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Posts posted by phydaux

  1. So the first round of the draft is done.  Here are the first 12 superheros in the order they were drafted:


    1)  Thanos

    2)  The Martian Manhunter

    3)  Mister Majestic

    4)  Sentry

    5)  Dr. Strange

    6)  Spawn

    7)  Wonder Woman

    8)  Raiden

    9)  Superman

    10) Thor

    11) Apocalypse

    12) Gorr






    I'm number 9 in the draft.  Dr. Doom was my actual top pick, but when it was my turn and he was still undrafted, I couldn't make myself NOT pick Superman.



    I'll post the teams when they're finalized.

  2. OK, so here's my current prioritized list.  I'd love for you guys to look it over and see, first, if there are any glaring omitions.  Then if anyone is grossly out of place.  Remember, the idea is that each team of five will fight in a sort of "Royal Rumble," just a straight up fight with each hero/villain in their "standard" version and load out.  As understood by CASUAL fans. 


    Here goes:


    001.    Dr. Doom 
    002.    Superman
    003.    Hulk
    004.    Silver Surfer
    005.    Doomsday
    006.    Juggernaught
    007.    Flash Barry Allen 
    008.    Flash Wally West
    009.    Reverse Flash
    010.    Red Hulk 
    011.    Thor
    012.    Beta Ray Bill
    013.    Wonder Woman
    014.    Magneto
    015.    Batman
    016.    SHAZAM Captain Marvel
    017.    Black Adam
    018.    Doc Samson
    019.    Green Lantern Hal Jordan
    020.    Sinestro
    021.    Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
    022.    Green Lantern Jon Stewart
    023.    Green Lantern Guy Gardner
    024.    Star Saphire
    025.    Mon El
    026.    Bizarro Superman
    027.    Green Lantern Kilowag
    028.    Captain Atom
    029.    Major Force
    030.    Lobo 
    031.    Ultron 
    032.    Doctor Strange
    033.    Doctor Fate
    034.    She-Hulk
    035.    Power Girl
    036.    Super Girl
    037.    The Martian Manhunter
    038.    Wolverine
    039.    Jean Grey
    040    Emma Frost
    041.    Cyborg
    042.    Mister Miracle
    043.    General Zod
    044.    The Abomination
    045.    Big Barda
    046.    Mongul
    047.    Validus 
    048.    Orion
    049.    Hercules
    050.    Iron Man
    051.    War Machine
    052.    Namor
    053.    Human Torch
    054.    Black Bolt
    055.    Syndrome
    056.    The Vision
    057.    The Thing
    058.    Spawn
    059.    Venom
    060    Carnage
    061.    Green Goblin
    062.    Colossus
    063.    Professor X
    064.    Groot
    065.    Titanium Man
    067.    Spiderman Peter Parker
    068.    Captain America
    069.    Deadpool
    070.    Deathstroke
    071    Wonder Man
    072.    Hellboy
    073.    Loki
    074.    Mr. Incredable
    075.    Solomon Grundy
    076.    Iceman
    077.    Frozone
    078.    Captain Cold
    079.    Mr. Freeze
    080.    Killer Frost
    081.    Starfire
    082.    Raven
    083.    The Punisher
    084.    Green Goblin
    085.    Hobgoblin
    086.    Deadshot
    087.    Zantana
    088.    Scarlet Witch
    089.    Electra
    090.    Taskmaster
    091.    Red Tornado
    092.    Crimsion Dynamo
    093.    Spiderman Miles Morales
    094.    Spiderman Ben Reilly
    095.    Cable
    096.    Sabertooth
    097.    Nightwing
    098.    Hawkeye
    099.    Green Arrow
    100.    Blue Beatle
    101.    Booster Gold
    102.    Hank Pym
    103.    The Wasp
    104.    Black Bat Casandra Cain
    105.    Batgirl Barbera Gordon
    106.    Black Widow
    107.    Spider Gwen
    108.    Banshee
    109.    Black Canary
    110.    Rocket Racoon
    111.    Daredevil
    112.    Red Robin Tim Drake
    113.    Red Hood Jason Todd
    114.    Robin Damian Wayne
    115.    Artemis
    116.    US Agent
    117.    Cyclops
    118.    Nightcrawler
    119.    Beast Boy
    120.    The Huntress
    121.    Batwoman
    122.    The Comedian
    123.    Night Owl
    124.    Rorschach
    125.    Silk Spector
    126.    The Atom
    127.    Harley Quinn
    128.    Kitty Pryde
    129.    Jubilee
    130.    Dazzler
    131.    Spoiler
    132.    Robin Carrie Kelley

  3. So another forum that I am an active member of is doing a Super Hero Team Draft.  Team owners go through a draft process, picking super heroes/villains for their team.  After the teams are finalized then teams will face off in a bracket format, and all the owners will vote on the likely outcome of a battle between team A vs Team X.


    Here are the rules:




    Teams size has been changed to five-man teams.


    I'm looking for help creating a prioritized Draft List of non-God-tier Superman & Hulk clones, so that when my draft rolls around I know who the best undrafted choice will be.  Since, like most things in comics, most of the outcome will be a popularity contest then I want to limit my list to Marvel & DC heroes & villains.  So while a particular Image Comics character might actually be more powerful, he might not be well known enough to carry the vote.


