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Posts posted by Powerhouse

  1. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character)


    I'm just curious. Get one of these babies. Assume it does 3d6 RKA base damage. Put Armor Peircing rounds in it (yes, they make them). Would a sniper shot to the head work now? What's the head multiplier, x8? Seems like it should...


    In most superheroic rules, isn't the location mutlipliers ignored? Anyway, I would argue story telling vs rules here. When I say Tyr, Starknight, and Titan think Thor, an armored Green Lantern, and Iron Man. Although what you noted is a powerful weapon, I don't see it, at least in most comic books, taking down the above. Ok, maybe Thor but how bullet proof he is people always argue.

  2. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character)


    I think the other aspect is that we're appproaching this from the Gamers' Perspective. Find the quickest, most straightforward and most effective means of taking down the character in question.


    We're not approaching it from the dramatic storytelling perspective, which would require the method approaching be inobvious and creative and pose an interesting dilemma for the character in question.


    For example, it's noteworthy that the Batman Protocol solution to Superman doesn't just shoot him with a green K bullet (which would presumably have been far easier than synthesizing the special red K which turned his skin transparent). Flash is shot with a bullet that induces epileptic seizures. Why not a bullet that poisons him with cyanide? Why aquaphobia for Aquaman? A high power rifle would kill him off just as effectively, and considerably faster.


    Solid comments as well as those that noted that some of the protocols seem more geared to a character who hasn't gone bad (like lady Silver appearing at a public event). I guess I'm a bit to blame since I'm being vague between what's develop to take down a character gone bad as opposed to what's perverted to take down a hero.


    And yes, Batman had some clever ideas but not all seemed rather practical... maybe I'll try to come up with some stuff that's more dramatic and theatrical.

  3. Re: WWYCD: The Champion Protocols


    The Silver Knights might deal as follows:


    First of all, make sure that all Knights know. Next, get Titan and get him to figure out what these protocols might be... and thus how to counter the counters. Afterwards, the team moves in strength: miniumum of three and that means YOU Starknight!


    Like Uncle Slam's idea, you really need to take the offense. Investigating the crime scene would work although they'd have to tap Stalker (an associate) to do so and that's IF they can convince the government to let them do it. Also, look to prepare a trap that could be activated by having Lady Silver teleport in reinforcements. They'd also develop some new tactics that the enemies might not be ready for.


    One possible trap might be a charity event with Lady Silver. Augment her normal invisible shields with Titan's tech and have the crowd be a combination of supers in disguise and illusions.

  4. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character)


    Interesting premise, but...



    Originally Posted by Powerhouse

    Solution: sniper shot when she is unaware.



    Doesn't this describe basically everyone? There are a few people who are immuned to sniper shots to the head, but not a lot. Most supers have some sort of defense or power that needs to be activated. Whether it's super speed, active dodging, FF or similar, or donning power armor, if you can catch them unaware, then you've got them.


    That, and "use a bigger gun." Most FF and power armor defenses are prone to just plaing being over-whelmed. Speedsters, sneakers and dodge artists don't have this problem.


    Admittedly, the above can be apply to many, just as the nuke can. I guess it depensd on what limits you have on your resources. Sniping Tyr, Titan, and Starguard wouldn't be recommended since most enemies don't have access to a sniper rifle powerful enough to guarantee a knockout.


    Lady Silver is a little difference since she doesn't have a ton of persistent defenses except her invisible shields that she uses as a default when she isn't in combat. Awareness of this fact though would allow for an appropriate weapon to be selected. Witchunter (from Arcane Enemies) sniped her once without realizing that she had those shields. As a result she was critically wounded but NOT killed and was thus able to recover with some mystical help. With the Champion Protocols, it's known that she does have those skills and thus a more powerful bullet is needed, along with the need to not assume that she's dead.


    That said, I guess a little creativity would be nice. She does use gestures and incantations for her variable limits so I guess something that interfered with that would be a nice idea. I'll do some thinking.

  5. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character)


    Shinji Miromoto - a bit more tough; he's a teleporter with a psychic VPP that is often tued to "Precognition: No Concious Control"; so the character would have to bet that the GM won't tell the character about the plans in advance.


