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Posts posted by whitekeys

  1. Just wondering if anyone has heard of Legend Keeper, a new personal wiki-style world-building tool for Game Masters that's in beta right now and being developed by a guy named Braeden. I just read on his patreon page that he quit his full time job to continue development of the tool. I'm very excited about it and considering supporting the project. I'm pretty sure it's not system-specific in anyway (though a lot of the promotional material seems geared towards fantasy settings) so it would be of interest to the HERO community.

  2. On 3/14/2020 at 10:07 PM, Christougher said:

    I think I took one level in each...

    I'm in this class, but I hate classes.


    Funny I should find this thread, I was just thinking I would post about personal GM bios, curious how other people see their own roleplaying game style and philosophy. Should I post here or start a new thread?

  3. Hey y'all. Didn't really bother reading the whole thread but it seems to have got slightly off topic. I wanted to respond to the original topic, apologies if that's jarring. Have there been many responses from Canada? I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Things here are pretty good, I'd have to say. Most of the known cases for Canada come from the province of Quebec (for whatever reason, it really spread quickly there at the beginning of April) and the other big cities, Toronto and Vancouver. In Winnipeg, a city of ~750,000, greater metro, we've only had 250 total cases, and I heard recently we only have 10 people in the hospital seeking care right now. Other are most likely quarantined somewhere else. There is talk of lifting some of the restrictions soon. 


    Standard emergency medical orders have been put in place, limiting the number of people that can gather in a public place to 5 or 10, and non-critical businesses have been shut down, which is a whole lot of services and retail.


    I still get together with some of my friends who aren't taking social distancing too seriously, and getting out and about. I have bee playing boardgames weekly, and would really really love a roleplaying game group, but alas, no such luck.

  4. Hey Folks,


    Just was reading through a bit of the GURPS Fourth Edition. I'm not familiar with it at all. In the first few parts, it appears to be an exact copy of HERO. I was hoping someone with more familiarity could describe exactly how its different mechanically, and philosophically, from HERO, so I don't have to read through its larger-even-than-HERO rulebooks.



  5. On 6/12/2018 at 1:21 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Perhaps Growth is better off built as a meta-power like a talent: bundle the things together (with the appropriate complications) as a package for people to use who are a different size


    I'd go one further and get rid of Growth altogether. Buy the other powers that being large typically gets you, reach, KB resistance, etc., and consider your actual size to be a special effect.

  6. One thing comes to mind would be Uncontrolled, No Conscious Control, Area of Effect, Trigger.


    So whoever makes the disease sets up the specific amount of time it's transferable for, as per Uncontrolled, by paying the required amount of endurance. From there,  there's No Conscious Control of how it might be transferred via Trigger and Area of Effect.


    But the questions unclevlad brings up need to be answered to have a specific build.

  7. 2 hours ago, knasser2 said:






    Orkzkool drop we got here. Look, just pay attention to Lucius. He'll get you some help.



  8. 50 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

    If knasser2 just wants the claw to grab using the tank's own Strength, sure, that should work.



    I'm pretty sure things like claws, or whether your vehicle has wheels or legs for example, are special effects of the vehicle. Vehicles start with basic characteristics, which can be found on 6E2 186, and movement modes, 6E2 188, but how they work exactly are special effects. I'd say the same thing about STR. Your vehicle could be a mech with arms and hands, couldn't it? A combat maneuvre should be decent, unless you envision the arm being extremely long, since what you get for free would be reach equivalent to a character's reach.

  9. Teleportation Circle: Teleportation 5m, No Relative Velocity, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; Circle denoted on the ground with Gestures; +1/4), Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Limited Range (Teleportation Circle must be cenetered on a point no more than 5m from Character; +1/4), Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; Teleportation Triggered when any Character enteres the Teleportation Circle; +3/4), Usable As Attack (+1), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, MegaScale (1m = 100 km; +1 1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4)



    That's what I came up with. How close am I?


    One trouble with giving Teleportation AoE and changing its range from Self to Ranged, is that power has two different ranges. A range at which a gate can be created and a distance one can be teleported. 

  10. Gate may not work exactly the way you want it, but you can still add the Advantages and Limitations that make your teleportation Gate-like. The way I see, the Gate (-1/2) Limitation is the only thing that defines the Gate as being a Gate and thus two-way and see-through. The others, Area of Effect, Constant, and UOO can still be applied to a Teleportation power without making it inherently two-way or otherwise Gate-like.


    Time Limit as an Advantage seems like it might do the job to allow this pseudo-Gate to be open for 20 minutes, but Uncontrolled has a natural shut-off mechanism, which could be your 8 people maximum, and seems to fit the power description much better. Usable As Attack and Trigger seem to go well together, if the character wants to teleport other people without necessarily controlling who can go through and who can't (ex. whoever steps into the circle, right?), or possibly Increased Mass adder, however, Area of Effect and Constant seem to do the job as per Gate.


    Will definitely need Extra Time, Incantations and Gestures. 


    Safe Blind Travel, as well as No Range Modifier, No Relative Velocity, and MegaScale should be used as you see fit.


    So here are my questions:


    1. What exactly are the implications of the Area of Effect advantage for a teleportation UAA? Is it an area of effect centered around the person granted the power? Or can it necessarily be defined as a spot on the ground, like a gate? The rules for Range of Powers states that, normally, a Power with the Range of Self cannot have the Area of Effect Advantage applied to it, nor can they be made to work at range. But only if having the UOO Advantage applied first. It's tricky, because the power, when set up, is not yet being used as an attack. That's probably why Gate was defined as Usable Simultaneously. Before, it seemed like either UAA and Trigger or AoE and Constant were workable pairs, but the more I think about it the more it seems all four are needed. You need UAA before you can apply AoE anyway.


