Time.)
  3. Re: Comments on sexism and racism at the outset of Pulp Hero Well, can't purchase it in America. I remember renting a Japanese Laserdisk of Song of the South a few years ago, and watching it, and I'm sure it's now available on DVD in Japan. Quite frankly, it's not that good of a movie, overall. You're not missing much.
  4. Re: Why are there no Fantasy Hero adventures / Modules
  5. Re: Why are there no Fantasy Hero adventures / Modules Fantasy Hero: Battlegrounds was marketed poorly. I only recently found out it had adventures in it!
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