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Everything posted by LordClammy

  1. Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome. looks like the mods are on to me... lol. should show up soon. if two post, the second is the better of the two, and has the update. thanks guys.
  2. Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome. alright, lets try this again. hopefully I don't lose the post again. here is my character's background. maybe this explains some of his choices: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, that behind us, here are a few of the parameters from the GM: *Stats tend to fall in the average to competent range, with exception for things your character is really good at. *Max damage by type. HTH 16d6 (as you have to be right up there in most cases). Ranged 12d6. AOE abilities 10d6. NND attacks 6d6. Killing attack 2d6 (most, if not all, of us don't use KAs anyway, so no biggie). *No VPPs (GM finds they are open to too much abuse). *No speed above 5 with 4 being the average for the group. ------------------------------------------------------------- @Bloodstone: the majority of the group has their PD/EDs around 15-20 with the tanks up 25-35. as for OCV/DCVs, they are in line with the above parameters for stats, my character is a bit better at MA so I upped his ocv/dcv to legendary (with the power boosting to superhuman for DCV). dropped these. Body is in line with the competent range of stats. I didn't think it was that bad honestly. what is the average body you use ? dropped it to 13. dmjalund has this one right. all his powers are based on his ability to teleport himself or others, so I made them all unified. its basically Judo, with a few other maneuvers added in and taken out. I added the KS:judo. I replaced the sacrifice throw with martial throw. it looks better to me as well. also, escape maneuvers is to help him when someone grapples him and covers his eyes so he can't use his powers. I was on the fence on this one, so I took it out. I also made him only proficient with electronics and security systems as he probably only has a limited knowledge of them. this one fits with Pulse's background. being locked in a dark room for so long, he kinda has issues with being in total darkness. fixed and fixed. ----------------------------------- @dmjalund red is the adjusted stat from powers. fixed the names and descriptors also. ------------------------------------------- @christopher you are right on the blinding limitation. I fixed the description. in our game, we are going to be from the modern day, somewhere in the US. something is going to happen that sends us to an alternate earth where the histories match until JFK is assassinated. in the alternate earth, JFK survives and everything is different. its the setting for the Brave New World RPG. ------------------------------------------------------------- @Hyper GM wont allow VPPs, probably would make life easier. ----------------------------------------------------- thanks guys for the comments. please keep them coming. here is the update: [ATTACH=CONFIG]38374[/ATTACH]
  3. Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome. wow, just wrote a huge response and it didn't post. not amused. thanks for all the comments and concerns, I will update the character and repost it shortly and try to answer your questions again when I cool down. thanks.
  4. hey everyone, haven't posted much of anything on here before, but would love to get some crits and concerns about my teleporter for a new campaign. Thanks Everyone. Clammy
  5. Re: Armor from x-men type of brick. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't allow both. they are two different things, and they both help fit your powers to your character concept.
  6. Re: Government and the superhuman Another good reference would be the long dead Brave New World superhero game. I wasn't keen on the game rules, but the background was great. it was basically a "you're either with the government, or a criminal" type feel. that is what we will be playing in shortly.
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