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Everything posted by Bloodstone

  1. Re: Martial NND Manuevers UMA p90-105
  2. Ok, here's the plan: I'm going for a vaguely Omega Red type, minus the death factor. The character will also have a damage shield of some kind, though I haven't made up my mind wether it wil be spiky quills or something like heat or electricity that he can conduct down his tendrils. Unlike Big Red, the tentacles will be a natural part of this character, who is going to be an agile, brick-light, possibly with some martial arts overtone that will favor grappling. The main power will be Stretching, limited to the Tentacles. Since I'm building the tentacles into the characters arms, I'm not sure if I should buy them as Extra Limbs or not? Opinions? Additional powers will probably include the Damage Shield I mentioned, Swinging, some kind of HA/HKA, possibly with an AoE: Radius to simulate him whiping the hell out of everyone in the area around him. I'm damn tempted to put a Transfer STR in there too, as that is just a sweet power for any grappler. Now the idea is to use Stretching to deliver damage and grapples at a range via the Tentacles. The latter attck for is where I am running into conceptual problems though... Should I focus the character on Grappling based martial arts moves or would it be better to go with an Entagle? What do more experienced people feel the pro's and cons of these two methods are? Perhaps a hybrid of the two attack forms? If I go with Entangle, what kind of limitations would be appropriate for a character with the Entagle permenantly attached to his arm? Feedback seems obvious... Should it be Limited Range, and then limit it to something less then his stretching to show that the coil needs to wrap around the foe? Should it be No Range and have the character deliver the entangle using his inches of Stretching? Opinions? Comments? Flames?
  3. Re: Whats your favorite Attack? I'm a big fan of an M1 Abrams tank... I like to throw them at people.
  4. Steve; I'm building a metal man style brick with 10 levels of DI and I've run into a problem. Can you apply the Hardened Advantage to the PD/ED provided by DI? If not, is there any way to do this? At first I though naked modifier could work, but it really doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that should cost END every round. Still, if I were to use a naked modifier what point level would I need to buy it at? Would I have to buy it for 10 pts of PD and then again for 10 pts of ED? Or would I have to buy it for the whole 10 levels of DI? I'd say there is an above average chance this will get bounced out to Discussion, since it trailed into a "how to", but I 'd really like to hear your thoughts.
  5. Re: Online USPD PDF This I knew. I was just providing a link for others since I had a problem finding it myself. This I obviously did not know... thanks.
  6. Re: Online USPD PDF You know, it's entierly possible that I'm just an idiot that didn't see the link somewhere on the website, but I had to use google to find this: Online USPD
  7. In this thread, there is talk about applying Continous to Succor in much the same way as it can be applied to Suppress, so that the dice of Succor are rolled every round withot needing to use an attack action. Is this a legal application of the Continuous advantage?
  8. Re: Rage-Enhanced Strength Gradual Effect has a value based on how long the effect takes. The smallest ammount listed is -1/4. That lim makes the power only take effect during post segment 12. This would be a slightly more costly and possibly less accurate way to go. I think it would look something like this:
  9. Re: Rage-Enhanced Strength *Read's p145* ah, that was the part I was missing then I suppose...
  10. Re: Rage-Enhanced Strength I know what he's going for, but Continous is a duration advantage that simply makes an Instant power Constant. If I'm understanding things right, Succor is already Constant and Cumulative, but normally requires an Attack action to use. The Trigger (when Enraged) negates the need for that attack action, so every Phase the character is Enraged he should be able to roll the Succor and add the dice to the previous total. This continues until the character is no longer Enraged, at which point (since it is NCC) all points instantly fade. Am I right or am I missing something?
  11. Re: Rage-Enhanced Strength Interesting idea, but Succor is already a considered a Constant power, so you don't need to apply Continous to it.
  12. Re: AoE and Mental Powers Looking at an old copy of Ultimate Mentalist... The standard rule for AoE when applied to Mental Powers is that the target hex has an ECV of 3. There is a blurb saying that some GM's may not like the feel this creates and if so could require that all AoE mental powers be either Selective or Nonselective, thus requiring the metalist to roll vs each target in the AoE...
  13. Re: Another quandry I would probably go with Cosmetic Transform built as an OA, with some assorted advantages and lims. depending on the effect you are going for.