    Counter by having a ton of disasters occur around him or enough events so that his precognition was confused/overwhelmed.

  6. Re: HELP: Radiation Power Set???


    This is my current 750 pt version of Doctor Atomic. You might find some of the powers useful :


    Cost Power

    80 Atomic Powers: Multipower, 80-point reserve

    8u 1) Atomic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6 (80 Active Points)

    8u 2) Atomic Drain: Drain CON 5d6+1, Ranged (+1/2) (79 Active Points)

    7u 3) Atomic Field: Drain CON 3 1/2d6, Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (70 Active Points)

    7u 4) Atomic Shield: Drain CON 2 1/2d6, Damage Shield (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (75 Active Points)

    4u 5) Atomic Powered Punch: Energy Blast 8 1/2d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only affects grounded targets; -1/4), Gestures (Must punch ground; -1/4)

    5u 6) Induce Radioactivity: Major Transform 4d6, Improved Target Group (Any radioactive material; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Requires A Science Skill: Nuclear Physics Roll (-1/2)

    3u 7) Transmutation: Major Transform 2 1/2d6, Improved Target Group (One element into another; +1) (80 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Requires A Science Skill: Nuclear Physics Roll (-1/2)

    3u 8) Atomic Powering: Succor END 16d6 (80 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (Only to nuclear powered devices; -1 1/2)

    50 Atomic Flight: Multipower, 50-point reserve

    5u 1) Atomic Flight: Flight 25" (50 Active Points)

    2u 2) Atomic Flight Overdrive: Flight 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (25 Active Points)

    44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4)

    30 Atomic Hardened Skin: Damage Resistance (30 PD/30 ED)

    17 Atomic Hardened Skin: PD and ED Hardened (17 Active Points)

    30 Radiation Resistance: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%, Limited Power Not against Argonite (+0) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Only against Radiation (-1)

    22 Atomic Powered Physiology: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing)

    10 Radiation Resistance: Power Defense (20 points) (20 Active Points); Limited Power Only against radiation attacks (-1)

    18 Radiation Sense: Detect A Single Thing 14- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Range

    Powers Cost: 353

  7. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age


    Hmm... just what is "cold iron" ?


    I think I might just change it to iron. Steel is cleansed of what hurts the faries but the original iron will still do damage. That way the character can still deal with most modern threats but if someone is aware of her weakness, they can exploit it.

  8. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character)


    Sentinel: (human special forces soldier): no particular strategy is needed powerwise although he would be the one most likely to keep his head and escape. Very easily underestimated. Use conventional attacks like gas and explosive but be ready to move in quickly. Best to plan out a place with few escape routes.


    Lodestar: magnetic controller.


    Solution: simple enough: non ferrous objects whether as bullets, entangles, sharpnel, etc. You might want to start off with some metallic attacks to boost his confidence and make him sloppy. Or just lobe near him in a non ferrous grenade some gas which will bypass his force field.


    Tyr: Norse god of justice: ok you got me there. Think Thor minus the storm powers and hammer but with a powerful "final justice" attack, powerful melee weapons, and a few misc powers related to tactics and truth. Maybe some powerful artifact...

  9. Comic book fans might know about the Batman protocols (revealed in JLA where Batman devised ways to take down the JLA) and the Xavier protocols (created by Professor X to take down the world's most powerful mutants, including himself and the X men, if they became a dander).


    What if someone with intimate knowledge of you and your team decided to figure to take you down "just in case." This would likely include weaknesses that few people know about.


    For my team:


    Lady Silver (powerful sorceress): her powers are difficult to counter and varied. Her weak point is that she needs to summon her most powerful defenses and they are quite visible (ie mystic shields). She has been noted to used lower powered shields that are invisible to detection and also screen out harmful substances.


    Solution: sniper shot when she is unaware. Given her frequency at charitable events, she would be easy to stalk. Use a very powerful round (explosive, depleted uranium, etc) and be ready to move in very quickly to confirm the kill. If you don't see a ton of missing brain matter, follow up with plastique.


    Nova: alien energy projector: physically tough and a fast flier. Noted weakness includes vulnerability to drains.


