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Everything posted by Kirowan

  1. Re: Resizing Weapons & Armor Weight, damage changes, reach changes, handedness changes.
  2. The weapons and armor listed in FRed are obviously sized for medium characters. What book contains info about resizing weapons and armor for characters of different size? Thanks, Nick
  3. Hi Steve, You mention in the revised book that the size templates for characters larger than human have limitations that include the bonus given to others for PER rolls and the DCV penalties. I'm using the negative DCV penalties optional rule in my game and want to parse out the current DCV penalty from the limitation value. How much is the PER bonus for opponents worth per size category larger than medium. I can't find this anywhere. Thanks, Nick
  4. Re: Weapon and Armor Sizing Anyone? Thanks, Nick
  5. Are there rules anywhere in the corebook or other books for sizing weapons and armor for creatures larger and smaller than human? Thanks, Nick
  6. I have Sidekick right now and am going to get the corebook. Sidekick describes the default size of a character as being 2m and 100kg I think. Now, I know you don't use growth or shrinking to model creatures who are smaller and larger than normal, so how do you do it? Does FREd and/or the bestiary have guidelines for buidling creatures of various sizes? Thanks, Nick
  7. Damn you Steve! Another Hero book added to my shopping list. Nick
  8. Are the weapons presented in the rulebook sized for human-sized characters? If so, how do you design a lance for a giant for example? Normally it adds 1" of reach, but I would think a much larger lance would add more. Thanks, Nick
  9. That makes snese Hugh. If shrinking doesn't affect strength, why does growth though? That's a weird exception. Thanks, Nick
  10. Hi, I've just finished the power section and am almost through the advantages and limitations section. I have some more questions for the hero fans here. I hope I'm not being bothersome. 1. A lot of the powers (darkness for example) require the user to target a hex (DCV 3) to place it. What happens if you don't make the roll? 2. Using the area of effect advantage, how do you add hexes of height? The text seems to only cover adding more widith and different shapes. 3. Can you update old powers with new advantages and limitations after play starts? Can you remove old advantages and limitations? 4. Why does growth affect your strength and such but shrinking does not? How do you model small animals then? Thanks, Nick
  11. Wow, thanks for the thorough explanations Emerged. So, if a character with 20" of Flight starts from a still position and takes a full phase action, he still gets to move 20" that phase, it's just that his speed is considered to be 5" the first hex, 10" the second hex, 15" the third hex, and 20" the fourth through twentieth hexes for the purposes of doing move-bys, being thrown, and such? Thanks, Nick
  12. That sounds awesome Badger. I'll probably pick that up then. They thought of everything. Btw, is the program designed by Steve and the gang or an outside agency? Nick
  13. I don't see that rule in Sidekick Hugh. I have another question. I don't quite understand how to handle acceleration. I looked it up in the FAQ and there is obviously some differences between the way it is presented in the corebook and the way it is presented in Sidekick. Anyway, here's what I don't get. Say a character has 20" in flight. So, if he's flying at full speed, he has to move 4" to come to a complete stop. I understand this. What I don't understand is acceleration. Say he starts out standing still. The text says he has to move 4" to get up to speed (20"). Now, how far does he move in his phase then (assuming he is using his whole phase)? Does he just move 4" and then next phase he can move 20" or what? Also, when using attack powers like drain and dispel on characters who are using powers with focuses, do you have to target the focus or the character using the focus? Thanks, Nick
  14. Hi, I about a third of the way through Sidekick and I have a few questions about the rules. I know you guys can help so I decided not to bother Steve with them. 1. When you drain someone's DEX, you affect their CVs, right? When you drain their STR, you affect how much they lift their DC, ect., correct? It's just figured characteristics (PD, ED, REC, ect.) that don't get affected. 2. When using a constant power, do you pay END each segment that it's on, or only on the segments when you get to act? The text reads like it should be the latter, but that's kind of weird since faster characters would have to spend more END. 3. A character's ability to jump is the only movement method affected by his strength, right? Thanks, Nick
  15. No, I only have Sidekick right now. I going to put it through a few test runs before commiting to the big book. It will be a tough call, no doubt. Nick
