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Posts posted by Watchdog

  1. Appreciate your help, but I can’t figure this out. I have an export template stored in several different places. Example: I have one in Dropbox. I can navigate to Dropbox.app, which shows a file labeled contents, which has 6 files: _codesignature, frameworks, macOS, plug-ins, resources, XPCSerices. Some of these are blank, some have additional files. I can’t find any trace of the template. I even tried copying the template into desktop, but the desktop option in the select export template doesn’t have it. 

    it’s been years since I downloaded any templates but I don’t remember it being this difficult. 


    8 minutes ago, Simon said:

    Current Character -> Export -> Set Export Format... | Preview Character... | Export to File...

    Those options take me to a "Select Export Template" window with a list of empty files: applications, desktop, documents, downloads, etc. with a an "available" box that's blank and a description box that says "Please select a directory which contains export templates (.HDE files) 


    That's why I thought I had to drag the files into one of those folders because they're all blank even though I can see some of the templates I downloaded when I look in finder. 

  3. On 2/1/2023 at 6:36 AM, Simon said:

    .HDE files are HERO Designer export formats -- you don't run/execute them, you load them into HD.

    It’s been a long time since I used HD and this my first time using it on a Mac. I can’t seem to load any of the .HDE files into HD. There’s many file options under “select export template” but I can’t drag the downloaded template into any of them. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

  4. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    I think there were some interesting villains in Shadows of the City and Underworld Enemies that have been lost in the shuffle since Dark Champions became pretty much supers-free with the 5th edition. Specifically the Nocturnals and Reverend M's organization in the former, and the Saietta crime family in the latter.


    Reverend M wouldn't necessarily have to keep his street orgins, but a superpowered evangelist with the power to "heal" (and give powers to) his flock could be a great villain, especially if given some political aspirations as well.


    The Nocturnals and/or Saiettas could need some heavy reworking, as one cannibalistic supervillain group might be enough. Come to think of it, they could even be combined: the Saiettas are the human-looking offspring, while the Nocturnals are the "Defective" children.


    As far as solo villains go, I'd love to see the Weasel from Hi-Tech Enemies again. He's one of the few NPC villains that still really inspires a feeling of dread in my players.


    Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in!


    Edited to add: I'm not sure if that counts as asking for "new" villains as per your op. If it does, I apologize.


    As far as making the book more useful, I do enjoy the suggestions to make villains more or less powerful. Conversion ideas from Champions to Dark Champions in 5th ed. hwere often less effective, as often it was all or nothing: "Take away the Dark Mage's Wand of Despair and give him a shotgun."

  5. Re: Pulling Authority & Other Genres


    Didn't see this when it first started, but I think one reason that we expect our superheroes to not kill is that they often have the power to stop crime, catch the bad guys, etc., without killing.


    In other genres, from sword & sorcery to James Bond superspies, this usually isn't an option. Bullets and blades are legitimate threats, so kill or be killed situations come up much more often.

  6. Re: The most unbelievable trope in the superhero genre...


    The costuming I usually choke on is the armored lingerie look -- that's the case where the wearer's superpowers don't include a significant amount of invulnerability' date=' and may even be wearing armor-looking bits, but leave their vitals completely exposed. [/quote']


    Hey, what better way to demonstrate the 14- activation limitation? ;)


    When it comes to costume tropes, my problem is the failure of comic book worlds to keep up with our technology: despite the advancements in facial recognition software, a domino mask or a pair of glasses is still sufficient to conceal an identity.

  7. Re: Concepts You Just Can't Build on 350 points.


    EXAMPLE: The newest incarnation of the Kate Spencer Manhunter was a brilliant example. Every single issue she'd be pulling some new 50+ point power out of her butt. It was a brilliant comic, but not in any way translatable to a 350 point character.


    I'm not familiar with the character, but if the powers can be fit into a multipower framework, you can do a lot with 350 points.


    EXAMPLE 2: I've brought this up before, when the Marvel supers game was popular there was an issue of Spiderman where Spider man beat the crap out of Firelord. There was lots of talk about the karma system making it theoretically possible in that game, but it would have required spidy to be parked on something like 200,000 karma points. Immediately after this I was in a forum with the designers of the game at GenCon. They started their talk by refusing to accept questions on this topic.


    Imo, this would have more to do with the inherent problems with the Marvel game rules than with the impossibility of Spidey beating Firelord. This got discussed at extreme length here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19461


    Okay, at the risk of hijacking this thread, when I tried to reread portions of the thread in my link, I found that one of the poster's comments have been deleted, so they will only show up in posts where his comments are quoted. What did I miss? :confused:

  8. Re: [Just for Fun] Champions Skits


    This is something I would probably leave to the pros at Twisted Toyfare Theater. Plus, if vulgarity and poor taste aren't allowed, that pretty much KOs most of my ideas, like:


    "Mary Kate? This is Seeker's masseuse! I think he's dead!"

