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Posts posted by Ferret

  1. My question is simple. I have a ton of fifth edition books and I'm wondering if it is worth it to convert to 6th edition. The thing is I rarely get a chance to run Hero. Because the Hero system is a little tougher to learn. I'm wondering if the sixth edition is easier for new players to pick up. The cost of all those new books will also be a nasty pill to swallow. Lastily hero designer is it cabaple of converting all those fifth edition hd files I purchased? Is the vault is still up and is it full of new npc's. Thanks for your help sorry if this thread appeared some where else I could not find the answers I was looking for. Ferret.............

  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    So far from what I have read I like most of the changes. I always disliked Find Weakness so I'm glad it is gone. I love the concept of droping OCV from Dex. This reduces the need for players to purchase this one over used stat. Same thing for ECV. Not sure about the new way of doing elemental controls.

    I will be buying a copy of the rules just to check it all out. After that then I will pick and choose books from there.


  3. I was wondering does anyone have problems with the way talents are done in the fifth edition? Do people prefer the fourth edition talent rules. Are there differances to the line of sight and hearing rules between the big blue book and the new rules?

    I would like your opinions. My friend hates the new rules. In these area's particularily the talents. Because Steve in my opinion simply explained how he determined cost of talents using powers yet. He see's this as powers disguised as talents. I think it is a ridulous argument. Designed only in a quest to find problems in the new rules thoughts...


  4. Re: How to kill characters?


    I like the nuke idea. I would also consider the giant earth quake device. That goes off the only way to stop California from dropping into the sea is jump down and some how stabilize it. Use a nasty super powerful vampire and eat them. Expose their secret id's and then have villians attack in mass. They die but protect loved ones. A smart villian sets up the traps all over the site of combat. Pc's should go out heroically saving millions if possible. Extra dimensional villians are an excellant choice. See Trigon from the Teen titans. Stop the alien invasion!!

    Hope this helps Ferret........

  5. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    Here are a few basic gamemaster tips for any PA game that I have recently thought of. Get a good road atlas if pc's are travelling. A good set of topographic maps for any place you want the players to settle down in. All sorts of survival manuals and books about diasters. Lots of npc's to add depth and conflict to the stories. Not just combat either but differant points of view for rebuilding things.


  6. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    A weapons list that focuses on common non military items.. Like a 303 hunting rifle instead of the m16 and other military stuff. Perhaps giving gamemasters some advice on what are some of the more popular arms. I would love to see the write up for a small town in Jasons setting dealing with destinations and treking. Plus suggestions for gamemasters on how to make those journeys extremely interesting. I'm currently planning on running a PA game this coming fall. I hope to steal bits from all the settings. Lastily this is one setting that works really well for the hero rules. Think about it martial arts, mental powers, skills, super powers, talents and even magic. This is a great setting for the hero system. It can handle all of problems this setting presents for other game systems. Game masters can choose how deadly they want the setting to be. Plus what elements they want to use.

    IMO Hero should push this book hard and the rules to go with it. So this great game can reach a wider audience. Well thats my 2 cents. Ferret.............

  7. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    This book is one I have been waiting for!! Please try to include the following. How to start a normal modern style game and turn it into an Apocalyptic one. Doing the same with super heroes is easy they and all NPC heroes simply fail to stop DR. Destroyers latest plot for world conquest.

    Secondly please include information on how various groups would react to a serious disaster that results in the Apolcalpse. Groups like governments, biker gangs, religious communities, survivalists, Militia groups, and how about an anti tech back to nature type organization. To achieve developed animals like in Planet of the Apes. How about a nasty nano virus that converts all exposed humans into such creatures. Please include stats for Zombies, living humans gone cannibal and various other friends and foes. A few suggestions for types of characters in a modern setting that falls. I know lots of people want settings in the far future that is fine. But please do a little bit on the fall it self possible causes and so on. I don't know about other people I tend to use what I like and toss the rest anyway. This is the advantage of including information like what might Viper do if the world fell into disaster. Even if people did not call the group Viper this information may very well spawn numerous ideas. Some story suggestions and guidelines would also be very,very helpful. Thanks Ferret........