  16. Hi Steve, I'm sorry, but I'm still confused on these points. 1. Pg. 91 says that you can only halve DCV once, but it doesn't say that for OCV. So you can halve OCV multiple times? Also, what's does "or otherwise reduce it by a fraction or percentage" mean? 2. For this question, "Under skill levels on pg. 29, should the 2 pt. level read +1 with one Skill Roll? " you responded with, "No. Because Skills can already, on their own, buy +1 to the roll for +2 points, describing a Skill Level as applying to Skills is not only meaningless, it's confusing to many people. That same "change" will appear in 5ER." So, for 2 points you get a +1 when using the characteristic roll by itself, like making a DEX check to balance on something? 3. On the speed quick reference table on pg. 87, shouldn't a speed of 1 have a phase of 7, not 12? For this question I was referring to the "Speed Quick - Reference Table" at the very bottom of page 87, not the speed chart above it. Thanks, Nick
  17. Hi Steve, I asked you this question... "Many actions you perform or situations you are in halve your DCV. What happens when you have your DCV is halved twice? Is it quartered?" in an earlier thread. You said to reference the corebook, but I'm working from Sidekick and I couldn't find it in there. Can you help me? Also, I think I noticed two typos in Sidekick. 1. Under skill levels on pg. 29, should the 2 pt. level read +1 with one Skill Roll? 2. On the speed quick reference table on pg. 87, shouldn't a speed of 1 have a phase of 7, not 12? Thanks, Nick
  18. About a year ago, I purchased a copy of FREd. In between work and classes I struggled my way through a third of it. Why the core of the system didn't seem that complex to me, the number of options was staggering. I eventually gave up and traded off my copy. I always regretted that. I recognized the potential of Hero, I just couldn't get into it. I wished there was an easier way to grok the system and I couldn't find any local groups to teach me. The other day I bought Sidekick. I'll tell you, this is exactly what Hero needed. Everything is so clear and concise. As I read through the book I find I'm spending more time thinking about all of the cool characters I could create and less time struggling with minor rules. Great job Steve and crew. Thanks for designing an affordable and approachable version of the Hero system for those of us who have a hard time grokking the whole shebang at once. Nick
  19. I know it's kind of weird Edsel, but that is what I'm trying to get at. My concern was that a character with 20 a DEX only succeeds at basic DEX tasks (like catching himself when falling or whatever) on a 14 or less. I just felt that it should be higher. I'm glad there is a mechanic to address this. Thanks, Nick
  20. Hi, I'm very new to Hero. I've only made my way through the characteristic chapter so far. It's pretty daunting stuff. I have a quick question and I was wondering if someone could help me. A characteristic roll is based on (9+characteristic/5). Now, is there anyway to be good as basic characteristic tasks without increasing your characteristics to really high levels? The problem I see is that characteristic checks use the same difficulty modifiers as skills even though they will be consistently lower. What I'm trying to say is this. The strongest human should be just as good at being strong as the best human doctor is at being a doctor. Do you see what I'm saying? I don't think I'm being clear. Thanks, Nick
  21. I looked through the FAQ for these but couldn't find them. 1. Many actions you perform or situations you are in halve your DCV. What happens when you have your DCV is halved twice? Is it quartered? 2. A character has 'casual strength' equal to 1/2 his normal strength that he can use without thinking. If a character has a Strength of -10, does that then mean his Casual Strength is -5 (twice as strong as normal)? While I'm here at might as well ask the source. Does Fantasy Hero have an equipment list? Thanks so much, Nick
  22. I would have posted this in my last thread, but of course that's not allowed. Anyway, I don't really understand why there is an option to upgrade a BS, KS, PS, or SS to a characteristic roll if you can just buy it up from 11- for +1 per point spent. I mean, upgrading to a characteristic roll only really benefits those characters with a relevant characteristic of 18 or higher. Was that the intent? Thanks again, Nick
  23. Hi, I just picked up the main hero book even though I've been wanting to do so for about a year now. I love it so far. I especially like the extremely clean and logical layout. That's very important to me in a RPG book. Great job Steve! Anyway, I've two questions for you. 1. The leaping write-up on page 21 says that the table is based on a running broad jump - the character takes a step or two then leaps. He may leap for a Full Move or Half Move. Now, does that mean during a character's phase that he must take a half move or full move to leap using the running broad jump distance? Does said character get to move his regular running distance and then leap for whatever distance he is capable of? Basically, I don't understand the interplay between a character's running speed and leaping distance when he takes a half move or full move. 2. The skill section says that a character can buy a familiarity with a background skill, knowledge skill, professional skill, or science skill for 2 points thus gaining a check of 11-. Now, if a character's INT is 7 or less and he wants to upgrade the base to a characteristic roll, what is his check? I can't imagine it would drop to 10- or 9- even though the characteristic roll formula generates those numbers. Thanks, Nick
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