    Solution: use gravity bolos that when they wrap against a target activate a gravity well and increases the target's weight many fold. If the resulting shift does not rip her in half, it will certainly slam her into the ground with stunning force. Follow up with lethal attacks now that she is stunned and her mobility lessened.


    Alternatively, fire off monofilament webs in her path. They are almost impossible to notice and, when combined with her speed, will slice her to pieces.


    Starknight: uses alien armor that lets her fly, create energy constructs, melee weapons, and energy blasts. Between armor, force fields, and force walls she is tough to hurt.


    Solution: armor lacks defenses to the senses. Concentration also required to manifest constructs. Use high intensity light bursts and sonics to disoriented and bypass defenses and degrade offensive capabilities. Ground her with the above gravity bolos to prevent escape. Do not close into melee combat.


    Titan: high tech wonder with powerful armor.


    Solution: lure into prepared area with several powerful electromagnets. When in the designated area, rip him apart. Otherwise, use magnets to hurl him about until unconscious or armor is damaged. Have backups in case he destroys them. Also, be ready to change the magnet's strength and direction if he tries to counter with magnetics (he has a gadget pool).


    Speed Demon: speedster


    Solution: fire off monofilament webs in his path. They are almost impossible to notice and, when combined with her speed, will slice him to pieces. Or lure him into a null gravity area where he can't run. Use chemicals that he accelerated metabolism will absorb quickly. Landmines.

  10. Re: Help with a name please


    So far, about 42 names have been submitted. I'm going through them now and wanted to thank everyone for their time and generousity in this matter.


    Extra thanks to Freakboy for the costume design. I think it will help immensely!

  11. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age


    quick question: if I gave Glamour a vulnerability to cold iron:


    1. Would that be correct for someone who derives her powers from faeries of British origin?


    2. Would that be VC, Com, or UC?


    3. Would that include bullets?

  12. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age


    More cool stuff and great ideas! Just a quick comment though:


    I didn't know what argonite was, so I looked it up: Argonite is the name-brand (a registered trademark owned by Ginge-Kerr) for a mixture of 50% argon (Ar) and 50% nitrogen (N2). It is an inert gas used in gaseous fire suppression systems.


    I came up with argonite from two sources:


    1. Hyperion, a Superman knock-off from the Squardon Supreme, has a vulnerability to argonite.


    2. I think that argonite was used as an example in a susceptibility disadv in one of the champion books.


    I could come up with another name but it's intended to be a kryptonite knockoff. Of course, if Doctor Atomic got said powers from argonite, why does it hurt him? Hm....

  13. Hi everyone! Yet another post from me.... hey stop running away!




    Anyway, I was revising some characters to post. Right now they are the Sentinels of Justice, the team that was the JLA of my world during the Silver Age. I'm trying to make them iconic/reminscent of the Silver Age characters of the JLA and the Avengers. As I was thinking on it, I realized just how many of them had drawbacks that were very significant to the character. This is especially true of the very powerful ones who needed some to balance them.


    More so with the DC characters, you had:


    Superman: Kryptonite, magic

    Green Lantern: Ring could not affect yellow, 24 hour limit

    Wonder Woman: if bound by a man, loses her strength. Also, she doesn't bounce bullets too well

    Martian Manhunter: fire

    Aquaman: needs to be immersed in water every hour

    Zatanna: must speak spells backwards


    Admittedly there are breaks like the Flash, Hawkman, and Elongated Man but still...do you think that having a serious limitation like the above is a real hallmark of the Silver Age? I'm considering some weaknesses for my characters right now as follows:


    1. Doctor Atomic (atomic powered superman): argonite

    2. The Stranger (shape shifter based on Martian Manhunter and Vision): cold both hurts him and might inhibit his transformations

    3. Solaris/Captain Solar: (energy blaster with the power of the sun): loses a great deal of power if not under sunlight

    4. Glamour/Glamour Girl: illusionist who might suffer damage from silver/cold iron... also the presence of such materials might inhibit her powers as well.

    5. Athena (girl who becomes the avatar of Athena- basically Wonder Woman/Captain Marvel/Thor) - don't know yet unless there's something to accidently change her back to her normal, unpowered self. Hey, I like that...