  8. Re: Hero system complexity


    I bought the first edition Champions rules and it was hard for me to build my first character. As I had never experianced a point based system before. Eventually I played the game learned the rules and ran my own games. Many systems at least seem easier for players to learn then the hero system. I have run both Gurps and th hero system and gurps is just has more laid out for you so it is easier. Ie instead of having to create a disadvantage in gurps you just pick one. I agree with some of the others. What Hero needs is a cool setting where all your basic facts are worked out by DOJ. Including tons of powers advantages and disads so you can simply pick and choose. From a big list of standard stuff. They did this a little in Fantasy Hero but not enough. They should really do some cool adventures that are chock full of template style npc's, monsters and treasures. To give game masters an idea on what to include in a senerio. Anyway that is my 2 cents Ferret.....

  9. Re: CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH -- What Would You Like To See?


    I agree that Biker Gangs are really big here in Canada. Plus Edmonton is not only the city of Champions but is often the murder capital of the country. Right now we have a big oil boom going on Rents and housing prices are sky high and rising. Perhaps a Robin hood style villian appears. Plus as was posted earlier diamonds are very big up north in the territories. Don't forget climate and weather we have lots of nasty storms up here. Like blizzards, hurricaines, tornados and thunder storms. Various Native groups some times resort to traffic blockades and other measures to plead land claims and other cases. We have our own film and televsion industry. Though our most famous people tend to head to the U.S.A. to make more money. I can see some Canadian super heroes and villians doing the same. I would love to see more information on Telios. Lastily a mention of famous Canadian heroes of the past would be nice.


  10. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain


    I want to bring about the rapture the end of the world. So that god will come and save us the chosen and bannish others to the lake of fire for all time.

    Sadly there are mad men in the real world who actually believe this.

    Personally I don't like to rush into things.


  11. I'm about to run with Fantasy Hero. I want your wisdom on this baffling question. When doing invocations that is priestly magic. Do you just use wizard like spell creation. Or do you use a Variable power pool controlled for the most part by the deity in question? I have an article that suggests this approach from an old adventurers club but it was never really mentioned in Fantasy hero. As an added concern I'm using Harn so I want my priests and mages to be differant. For the variable power pool is it still possible for the character to be taught certain rituals in his faith and cast them? Any suggestions on limitations for both the pool it self and each ritual would be most helpful.

    Lastily how would you decide how big to make the pool.

    It could be based soley on rank within the church. Or it could be based on the gods whim. Any thoughts???

    Thanks in advance to any suggestions you folks might have.


  12. Re: Artwork in the Predators book


    The art in all the new hero products is just not as good as in the old books and modules. I loved the lay out of the old enemies books. Characters pictures are cluttered up on the page with text. The art is of poor quality. The same pictures show up over and over in differant books. In a super hero game I always felt it was important to have pictures of the bad guys and heroes so I have collected lots from lots of differant games. Even Pulp hero is stuck with poor quality art. Now instead of just bashing I have some friendly suggestions to Steve. I would think about the type of book and what style I wanted to get across. Then I would look to hire someone that fits that style. I would generally look for people who know how to draw muscles with firm clean lines like in many fine comics. The way the character is standing or doing things is also important. I would try and develope friendly relations with some one at the various comic companies. They maybe be able to reccommend some young cheap talent not quite ready for full time comic work that you could use. Lastily please consider putting a reminder on the boards that fans can send in art. Perhaps even have a contest or something to get lots of enteries for new stock pictures. Prize is being published in a book and given credit. Anyway I did love the Predators book though great bad guys. Thanks Ferret.

  13. Re: The Old World


    Ok War Hammer fans I only have the old stuff. I was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me about the new stuff.