  9. Re: Idea: Super Hero "Morality scale"



    The scale should read Good > Neutral > Evil. It should NOT be circular.



    I agree that good, neutral, evil, etc. should be on a straight line.


    But if we're going to have a truly radical, never-before-done way of measuring the morality of player characters, we would need to measure another trait. As others have hinted at, there are different outlooks of both good and evil. For some, the greater good is what matters most, while others are more concerned with protecting the rights of the individual.


    Perhaps if we called these traits something like, oh, I don't know, "lawful", "neutral", and "chaotic"...

  10. Re: Realism vs cynicism The world's reactions to superhumans


    But here's the rub: most of the time who does and doesn't get superpowers is something of a cosmic crapshoot' date=' and when you realistically assess the decent people vs. douchebags ratio in the world, it's a safe bet any true heroes that emerge from the lot are going to have their work cut out for them big time.[/quote']


    I guess we don't need to ask where you stand on the cynicism scale with non-superhumans...


    My own view on this thread is that the comments in general are focusing too much on how governments will portray superhumans and not enough on the media's role.


    If we apply "real world" celebrity culture to the comic books, you'd see a lot of paparazzi shadowing their every move - staked out 24/7 around the HQ, following them from the fight scenes via car and helicopter, doing whatever they could to discover the hero's secret ID if they have one. Heroes who don't have megascale flight, teleportation, or good invisibility powers may find it hard to ditch the crowd. And with the proliferation of camera phones, expect everything to be recorded. No one's going to care about the Daily Bugle photos when they can watch the entire battle on YouTube.


    Also, like the current campaign trail, every utterance will be scrutinized. A single comment that was meant to be "off-mike" could do a lot of damage to a hero's rep. Talking heads will pounce if they sense that the hero is a right wing fascist or simpering liberal, depending on their own biases. Blogs by and about supers will be heavily read items.


    On the plus side, there would be ample opportunities for celebrity endorsements, paid appearances, etc. I'm thinking that the Captain Amazing character from Mystery Men might not be far from the truth for some heroes.

  11. Re: Poor Taste?


    Even if you can get past the "ick" factor, it's going to lead to a lot of problems when you try to integrate the character with the rest of the PCs, especially if a few of them are still playing characters from the original group:


    PC: I'm not sure what's worse - a shapeshifting villain desecrating the memory of one of our greatest heroes, or a shapeshifting villain too dumb to impersonate a live hero!


    You: No, I'm really a hero! See, I just need to desecrate and rob graves to get the corpses to possess them so I can use their powers!


    PCs: .....oh.


    You: So can I join the team? I will need a little extra room at your HQ for my...stuff.


    PCs: Well, uh, we're still waiting to hear back from...uh...The Aryan. But if that falls through, we have your resume'...


    As others have said, if your GM and the other players are okay with this, then it's all good. But I think one way to make the character more palatable is to make him more like the alien played by Jeff Bridges in Starman. Your character could take the form/powers of any deceased character if he can touch any of that character's DNA.


    Now instead of having to pilfer graves, your character could be someone who discovered his power after being a longtime collector of hero memorabilia - a cape at a charity auction, a coffee mug used by a heroine before a Regis & Kelly interview that found its way onto EBay, etc. This still gives your character that hint of creepiness without crossing the line of graverobbing.

  12. Re: where do the villains get the MONEY?


    A lot depends on how much the rest of your campaign world has "adjusted" to the presence of superpowers. Without adjustments:


    1 STR TK, fine manipulation, invisible power effects, would allow you to do a lot of damage at the roulette or craps table.


    4d6 telepathy, invisible power effects, would be enough to make you the best no limit holdem player in the world.


    So it depends how prevalent the countermeasures are. Casinos aware of superpowers need some detection capabilities. And those sunglasses favored by so many of the top poker pros would probably have an expensive but much needed 10-20 points of mental defense.

  13. Re: Civil War in the Champions Universe!


    Okay, folks, here we go.


    I posted this on the Marvel Boards, and am thinking of reposting it here. I was very harsh, but I felt the need to say this to them.




    I don't think I've ever been so angry in all my days. Look for Legacies. Wrong things still happen in my champions game. But NOTHING...NOTHING like this.



    I understand and to some extent share your frustration.


    Having said that, I wish you could have written that post without accusing the writers of being "traitorous." The word traitor gets thrown around far too casually these days - it's often used by some on the right to describe anyone who doesn't support the war effort, just as the word "Nazi" gets overused by some on the left describing their opponents.


    The danger is that the good points that you make - and you did make several - are easy to get lost or overlook in the emotional rhetoric. My .02.

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