    The other two super powered members of the team are a speedster and a hero with an insect motif (shrinking powers, spiderman like strength, flight, and bio stings) but I haven't thought of anything yet.


    Comments? As always, advice and comments are appreciated.


    Thank you as always.

  14. Re: Help with a name please




    Where were ya all when I posted my rought drafts of the Sentinels!




    Seriously though, some cool names. Not sure about the Thorish thing though. Hmm...


    The costume ain't to Silver Agey either. Very Bronze to Iron. And the full face mask. Not silver agey


    Good point - I hadn't considered that. Besides getting rid of the mask, I should probably change it from black and be more colorful? I'll be honest in that I SUCK at costume design.


    Thank you and please keep the advice coming!

  15. Hi everyone! I'm working to finalize my Silver Age team to post. One minor problem is the name of a solar based character who is intended to be slightly reminscent of a Green Lantern. I'll post below and ask for some help with a new name since Solaris just doesn't cut it, especially for a Silver Age hero. Also, chances are that I'm going to majorly overhaul him but this should at least give an idea of what the character is like and thus hopefully have some inspiration for a name.




    Background: Matt Thompson was always known as a man without fear. Whether taking any dare as a boy, playing quarterback as the smallest man on the field, or becoming a fighter pilot, nothing seemed to disturb his demeanor. These nerves of steel lead him to great success as a daring pilot but also got him into trouble until a court martial seemed inevitable.


    Ultimately, Matt met his match: a petite but fiery redhead who wasn't easily impressed or intimidated. The two fell in love, married, and soon had a family. As his time in the Airforce approached its end, the couple contemplated a quieter life where the most dangerous thing that Matt would face was the possibility of being late for a future job as an airline pilot.


    And then his world turned upside down. Coming back from his final mission over the tracer seared skies of Vietnam, Matt was met by his superior officer and the chaplain. His family had been killed in a car accident.


    He underwent the counseling and seemed to the world to be fine but he shifted from the safety of a commercial airline to the world of test piloting where life and death is often separated by a razor's edge. No matter how dangerous the test or advanced the craft, Matt always pushed the plane to its limit to glean information for the engineers He would even, when the plan got away from him, do all in his power to salvage the flight and land safely. Only at the very last second would he eject to safety. His reputation as fearless grew.


    His time away from the job had its own thrills as he raced his sports car too fast, gambled, drank, and chased any beautiful woman who caught his eye. His antics should have gotten in his trouble but his skills and easy charm kept him safe.


    Eventually, Matt received an invitation to join NASA to assist in the testing of the Ares I: a craft that might be able to reach the surface of Mars in only a month. Powered by nuclear reactor drive that was fueled by a new isotope, the ship was beyond cutting edge and highly dangerous. There were even concerns that the experimental radiation shielding would be insufficient to protect the pilot. Matt's response was: "When do I start?"


    The answer would be six months later as Ares I rocketed towards Earth's red neighbor. Within an hour, the drive leaked and showered Matt with intense and exotic energies. The mission was promptly aborted and the craft was turned around but power was lost shortly afterwards. It now became a race to see what would kill Matt first: the radiation, burning up in the atmosphere, or the cold vacuum of space as his life support failed. Throughout the experience, the pilot felt no fear but instead a relief. It would be over soon. Just before he passed out, a warmth caressed Matt: the craft beginning to burn up he supposed before his vision went black.


    Rather than die, he woke up in a hospital with contusions and pain but no serious wounds. Plucked from the ocean, Matt had cheated death once more and gotten away relatively unscathed… but not unchanged.

    As he learns to deal with his powers, the newly named Solaris does not feel the strange eyes that now watched him with great intent.


    Personality/Motivation: early in his superheroic career, Solaris is rather intoxicated with his powers and tend to use them in tactically unsound ways despite his military background. Rather than end a fight quickly, he will taunt his opponents and show off, convinced that there is little that can hurt him.


    His confidence extends beyond the costume and he takes many chances whether it's a flight or a beautiful woman. Indeed, he is particularly enamored by the fairer sex and has on more than one occasion paused in a fight to ask a lady out to dinner. Even a supervillainess might find herself propositioned.