    2. If the UAA Teleportation is indeed a spot on the ground, is Trigger necessary? given what's said above, I think it must be.


    Food for thought... gotta sleep.


  11. Great power idea! I haven't been looking at the books recently, because I haven't been gaming, so I can't suggest any complicated power builds at the moment.


    However, it's always important to restate the rule about special effects. It seems to me that the "reading" should just be a special effect of the power. It doesn't really matter for game mechanics how they get them, but the character has the powers. If you agree, then you're left with a character that only has access to powers at certain times, as per the special effect, which actually seems majorly under powered, rather than being over powered, with the ability to absorb powers in this way.


    Here are my ideas:


    1. Multiform definitely comes to mind. But as I said above, the powers are all predefined and constructed by the character, and "reading" is a special effect.


    2. You could put a Charge on every power, with Recoverable only under certain circumstances. The number of Charges in a clip would indicate how long those powers stick around for after the "Read" and the "under certain circumstances" recovery would be the read itself.


    3. You could put a Required Roll on every power and make it a PER Roll (that's the read) with obvious penalties if there's nothing in front of the character to "read". So it would be impossible to make the PER Roll to activate the Power if there's nothing to perceive. Or maybe you could think of it like anything could be read, but some things are harder than others... it could be time sensitive, or how close an item was to a person (or whatever they were trying to absorb). The sword seems like an easy read to make, given the close connection between the sword and the swordsman. But something like... the ruined remains of a house, attempting to read the shattered pieces of wood for any trace of the previous inhabitants from hundreds of years ago, could be really hard to read. The GM would control the PER penalties to activate powers.


    4.  This probably changes your player's idea drastically, but it would be possible for the GM to make this event part of the campaign setting, where the players don't necessarily control when they're suddenly given powers by powerful artifacts. It could happen frequently, though. Then this would be a Usable On Others advantage, of the item, rather than a power of one of the PCs. It might be nice for the GM to have control over what powers are given when.


    5. Define something as Floating. This is a lot easier to manage when it's something simple like a skill (pay 3 points for a Floating skill, and fill in the blanks every time you do a read) but would be much harder to understand when it comes to complicated Powers. It would be especially effective if done in the manner described in the entry for Complication: Dependent NPC saying something about "a different girlfriend every week". If your campaign was episodic, the character could come into contact with an artifact for reading at the beginning, and then have those powers for the rest of the episode, changing them at the start of the next. It would take away the messiness of time limits.


    I think the thrust of what I'm suggesting with all this, is that, in my opinion, it would be easier if all the different things the character wanted to do were on the sheet, and the flavour of doing a reading defined what powers the character was going to use at that moment. A la Multiform, you're supposed to have a sheet for each of your forms, but this power, as described so far, basically has an unlimited number of forms with the potential for absorbing any and all powers skills and knowledge. It seems unwieldy in that regard.

  12. The OP did say that "skills" in this post were of the Knowledge, Profession, and Science variety, not the Breakfall, Demolitions, or System Operation variety.


    There's a clear distinction between the two, where one is a practical skill and the other is knowledge. A Thief with the Lockpicking skill would be able to jimmy open the door to the Baron's Treasury, but couldn't tell you what kind of lock it was, what tradesman installed it, or what factory manufactured it, nor could they uninstall the lock, reinstall the lock, or execute maintenance on a lock. Those would require Knowledge: Locks or Profession: Locksmith, respectively. Which would have implications for, say, telling another thief how to get in, or tracking down the lock hawker as part of some kind of investigation, or pretending to be a locksmith with ulterior motives, or gaining a Complimentary Skill Roll bonus if returning a second time to find the locks changed.


    From here, I'd have to agree with most folks who've given their opinions, saying that it's up to the GM and the players how they run their games. I do also consider it a rule that if a player puts something down on a character sheet and pays points for it, the GM should find a way of including that in the game, but it's also up to the player to be creative as well. If you want to be a kid from the streets with the "knack" for getting into locked rooms, take the Lockpicking skill, but if you want to be a locksmith who gets tangled up in a motley crew exacting revenge on a cruel guild leader, take Lockpicking and a supporting KS or PS. 

  13. Hey everyone!


    How's thangs?


    In a vain attempt to both get connected with other gamers in my city, and to help promote roleplaying games other than Dungeons and Dragons (aka HERO), I've been trying to start up some social-media-esque stuff. But without going into too much detail on that boring side of things, I thought of creating a standard questionnaire for gaming groups, players, and game masters, which would provide important information for people joining up with new groups and GMs/hosts starting up new campaigns.


    Then I got the brilliant idea of a roleplaying game personality test, in the style of the enneagram, where a statement if offered and you give yourself a rating of 1-5 based on how closely you identify with the statement. Does anyone know of anything like this currently in existence other than the gamer version of the Myers-Briggs personality types double-linked below?





    I'm writing out my thoughts on this now, as there is a multitude of ways of displaying the questions and wording them.



  14. I think we're straying a little bit from the OP's original request. Especially when we started talking about 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th editions! haha


    I would build it as a Suppress, I think, with a GM hand-waved length of time, like Only lasts until end of battle (+/- ?). That would steer you away from any questions about whether it is destroyed or not.

  15. The stats for rolling numbers on 3d6 can be found below, along with a comparison for d20 rolls.




    EDIT:  To be more helpful, the odds of rolling 12 or under are 74.1%, the odds for rolling 13 or under are 83.8%. But if you're trying to figure out how much of a boost that is to your odds, to go from 12- to 13-, you should put that in the context of the other numbers. That is to say, the biggest statistical increase is to go from 11- to 12-, and each increment above that is slightly less of a statistical increase. 


    I think.

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