    So far all I have is:


    Dr. Doom (not a Superman or Hulk clone but he brings a lot of power to the table)



    Silver Surfer



    Flash Barry Allen (again not a Superman or Hulk clone, but when properly written he wipes the floor with any super team all by himself)

    Flash Wally West

    Reverse Flash

    Red Hulk


    Wonder Woman

    SHAZAM Captain Marvel

    Black Adam

    Ultron (although he's kind of a joke, since he's suppose to be unstoppable but he's been defeated SO MANY TIMES)


    Super Girl

    Power Girl

    General Zod

    The Abomination


    That's 19.  I'd like to swell my list to at least 30.  Better 50.


    Sentry would probably be considered God-tier, so he's out.  Same with Molecule Man.

    Black Bolt had power, but I don't think he had to durability to stand and fight

    Guardian is the Marvel universe Superman clone, but he's written with an huge innate weakness, plus I don't think he's popular enough to will a fan face off.

    Unless I totally can't get my list to 30 then I'm passing on guys like Batman and Captain America.  They're popular, but for the raw power I'm looking for they don't measure up.  No, Batman does NOT get Two Weeks Prep Time (tm)

    And before anyone can say it, No Squirrel Girl

  4. Reminds me of Dee Dee & Cee Cee from Batman Beyond. 





    Always wanted to build a character like that - Low level martial arts & utility powers, but then maxed out Teamwork skill and every attack is a Combined Attack.


    Plus it's hinted that their grandmother is Harley Quinn.



  5. Plenty of people still use 5th.  It feels like old school Champions. 


    Although it only took my one game with 6th for me to REALLY like it.  I find it normalizes DEX vs CV, something that older versions of Champions struggled with.

  6. Quasar - "Mind Maiden!  AGAIN?  This makes... Oh God!  Get back to headquarters before anyone ELSE sees you..."


    Shadowhunter - "PRIMUS has Psy Ops of their own who will confirm your story after a deep mind scan.  So come with me to PRIMUS headquarters right now.  OR I can break every bone on the left half of you body.  Your call.  I'm not picky."


    Mystica - "Punch-punch, Bang-bang heroes will be busy tonight.  So will Mystica.  New artifact to analyse."

  7. Multiform leaves a bad taste in my mouth, since I've seen too many players abuse it to build Everything Man - One form is a wealthy bachelor socialite, one is a batman-seque stealthy martial artist, one is a flying power projector, one is a super strong invulnerable brick, etc, etc, etc.   In my head it's poor form for one PC to try to be Everything Man because it makes the other PCs redundant and unnecessary.  If the team already has a stealthy martial artist or a trick arrow power projector on it, then those players have laid their claim on that shtick.  There are enough super hero tropes out there that you can be something ELSE and not step on another PC.


    Also, IMO you spend your 400 points to build the hero you see in your head, NOT the hero you see on the pages of your favorite comic.  Because to build a hero that can do EVERYTHING that, say, Daredevil or Wolverine or WHOEVER has EVER been shown to be able to do, at the level of competency that the comics portrays them to be at, you're looking at 1000+ points.  


    But to answer your question then, yeah, you could use Multiform and have one form be Tony Stark, wealthy bachelor socialite industrialist who just HAPPENS to have been trained in stealth & hand-to-hand by Captain America, and then have other forms be his Hulkbuster armor, Stealth armor, Orbital armor, Deep Sea armor, etc.  And one for his Every Day armor.


    But now we're back to Everything Man.




    her civilian name might be Betsy Bechdel


    Then her hero name HAS to be Besty.  And THAT is her super power, AND her catch phrase - "Besty is The BEST!!!"


    18 DEX & 18 INT, a TON of skills, decent CV, Martial Arts, a few gadgets (Flash Defense Sight Group, Life Support Extended Breathing, Radio Send & Receive), a multipower with various powers & attacks (Flash, Entangle, NND, APED, AOE EB, AOE Flash, AOE Entangle, AOE NND, Swinging, Gliding, AOE Darkness "Smoke Bomb", that should do it), and finally Four Over All Levels!


    In combat the Over All Levels will give her +2 to OCV & +2 to DCV, which will make her REALLY formidable.  I'd say ratchet her DCs down by 2-3 so she doesn't overshadow the other charters, because with Martial Arts and those skill levels she will NEVER get hit.  Also, the FYB powers in the multipower will give her plenty of opportunity to debuff bad guys, but let Star Girl be the one to ACTUALLY finish them off. 


    After all, "Star Girl is the Star.  But Besty is the BEST!"


    And +4 to any skill roll or Perception check will make her really formidable when she's out of combat.  She'll be the Velma to Star Girl's Daphne.

  9. An empath... not bad, given that the rest of the group includes a brick, a blaster and a guy with wings (martial artist).


    I had actually thought about something of the sort, but I was reluctant. I might reconsider.


    The name still needs work.


    Her name is Frenemy.  She has Ego-based powers rooted in her deep-seated jealousy of Star Girl, and she will one day become Star Girl's archvillain nemesis.


    Either that, or stick with Besty and make her a classic side-kick, with a ton of skills, gadgets that give her Flash & Entangles, but no actual attack powers.

  10. But what are her powers?


    Wingman has wings, Hot Boy has flame powers.


    OK, Star Girl is a flying brick, but only because I didn't want to directly rip off DC's Stargirl.


    This should give you some idea:



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