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Posts posted by Liberator

  1. Re: Arabian Hero


    The clockwork mage is in the SHa'ir's handbook.


    That book has LOTS of great ideas for different kinds of mages in the game.


    Priests were classified as moralist, ethoist, etc.. You could worship the same deities, but your classification really defined 'how' you worshipped and how open you were towards other religions. That's off the top of my head.


    Plus...the setting has Yak-Men, you gotta love Yak-Men!

  2. The Al-Qadim setting from TSR is hands down my favorite dnd setting. My group has managed to play only a couple of times in it over the years using the 2nd edition rules.


    Well, to make a long story short...the ol' gaming group is kinda fizzling out. Our weekly sessions are getting cancelled on a pretty regular basis (most of us have kids now, and our pain in the ass jobs). So, I find myself with a LOT more gaming down time than I'm used to.


    Which got me to thinking about running Al-Qadim with Hero.


    Package deals for the various kits (Desert Rider, Barber, etc..) would be a piece of cake.


    The Sha'ir would be a little more difficult, but not so much.


    I'll have to take a crack at it I think. :)


    Anyone taken a stab at it?

  3. I saw the announcement for the new Pulp Heroes book and I'm pretty psyched for it! Next to 'Western Hero' this is probably the book I've been looking forward to the most!


    How easy will the new book be to use with my 4th ed rulebook? I haven't looked at the 5th ed in detail really so I don't know what kind of changes have been made.


    I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard to use with 4th ed...cuz'...Hero is Hero is Hero...but I might be terribly, terribly wrong as well!

  4. Re: Use of Mutants and Masterminds


    Hey now, let's not get too radical.


    Yah, I was kinda bummed about switching out of HERO...but I still have all the books...and all the d6's....so there may come a day again very soon where everyone shows up for gaming...gets handed their old Champs characters...and immediately get ambushed by Foxbat... :D

  5. Re: Use of Mutants and Masterminds


    I switched my HERO campaign over to MM about a year ago. My players were more familiar with D20 than Hero...so it made sense to switch it over.


    Here is what I'll say about MM:

    1-They (Green Ronin) make great books. Pick up Nocturnals! Go get it NOW! It's a great 'dark' pulpy resource for your game. Fantastic book!

    2-Freedom City has been compared to San Angelo a lot. It's a very detailed resource and I personally can't compare because I sadly don't own San Angelo...yet.

    3-The two systems themselves are pretty compatiable imho. Same general premises...point based character generation and all that....


    Did I mention go and get Nocturnals? Go get Nocturnals!

  6. Re: Star (WARS) Hero?


    Yes....I ran a campaign for most of a year in HERO. What are you looking for?


    I'm itching to run a little SW campaign, and don't really want to buy the core WOTC books. My group is pretty familiar with Hero, so I was looking to see how easy/playable it would be under the system. Looks like there's lots out there to consider!

  7. Re: Doom Patrol Champions


    I don't know if I would stat him out. I'd almost just say he was a plot device and leave it at that.


    Although...let's see....

    Lots of points in teleport and mind control (cuz' didn't folks not care that their street kept moving?) ...wow...already getting a headache....

  8. Re: Doom Patrol Champions


    You could definately do a DP style game. I've considered running a universe with them as the main heroes several times, just never put much thought into it.


    There's a whole group of DC titles from the Silver age (correct me on that if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking these are all Silver age) that would work great together in a more low to average powered setting :


    Doom Patrol- the not weird and pot smoking version where they fought guys like General Immortus and Animal/Vegetable/Mineral Man


    The Metal Men- another great title that fits in nicely in this type of universe. Sentient robots/androids who have shapeshifting powers based on the type of metal they're made of basicly.


    The Challengers of the Unknown- Just a bunch of guys (and a gal) who are hard to kill and love a good adventure!


    The Sea Devils- The underwater version of the Challs'


    I'd set it in the US during the mid 1950's.


    That's about as far as I ever got with the idea though.

  9. Keeping in mind I haven't gotten a chance to see the Grimorie yet....


    What about more types of summoning magic?


    Part of my existing campaign that I'm in the process of converting is a desert empire. I used a lot of TSR's old Al-Quadim setting for the source material. They go into a lot of detail about summoning Djiin to do your magical bidding and so on.


    My idea in it's very infant stages, is that when the mage uses spells, he summons a specific type of Djiin to do his bidding. I haven't even begun to try to figure out how that would work with the game mechanics yet.


    Along the same lines, how about some type of system like Dr. Strange used to use in the comics? He'd tap certain entities (Cytorrak, Dormaamu etc.) to access certain types of magic?

  10. I post on rpg.net as Liberator..go figure...


    Anyway...I've been playing Hero since I was about...16? A long time.


    I'll take a shot at your questions:


    1. IMHO, this system can handle anything you're willing to put energy into. I believe there used to be a Western Hero game (hint hint..Steve..hello...let's get that back!!!). Giant Mecha robots? Sure, you could do it.


    2. At first it may be a little tough to pick up. It's a very detailed system. I believe there are some 'random' tables, but not a lot. For example, if you want to whip up a superhero for a one-shot, you're players should have a good idea of what they want to make, or it could take a while. It's not like the old MSH game, where you grab some dice and just go. Now, once you've played it a few times, it's going to become very intuitive IMO. I find that I can make characters and 'mooks/minions' without having to really crack the books now. But, I've been playing for over 10 years as well.


    3. Again, as realistic as you want it to be. The rules are very good (a lot better than in the past) about how to make your game 'low fantasy vs. high fantasy', 'four color vs. gritty' and so on. You can set limits as the GM as to how many points your players can spend on characters.


    I'm actually coming back to Hero. I switched my supers campaign to Mutants and Masterminds, but I'm switching my fantasy campaign over to Fantasy Hero. I really like Fantasy Hero, and I'm considering Star Hero as well. And if Western Hero gets put out.....well...I'm all over it.


    I think the strength of the system is that it's flexible. You really can do whatever you want with it.


    Plus, I think as a company, they are really making some big strides. No offense, but there were some thin/lean years for Hero. The new books and supplements are really high quality stuff. (which is why I'm switching from DnD to FH)


    I think you'll like it, and once your players get used to it, they'll enjoy it too.

  11. I'm in the process of converting my old DnD campaign over to Fantasy Hero....


    It's a Norse campaign setting, and now that I'm switching to Hero, I'm cleaning it up a bit. I'm getting rid of the Gnomes...and adding Half-Trolls. Trolls are a big deal in Norse mythology so they'll be the primary bad guys.


    But I've also been thinking of doind some kind of campaign world loosely based on the world of Samurai Jack. I think my players would get a kick out of it.

  12. Before you put in a huge amount of effort creating spells, let me pitch another product to you: The Fantasy Hero Grimoire, which shipped from the printer late this week and should be in most game stores within, oh, 7-10 days. Counting all the variations, it has about 4,500 pre-generated spells that you can adapt to your magic system. It can save you some work


    That's the plan!

  13. Bought Fantasy Hero yesterday after work.


    Excellent work guys!


    The interior art is excellent. It's been a long time since I've bought any Hero products, and I have to say you've won me back. I'm officially throwing off the chains of D20 fantasy role playing. This afternoon, I begin the task of creating the magic system for my existing campaign, or should I say 're-creating'. With hero, I can finally do it the way I WANT to do it!


    I haven't been this excited about fantasy role playing in a looooong time.

  14. I too am going to try to convince my group to switch over to Fantasy Hero. I've been a Champions player since the first edition came out, so I'm familiar with the system as are some of my players.


    Looking forward to cracking Fantasy Hero open hopefully this weekend.

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