    Despite his flaws, Solaris is a brave man and dedicated, albeit flashy, hero. He will not hesitate to stand up for those who cannot do so themselves and he will risk his life to protect the innocent or stop the guilty. Indeed, this disregard for his safety leave some to question if he has any regard for his own welfare…


    Powers/Tactics: Solaris has the impressive ability to generate solar energy and gravity as if he were a miniature sun. His current powers include solar blasts, increasing gravity to the point where it can pin down an opponent, fly, protect himself with a gravity shield that deflects attacks, or even increase the force of gravity on his fist to maximize his punching power.


    His powers have also left him vulnerable to attacks that pierce or cut his skin although he doesn't know why.


    In combat, Solaris will power up his force field and open up with an attack that he thinks will awe his opponent or impress onlookers. He also likes to spend time taunting his enemies or dragging out combat to make it more fun.


    Appearance: His costume is a mostly black affair with white scattered about to mimic a stars across the velvet void of space. His mask is a full one that covers his face but he's quick to remind women that they might get a better look if they agree to dinner.


    Mat is about 5'10" with an athletic build, longish brown hair that always seems tousled and a devilish smile that adorns striking features.


    Notes: the public ID might go and Solaris might be a more traditional hero with Secret ID and not subject to the military. Then again the hotshot pilot forced back into military life is fun. We'll see. Also, it should be clear that there is something more to his powers than a radiation bath. In reality, he was contacted by a being (I'm being vague since I'm not sure yet) who noted that Matt was brave in the face of death but could he be brave enough to truly live? Could be abandon the self-destructive ways he adopted after the death of his family and stop seeking to die but instead chose to live and embrace a higher purpose? This will be remembered over story arcs as Solaris, hopefully, learns to mourn his lost family and create a life for himself.

  16. Re: Suggestions for a new character: Ameiko Minoru




    ...it is very unkind of you to leave us hanging with the origin.


    I can only state that I'm still working it out myself, but what brought her to the event and what happens afterwards. Looking above though, it had better be far better written than the crap I put up above. OMG, does that need a rewrite. Even for a rough draft, I expect better of myself.

  17. Re: Suggestions for a new character: Ameiko Minoru


    A very rough draft of the very beginning of the events preceding her change. Again, very rough but kicked it out in about 10 minutes and wanted to share - patience never was a strong suit for me:


    "Do not put down you ****ing gun Jackson!"


    The wind whipped her words away the roof top but Ameiko was sure her partner heard her scream. She was too busy staring down the barrel of her pistol at the figure in front of her to make sure though.


    The man was well over six feet tall but so emaciated that his eyes were sunken deep and his sharp cheekbones were ready to slice through parchment skin. The wind rose again and tugged at his trench coat, a ragged black thing that twisted as if given life by the breeze. Long enough it hung to reveal a body of sharp angles and harsh lines that was almost a caricature of a human body in its crane-like proportions.His grip was sure enough though, tendons on the back of his palms standing out in bold relief against blotchy skin as he held the child in front of him as a shield.


    "Come, come officers. Protect and serve." His sing-song voice flowed over the detective, slipping through her black jacket and blouse to chill her flesh like icy tentacles. The words quavered not even slightly and held none of the strain that he should have felt as he held the toddler with one hand. "You have to protect the innocent little children and serve me by putting down those nasty little guns. Not that they'd help you…"


    The words trailed off carelessly, like the lazy twirling of the dagger that danced among the long fingers of the perp. Whenever Ameiko tightened her grip for a shot though, the bright blade flashed back to the child's throat. The man's words and detached, almost cavalier, manner were belied by his eyes. She had seen eyes like that before: empty and hungry as the manic fire within burned with a frightening intensity. He was a predator of the worst kind: one who killed because he could, because he liked to.


    And he would kill her, her partner Jackson, and the child if she let them.


    The thought had barely registered when the predator's eyes suddenly locked with Ameiko's and she saw something new- a cold darkness that bore into her soul. Then a whisper into her ear: you can't stop me

  18. Re: Suggestions for a new character: Ameiko Minoru


    Well, over the years, I haven't met many Japanese Catholics, though I have met a few of Japanese who went to Catholic schools, and I know are Japanese Catholics out there.