    1) What are the 12 zodiac signs given in the new rule book.

    Did they change the old calendar?

    2) Are the maps and information in the cities of Middenheim or Altdorf compatible to the old stuff or are they totally redone.

    3) Any other ideas on how to handle magic I really don't like the idea of Chaos curse associated with all magic, or power pools. (sorry Killer Shrike)

    4) Has anyone done HD templates (prefabs) for The various races.

    5) How are you handling priest magic for this world and the hero system.

    6) Anyone own the new equipment guide is it as good as it sounds on the back cover???

    Thats all for now thanks for all your help. I plan on running the enemy within campaign eventually. It is something I'm just puttering with right now. Will gladly share my thoughts ideas or stats that I have or create. Thanks....



  14. Re: Chronicles of Gor


    I read the first 7 or so of the books oh so long ago. While I enjoyed them for the trash that they where. There are very few things that a gamemaster could rip off from the series. Tarns the giant flying eagles are cool. The Priest kings are interesting but don't translate well to fantasy. No one will run a priest if he can't fight and cast spells. The bigger problem is the way women are treated as mere slaves. No Female player would be amused. The writing it self is weak, stories are certainly readable though.

    I would reccommend other fantasy worlds for game masters to convert then this trashy set of novels. As far as the online stuff goes have not looked at it and now I won't.


  15. I think that the hit locations modifers for aiming are just to high. Unless I'm reading the rules wrong. Your gun toting Zombie slaying normals or even military vets. Are all at a minus 8 to hit the zombie in the head. Which means everyone is going quickly become lunch. Which is fine for the NPC's but not so great for the player characters. I was going to use the gurps aiming rules instead which is only a minus 5 to target the head. Any suggestions or idea's would be welcome. One thought is that if the target is at close range you could reduce the location penalty. Any ideas???


  16. Re: Hudson City & Predators


    Well I just picked up Predators and I must say that over all the book is well done. Except for the art work which I feel is weak and poorly done. All of the new organizations are ok but none of them where out standing. I love the crime lords and most of the other villians. One idea that was not used is for a male serial killer who targets men instead of the guy kills girl standard. I'm currently using Hudson city in my own dark champions game. I think Hudson city is likely the best city source book ever. Except I wish it had more Location maps. Ferret..............

  17. Re: The Network: Campaign Setting Idea


    This is actually a great idea for a campaign setting!! The thing is to get the details right and keep things interesting for the characters. In the main source book for this setting you must have details. Like which towns are taken over plus what military bases. Detailed maps of at least one town and one military base. With numbers and locations of alien troops. More then one type of alien trooper so players are not just killing the same guy. The Aliens can all be one race but may have differant units and equipment. Human traitors are important to add in to really piss off our heroes. I would make sure the aliens have anti air craft technology other wise they loose.

    I would have suggestions on how the aliens would deal with prisoners. Plus no matter what the game system. Have some notes for increasing and decreasing the power scale of the game. Ie in a super hero universe the aliens may have very high tech and numbers to deal with super heroes. Or a few aliens might develope super powers themselves. Plus super villians may even join up with the aliens. The aliens should have some means to transport themselves around as well. I hope this helps. I would try to make the aliens as interesting and yet as mysterious as possible. Some inflitrators into the eastern and coastal areas and groups of prisoners could add some real threat as well. Lastily they could always have some plants and animals with them from there home world.

    This would add alot of spice to the game. See War against the Chtorr for ideas on this.

  18. Here is a new guy


    Well I'm going to try this and see how it works. Hopefully the character will post so everyone can read it. I will add the attachment as well.

    Well darn the sheet I used does not have all the back ground stuff.

    Mahmood is a cab driver who also shoots pictures and video of anyone or anything that he can sell to the media. This means if the heroes are around very likely so is Mahmood. He is from India and his wife and two kids now all live in America.


