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Everything posted by Bloodstone

  1. Bingo. okay, I'm with you so far. +18" with No NCM costs me 29 points and nets me a running speed of 35mph. This means I have 7 points to play around with to get an additional 36 mph of running when sprinting. Otherwise it really does seem like it would be better just paying for +18" of Running with no limitations and have the sprints simply be represented with NCM. I'm afraid you just lost me here. This is my third week of working with FRED and I'm not too sure what you just said or how a naked adder mechanically works...
  2. So you're thinking I should buy Running twice? To hit 71 mph, I need a total Running of 48". With your method I need +18" for my base and +24" for my sprint speed. so lets see: Base: Running +18 " (36 active), No NCM (-1/4) = 28 Sprint: +24 " (48 active), No NCM (-1/4), Increase END x3 (-1) = 21 Total: 49 pts. That seems very expensive to me. I could just take Running +18" without any limitations and by using it with NCM, I would hit 71 mph. This would be without any limitations and would only cost 36 pts. I guess your way I wouldn't actually suffer any penalties for an NCM movement rate, but is that worth 13 pts and all the restrictions? Or did I just totally mess up the math somewhere? Perhaps if I added in Linked or some other limitation it would be more affordable?
  3. I'm designing an anthro that can run as fast as a cheetah. Let's say he looks something like this: http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/Kenket/Swara.jpg Anyhow, using one of the spreadsheets I found in the free stuff section, I figure he needs a running of +18". This gives him a normal running speed of about 35 mph or a NCM of about 71 mph, which should be just about right. Now here's the tricky part that I don't know how to do yet: 1) I have no problem with him running at 35 mph normally, but I only want him to be able to "sprint" (using NCM) once in a while, for a short duration and with it tending to tire him out quickly. What would be the best way to buy such a limitation? I was thinking a limited number of charges with the costs END limitation would work best, but I'm just not sure, since it wouldn't apply to his normal movement, only NCM. 2) I was going to further limit this ability by having it so that the character can only use his NCM sprint when on all fours (though he normaly walks and runs around on two legs like a human). He can't hold anything in his hands while sprinting, so I was thinking Gestures might be appropriate. How should I represent this limitation or is it mostly a visual FX?
  4. Holy flying monkeys, Batman! ...sorry...it just had to be said. And if you click on that link, you will know what I mean. So anyhow, now that you have all viewed an amazing example of avian ape art, I think you will all know where I am coming form when I say: "I want to play a flying monkey!" Say it again, this time with feeling! Now I know how to give him arm-wings and a prehensile tail, since Mr. long worked out all of those details in the superpowers database for me Thanks Steve! What I don't know how to do is give him monkey feet. I figure this kind of thing must have come up before for people trying to recreate Beast or various winged heroes with bird feet, but I can't find it anywhere I need my monkey to be able to lift things with his rear legs, hang upside down and wield weapons with his feet (and tail) while in flight. How should I go about doing this? Do I need to consider his feet as "extra limbs"? And if so do I have to purchase them seperatly, since the tail will have "limited manipulation"? Should I not take the "gestures throught" limitation for the characters wings, since the crazy littel guy will have a perfectly good set of "arms" to use while flying? And do I need anything special to be able to hang indefinitly by his feet and sleep upside down? Do I need to take some form of limited "clinging" to represent this or is it minor enought to be chalked up as a special effect? Thanks in advance.
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