    I originally got the idea from Shi of all places since that character I think had Cathlocism in her background. Also, the Europeans in general tried to convert the Japanese to Christainity although this went from adoption by some lords for favors to outright persecution by the Shoguns. Heck, there was even something in the anime Rouroni Kenshin! ;)


    That said, clearly more research is in order. Later in the storyline, her faith becomes more important so some background in that I want to work in.


    Similarly, there aren't a lot of Japanese American cop familiesand there's no real money in pro martial arts for women (as much as it exists at all).


    To be honest, the more I think about it, the lines that inspired the above were pretty cheesy. Thanks for pointing that out (admittedly in a VERY nice way). In storylines you get too much "following the parent." In modern America, can't someone just CHOSE what she wants to do? Which just leads to having more research about WHY she became a cop. That will lead to more insight into her character which is very important.


    And yeah, the pro martial art thing was kinda silly. In a martial arts movie type campaign, that fits well enough but I'd like a bit more realism to ground what comes later... this is based on a World of Darkness character I was going to play, after all. Again, why not just have her practice martial arts because she liked them and was good at them? Or maybe she got roughed up once and decided that NO ONE was going to push her around again which leads to her really tough take against criminals. Wow, that sounds a good idea.


    I'm not saying that any of these are bad things to have in her back story. However, somewhere in your mind as you play her, it might help to remember just what an unusual path her family took. She also may have chosen not to fully devote herself to her sport not just because she felt a calling to be a cop, but because in the back of her mind she didn't want to end up just another Tiger Schulmans franchise owner, teaching Kata to twelve year olds and taking trophies while the men took home the (minimal) prize money.


    Believe me, you aren't being mean at all- you're just pointing out some ideas that I tossed out rather quickly in a rough draft that may not hold up very well (although I do like the very silly Ninja Nun quirk ;) ). Maybe she's some a family of really smart types and Ameiko was more of the jock who got into trouble but also learned to take care of herself and have an ear for the street? Of course she had to sneak out of her catholic boarding school...


    I'll do some thinking on it. Thank you very much.

  19. Re: Suggestions for a new character: Ameiko Minoru


    First of all, thank you everyone for your kind words and replies. They are always welcomed. Especially to the creator of Zi'f since I know how much you put into your characters.


    Regarding some suggestions:



    Drop the +1 csl, and increase your dex by 3 points (to 17), this increases your OCV and DCV while saving 2 points, plus makes her a go first as well...If you had the extra 2 points I would say raise it to 18 for the skill boosts as well...


    Definitely a good point from a point POV. It's also helpful to me since I'm used to superheroic totals and I tend to hit stats in 18, 20, and 23. My only hesitation is that I'd like to have it show that she's a reasonable all around combatant. Then again, a high dex shows that off as well and gives her an edge in initiative. Also, how "real" is it for a police officer to have a level with all combat? They'd probably favor pistol levels (2 pts) or tight maneveurs (3pts). Maybe 17 dex and +1 with martial arts?


    The more I think about it, the more I like it. I was worried that maybe going too high in the stats might have been hitting superhuman territory but really, she's just atheletic and fast but still quite human. It works well.


    Paramedic Familiarity is an everyman skill in most games, saves 1 point


    *nods* great point


    I would drop one of the strike based MA manuevers (Either Martial Strike or Offencive Strike)


    I might have to disagree slightly in that I like the idea of multiple strikes to represent her karate background. Otherwise she's a bit over powered with her jujitsu skills although that would be more helpful as a policer officer who needs to take in suspects relatively unharmed. Hm...


    Probably would drop Persuasian as well, as there is the free everman for normal interactions and it sounds like she will use interagation for on the job, saves 3 points


    Another good call. Persuade can be nice or not nice. She doesn't play nice cop. ;)


    PRE is probably high for the description given, might consider dropping it down either 2 points or more, if you go more than 2 I would consider taking a positive rep vs criminals to keep the PRE attack up vs criminals she has delt with or who have heard of her before...