    Mahmood Zuekar

    Player: NPC

    Campaign: Power Comics

    Char Cost: 18 Base Pts.: 25

    Skills Cost: 37 Disads: 25

    Powers Cost: 0 Exp. Spent: 5

    Total Cost: 55

    Experience Total: 0


    Val Characteristic Base Cost Total


    11 Strength

    14 Dexterity

    11 Constitution

    9 Body

    13 Intelligence

    10 Ego

    11 Presence

    12 Comeliness


    2 Physical Defense 2

    2 Energy Defense 2

    2 Speed 2.4

    4 Recovery

    22 Endurance

    21 Stun


    6 Running

    2 Swimming

    2 Leaping

    Pts. Disadvantages

    15 Dependent NPC: 8- (Incompetent) His two young Children

    10 Psychological Limitation: Loves America (Uncommon, Strong)


    Pts. Skill/Perk/Talent

    5 Combat Driving 13-

    1 Shadowing 8-

    3 KS Celebraties 12-

    2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles

    1 Streetwise 8-

    2 Survival (Urban) 12-

    1 Bribery 8-

    3 Knowledge Skill City Of 12-

    1 Language: Hindustani (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)

    3 Language: English (fluent conversation; literate)

    3 Conversation 11-

    1 Electronics 8-

    5 PS Taxi Driver 14-

    4 PS: Photographer 13-


    2 Fringe Benefit: International Driver's License, Passport


    Pts. Powers and Martial Arts


    Anyway hope you enjoy this guy!!!

  19. Well sort of


    I sort of got what I wanted when I did that first post but I was hoping for the characters to be displayed as well as attached. For easy down loading and use in peoples games. Ah well I will figure that out later. Right now I just want to thank all the viewers and ask people to create there own normals. So I along with other fans can down load them. Most of the characters I have built are totally useful for any modern day game. Perhaps with the odd change are useful in other back grounds as well. When writng up each character I try to figure out in advance ways to use the NPC in a game. These characters can be used as plot devices, enemies, victims, rivals, background colour and more. After all there are billions of normals compared to only say thousands or less of super heroes. In a Dark champions game these characters can be even more useful. In a Danger International or Horror game these characters can help the game master add even more. In this post I have included Chip Tang a detective for the local police. He is a highly skilled martial artist and could be a dangerous foe for any vigulantes. I hope you enjoy him.


  20. I started this thread so I can post some more or less ordinary people. I hope many of you will join in and add your own. Normals that are interesting can bring a huge bonus to all hero games. I wrote these characters up using hero designer which I highly reccommend. I will say sorry in advance just in case I can't load these characters on to this board properly. Please feel free to use these characters in your games.


  21. Demon ideas


    I have redone Demon for my own game and this is a sample of what I did hope it helps.

    Demon has agents that act as simple soldiers, researchers, infiltrators into other groups and assissins. Agents are very loyal being terrified and at the same time well rewarded. Creates a great sense of loyality for the agents. Morbanes are magic users leading indivudal cells. One source of income for Demon is the Crystal Church a sort of new age hippie kinda church. It preaches tolerance the use of expensive crystals and meditation. These churches are used as a great way to raise money through donations and sales of church stuff. The buildings are used as clearing centers for information and recruitments. Church congrations are also used as spies and loyal dupes thanks to the influence of the magic crystals sold or given to those in postions useful to Demon. However these people are never used in crimes that can be traced back to Demon. They also sell magical services to others for a very high price. Everyone knows Demon is out to rule the world through mystical might. However the real goal is to bring back the ancient gods and destroy the universe. Lastily my Demon has regular access to a low tech magical world which they exploit. They run a vast empire and enslave millions to do there bidding. I also like everything Killer Shrike wrote the man has taste. Also ignore those that want tech brought into Demon. Soldiers should use common weapons with the odd magic item tossed in. A cool new martial art may also help Demon be more of a nasty threat.


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