  14. Re: Cost of Armor vs PD/ED+Damage Resistance doesn't quite work out... In theory, since they provide the same effect, they should have the same costs... but they don't. 'Least I assume that's what Dust Raven was refering to... Wonder how hard it would be to roll this all into a single power...?
  15. Re: Cost of Armor vs PD/ED+Damage Resistance You are correct and I guess that's what I was missing... I feel stupid now... and rather then waste the topic: Ok, I'll bite: how so?
  16. Both are Self Only, Persistant powers that provide an equal amount of Resistant Defense. Is there any good reason why it is cheeper to buy the PD/ED+Damage Resistance instead of Armor? The only time I find myself buying Armor is when I want a small amount of my total defenses with some sort of advantage, like Hardened. But I see no reason why I should have to "pay extra" for that... So is PD/ED+Damage Resistance combo simply too cheep, is Armor too expensive or is there something I am just totally missing?
  17. Re: Anyone Notice (White Rino) And here I thought you were going to point out that he has 30/30 Hardened, rPD/rED in his Power writeup, but only has a Total of 20/20 in the notes of his Stat Block....
  18. Re: Same Machine...Different Meat I just highlighted all the text with my mouse and it was easy to read...
  19. Lets face it, breaking the sound barrier is easy for a Speedster to do. The speed of sound is only about 761 MPH and all that takes is a SPD of 6, Running or Flight of 22, and a NCM of 16. Lets say we want to capitalize on this for a moment. Now, from a somewhat real world physics POV, what kind of special effects on the environment, the speedster, his allies and his opponents should a sonic boom actually have? Should it deafen everyone around the speedster when he hits Mach 1? Should it shatter glass? Knock over people that are standing near him? Does it set off car alarms for miles around? The effect travel with him as he goes, right?
  20. Re: Comeliness? the way you have written that up, trolls and orks are not able to socailize with other trolls and orks very well. I would seriously consider doing it as a Social Lim. of some kind. After all, large tusked Ork babes should be able to seduce male orks easily, even though most elves and humans really aren't into that sort of thing
  21. Re: Character Design help, Men In Black I'm of the "aim high and scale back to acceptable campaign limits" school of thought. For the record, since we nixed "vs Ego not Body" that would work on anyone with a BODY of 60 or less. How many shots would you like it to do? Twenty will effect somone with a BODY of up to 30... For the record, I'm still working on the Neuralizer, as I noticed a few possible bugs in it's construction. As for the Reverberating Carbonizer, was it ever actually used in the movies? The name makes me think it's some kind of disruptor weapon (RKA) with some sort of ability to horribly maim or mutate it's victims (possibly a linked Transform or build it as a MP with multiple settings)...
  22. Re: Comeliness? You have to look at the whole picture, as what you are describing is not just "stat bonuses", but situational bonuses and penalties... For example, Shadowrun Orks and Trolls would genarally have low COM and average to high PRE, but you could ALSO give them bonus PRE with Limms. Things like: Impressivness: +10 PRE, Only For Fear Based Presence Attacks (-1) Then you could also have things like: Social Limitations: Ugly, Inarticulate and not well liked (-3 to all PRE based Social Skill rolls) (Frequently, Major, Not Limiting in some Cultures (ie Orkland or the like) 10pt Disadvantage. These are just some fast and easy examples... not saying you should necessarily go with those exact numbers.
  23. Re: Character Design help, Men In Black ditching BOECV and upgrading to AoE: Cone... Neuralizer: Minor Transform 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points), Area Of Effect Nonselective (9" Cone; +3/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1), Autofire (40 shots; +3); Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (Stoped By Sight Group Flash Defense, Power Defense or Mental Defense; -2), OAF (-1), Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (Not In Combat; -1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Limited Target (Humans; -1/4) 57 Active Points, 8 Real Cost
  24. Re: Creepy Pics. Nevermind, I just checked out a cryptozoology website that I frequent and they had this link. lots of speculation as to what it is, with many people thinking it is a fox that has lost it's fur due to molt or mange or some kind of fox hybrid... one of the resident experts said it wasnot likely a photoshop, but that it was possible. one way or another, it's quite facinating to me, so thanks for brinign it to my attention
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