    Good point as well. She's not, at first glance, the most intimidating person on the planet. She can very easily convey that willingness to HURT you though. Also, she can keep her head together when the crap hits the fan. I'll consider but I think I'll stick with the 15 pre.


    As noted above, definitely some great points. I really like the dex idea.


    More comments and suggestions, including personality and concept, are welcomed. Thanks again everyone!

  20. Re: Suggestions for a new character: Ameiko Minoru


    Possible Scenarios for Dark Champions:


    1. Something big is going down but you need to know where. Unfortunately, your most trusted stoolie refuses to say anything. Two of the local cops, Ameiko and her partner, are leaning on him to be exclusive to them. You NEED that information but the stoolie won't say anything unless you protect him.


    2. Your character intersects with Ameiko during your crime battles. She decides that she likes your vigilante style and insists on joining forces with you. If you refuse, she threatens to bring down as much of LAPD on you as she can.


    3. Word on the street is that the local leader of the Bloods is tired of being leaned on by some two bit detective, especially since she started shaking down his dealers for cash. Some investigation shows that Ameiko has started branching out to extortion to raise a great deal of money for her neice's treatments. She refuses to stop until she has enough, even if it endangers her life and work. Do the characters turn in the rogue cop? And how do they protect her from the Bloods' vengeance?


    4. Recently broken up with her fiancee as her police work takes a toll on their relationship, Ameiko meets a male PC at the gym, bar, or club and starts up a relationship with her. What if she discovers your secret? And what if she wants to become a costumed vigilante as well?

  21. Re: Suggestions for a new character: Ameiko Minoru


    Some stats as well. I hemmed and hawed over whether to have her start out as a Skilled Normal (25 + 25) or Competent Normal (50 + 50) but decided that since she's a "main character" that the higher point total might work.


    You'll see that she's 10 points heavy and if someone would like to suggest some changes in stats, that'd be great. Also, if there's anything I missed, please let me know as well. I wasn't sure the best way to represent resources she might have a police officer so went with the Police Captain contact.


    Edit: I think a higher ego might be a good idea as well. Comments?


    Ameiko Minoru




    Val Char Cost

    10 STR 0

    14 DEX 12

    13 CON 6

    10 BODY 0

    13 INT 3

    10 EGO 0

    15 PRE 5

    16 COM 3


    3 PD 1

    3 ED 0

    3 SPD 6

    5 REC 0

    26 END 0

    22 STUN 0


    6" RUN 0

    2" SWIM 0

    2" LEAP 0

    Characteristics Cost: 36



    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

    Mixed Martial Arts

    4 1) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 4d6 Strike

    5 2) Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 6d6 Strike

    4 3) Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 20 STR to Disarm

    3 4) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 +v/5, Target Falls

    4 5) Martial Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 25 STR vs. Grabs

    4 6) Joint Lock/Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND ; Target Falls

    Martial Arts Cost: 24


    Cost Skill

    3 CK: Los Angeles 12-

    3 Combat Driving 12-

    3 Criminology 12-

    3 Deduction 12-

    1 Forensic Medicine 8-

    3 Interrogation 12-

    3 KS: Criminal Law 12-

    2 Language: Japanese (fluent conversation)

    1 Paramedics 8-

    3 Persuasion 12-

    3 Streetwise 12-

    2 WF: Small Arms

    8 +1 with All Combat

    Skills Cost: 38


    Cost Perk

    2 Fringe Benefit: Local Police Powers

    3 Well-Connected

    1 1) Contact: Leader of local Bloods Gang (Contact has been blackmailed by the character, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: useful Skills or resources) (2 Active Points) 11-

    2 2) Contact: Local Stoolie (Contact has significant Contacts of his own) (3 Active Points) 11-

    4 3) Contact: Police Captain (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: useful Skills or resources) (5 Active Points) 11-

    Perks Cost: 12



    Total Character Cost: 110


    Pts. Disadvantage

    15 Dependent NPC: Teresa 8- (Incompetent)

    10 Hunted: Police Department 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

    10 Hunted: Local Street Gangs 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Sees criminals, lowlifes, and other "scum" as worthless (Common, Strong)

    Disadvantage Points: 50

    Base Points: 50

    Experience Required: 10

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

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