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Posts posted by MuscaDomestica

  1. Add some realism give it Distinctive appearance, strong smell of Amonia. Some giant squids (the more traditional non artic species, genus Archatuthus) reak of the stuff.


    Also remember it is a Celeopod so it has complete control over its color. When big squids strike at their prey they usually flash quickly between colors.

  2. In our golden age game WW2 is just about to start and our group pooled our points and bought a 200 point base. Because we will be going to war I thought about a sub as the base. Wondering what people think of the stats...


    The life support eating is the stores of food


    The Liberty Sub


    Val Char Cost
    85 STR 0
    16 DEX 18
    25 BODY 0
    2 SPD 0
    0" RUN-1222" SWIM00" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 135


    Cost Power END
    11 Swimming +10" (22" total) (x16 Noncombat) (25 Active Points); Surface Only (-1), Limited Maneuverability (-1/4)
    15 UnderWater: Swimming +10" (22" total) (x4 Noncombat)
    Powers Cost: 26



    Cost Skill
    5 Bureaucratics 10-
    11 Paramedics 13-
    3 Electronics 9-
    14 +7 with the main guns
    Skills Cost: 33


    Cost Perk
    30 Followers (x16, 50 Base, 50 Disad)
    Perks Cost: 30



    Cost Equipment END
    7 Life Support , Eating: Character only has to eat once per week, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Self-Contained Breathing (16 Active Points); IIF Immobile (-1 1/4)
    14 Sonar: Active Sonar (Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Telescopic (+15)) (35 Active Points); IIF Immobile (-1 1/4), Only Under Water (-1/4)
    16 Deisal Engine: Endurance Reserve (60 END, 10 REC) (16 Active Points)
    29 Guns: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (vs. PD) (x4 Guns), 32 Charges (+1/4) (94 Active Points); IIF Immobile (-1 1/4), Only Above Water Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1)
    14 Summon 200-point Torpedo (40 Active Points); IIF Immobile (-1 1/4), 16 Charges which Recover every 1 Week (-1/2)
    Equipment costs shown above are for reference only, and are not included in Total Cost.


    Total Character Cost: 224


    Val Disadvantages
    15 Watched: Military 11-, More Powerful, Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
    15 Subject to Orders: (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
    10 Distinctive Features, Hull: (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

    Disadvantage Points: 40


    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0

  3. Well just saw it... I was impressed, it had some strange moments and seemed to have way to many plot threads (was it originally going to be a three parter?) But the action was great and the characterizations were well done. Superman was great and using his powers impressively. Brainiac the most unfortunately named villain in comics was fun to see.



    The Teen Titians commercials are strange... the anime style is unusual. I like anime but I know it is just a style that incorporates many genres and shouldn't consider it sacred... keep telling my self that.

  4. Cal would fight the villian and use his ego drain to get the guy to tell me where the bomb is located and how to disarm it, then do a couple drain stuns to knock him out. He would try to get on the train somehow, either with help from another hero or buy a risky jump into the front of the train in ball mode. He would then pick up the bomb and get away from any people then either, difuse the bomb like the guy said, and if that doesn't work he will just use his entropy slash and destroy most of the components and tell someone to call up someone to clean up the radiation.

  5. Here is Moth Man for a golden age Champions Game, I used Hero machine with a little bit of photoshop thrown in. He is a cross between Puma Man and Arthur from the Tick, He should have moth wings but Hero machine's moth wings are too fairy like for the character, he has hawk moth wings which look much more like hawk wings.






    Can't get the antennae right, just did a quick mockup in Photoshop.


    Also how do you post an image in the post itself?

  6. I am making an EC framework for a character and I want to have a force field. I know you have to buy the power with the advantage costs-0 end, but I am wondering if you get the -1/2 lim costs end or is that automatic and not a limitation (seems logical that you don't get a bonus for it, but just checking) Also how does it work to buy the power with the lim costs end to activate?

  7. Slight spoilers


    I thought it was going to be 7 books, Feast of Crows was added later because the five year span was too interesting to be backstory... Which should be good, no major character deaths in this book.


    I am not saying I want my characters to all live and be happy even if they act like idiots but there was a point in the third book where I put the book down and immediately started asking friends and posting on boards to see if it started to go a little better for the characters... because I was about to stop reading the book after that scene (It should be obvious which scene it is... and I would like to give the Martin points for doing something that shocking.)

  8. The T-shirt guy sounds too much like something from the shirt tails (Hated it as a kid and cought an episode of it at 3 in the morning on Cartoon Network and was in pain after 4 minutes)


    Right now I have a group of dark/light characters in one body, not the most creative idea but it is fun, especially since the Dark being is much more heroic.

  9. I posted this in another thread, think it should be in its own, didn't seem to be the right place. A player in my group that I game with has a problem. The player is somewhat annoying he hates the combat system in HERO so he makes a combat monster that ends combats very quickly. The GM doesn't pay attention so the 10d6 killing attack ended up going through which makes almost all combats quick and uninteresting. It is strange because not in combat he usually does the exact opposite of what the party does. Thankfully, this usually makes some interesting plot points but it is getting very old. (and it doesn’t help that he plays in every game with similar characters) Any tips that I should tell the GM to deal with him?

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