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Posts posted by Eyendasky80

  1. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    Blue Beetle. He should be the Reed Richards of DC but instead he's often designated as "fat guy." That's just crap' date=' it's the only problem I have with Kieth Giffen. It was a funny subplot, for maybe a year, but he should have cleaned it up quicker. Beetle was the fat kid of DC for two decades and I'm sure some writer who loved the idea is going to make him fat again. I don't mind Beetle being the comic relief as long as he's the smart half of him and Booster Gold. But being comic relief doesn't mean you lose your technical genius, in fact, many technical genius types double as comic relief in fiction. Chuck Dixon gave Beetle respect and then Giffen wrote another Justice League series. I like Giffen's league so I picked it up, hoping he wouldn't undue all the good work Dixon had done. I was pleased, he was very respectful of Beetle's new outlook on life, but I got a bad feeling about any future Formerly Known as the Justice League series. Identity crisis kind of screwed up the current FKJL team since Elongated Man isn't going to be very big on adventuring for a little while.[/quote']



    I quoted myself because I just read an article saying Giffen plans to ignore Identity Crisis and go ahead and use Sue Dibney for his mini.

  2. Re: Speeding things up


    Relative SPD helps greatly to keep combat moving. As a general rule. I try to make sure that everyone has SPDs 4 and 5 with 3 being "Brick" slow and 6 being "Speedster" fast. This keeps everyone involved and each person gets roughly the same amount of time. This is sort of a bastardization of the optional combat turn style that allows for some diversity. The optional combat turn thingee is a lot quicker and more simple as well. If you like, when I get home I'll check my book for the page number. It's probably in Fifth, but the last place I read it was in Sidekick.


    As a GM, the best thing you can do to SPD up combat is to expedite your own actions. That way, you don't have to restrict your players and you probably don't mind too much if Grond gets shorted a little, plus you control the more combatants than anyone else. Skip recoveries, fudge close rolls so your villains get hit more when combat starts to drag on, agents can go down after one hit (usually do anyway), cheat in the players favor and combat becomes more enjoyable for them and quicker. In all things moderation and be sneaky, if they know you're cheating for them it ruins the mood.

  3. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    The only one making this into a personal vendetta apparently. I state my opinion and you claim I'm having a homosexual lust for the man, very mature indeed. :stupid:


    And if you call writing good stories being out of good ideas, then I feel sorry for you.


    That's all I have to say about that.


    I never said you had homosexual lust :stupid:, I said you appear to be in love with the man because you leap to personal insult to defend any who dare impugn his honor. You wanna draw some conclusions on your own, that's your business and I'd appreciate if you wouldn't credit me with your thought processes. And your opinion was I'm creepy so don't play innocent victim with me, pal, you've already showed a certain degree of disrespect here. May as well stick to your guns.


    And no I don't call writing good stories being out of good ideas, I call former good writers writing bad stories being out of good ideas. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm a happy person. You seem a little stressed, though.


    And I guarantee you've got more to say.


    Johns is out of good ideas. :tonguewav:

  4. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    He didn't whine at all and if you don't find a kid who latches onto a mother figure for the sole purpose of killing her creepy then you must be really creepy. Then there was the whole blood drinking thing. Granted he's not the original Brother Blood but he's an interesting take on the character' date=' in my opinion. Geoff Johns indeed strikes again, with a good story.[/quote']


    Hey buddy. Why don't you take two steps back from Johns heiny and not turn this into some personal vendetta, okay? I think he's slipped, you're obviously madly in love with the man and who am I to judge the two of you? So I say live and let live! You enjoy Johns and I'll enjoy saying he's out of good ideas.


    Because he is.


    Out of good ideas.

  5. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    You must be speaking of some other Brother Blood' date=' one who isn't the creepy character that Johns is writing. He's certainly not a whiner by any means, though admittedly rather mother obsessed.[/quote']


    I am not. He whined constantly and he was about as creepy as a five year old with a really runny nose that insists on pawing you after he gets done rubbing snot all over his hands.

  6. Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil?


    Once, when I was playing in a game ran by my Uncle. A villain took a child hostage and was demanding surrender for six phases or so. No one really did anything, just kept on with what they were doing, dismantling the bad guys. I guess everyone assumed that Judith (my aunt) and I could handle it. We were squaring off with this guy trying to think of a way to get the kid from him. We froze like he asked, but I guess he was p'od that everyone else just kept lumping his buddies so he tossed the kid in the rotor blades of a nearby helicopter. Judith was so pissed she said she wouldn't play anymore if that particular villain ever showed up again. It was a pretty lethal campaign and when she started shooting the guy (while he was out) in the head everyone got real quiet. She'd never used lethal force before ever, she had a gun and no one could remember her firing a shot before that day, she always used her non-lethal powers. She ended up not killing him, but she tried.

  7. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    Mary neatly filled the role of Captain Marvel as "character portrayed one hundred times more naive and simple (bordline dense) than anyone else who ever worked with the character has portrayed him/her." In Giffen's defense, he admits that he never could strike the balance between the wisdom of Solomon and the thought process of a fourteen year old from the forties so out of respect for the character he stopped using him.

    Yet he goes and does it again with Mary. Really, I have more respect for people who depart from a character's established personality in the name of progress than those who do it for a laugh and say it was an accident. I'm beginning to realise what a love/hate relationship I have for Giffen. You know, I'm not sure, but it seems to me that Guy Gardner's personality was established by Giffen as well. He started life out as your basic cookie cutter GL, so sometimes the comedic approach gives you gold. I heard he went nuts before JLI, but I'm not sure if it was the particular brand of nuts Giffen gave him.

  8. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics


    Blue Beetle. He should be the Reed Richards of DC but instead he's often designated as "fat guy." That's just crap, it's the only problem I have with Kieth Giffen. It was a funny subplot, for maybe a year, but he should have cleaned it up quicker. Beetle was the fat kid of DC for two decades and I'm sure some writer who loved the idea is going to make him fat again. I don't mind Beetle being the comic relief as long as he's the smart half of him and Booster Gold. But being comic relief doesn't mean you lose your technical genius, in fact, many technical genius types double as comic relief in fiction. Chuck Dixon gave Beetle respect and then Giffen wrote another Justice League series. I like Giffen's league so I picked it up, hoping he wouldn't undue all the good work Dixon had done. I was pleased, he was very respectful of Beetle's new outlook on life, but I got a bad feeling about any future Formerly Known as the Justice League series. Identity crisis kind of screwed up the current FKJL team since Elongated Man isn't going to be very big on adventuring for a little while.

  9. Re: Unstoppable


    Fred has an example power under tunneling called "superstrength bust through" for smashing through walls easly..so Yep. I would say its legal :rolleyes:


    Okay mr. Rollyeyesmcgee you're absolutely right about that. But my question is, is it legal to use tunneling above ground to perform a move through? The effect I want is him just mowing through everything in his path. Not: runrunrunrun stop tunnel through wall runrunrunrunr stop tunnel through wall runrunrunrun.

    The superstrength bust through is exactly what inspired me to use tunneling to simulate the unstoppable, but I don't know if you can tunnel above ground without having anything to actually tunnel through.

  10. Re: Comics from the Good Ol' Days


    There's an award winning store in Berkely, let me google. Found it, can't believe you havn't heard of it. It one the very first Eisner Spirit award.

    The Comic Bookstore (Comic Relief)

    2138 University Ave

    Berkeley, CA 94704

    (510) 843-5002


    I've been, it's nothing special as far as atmosphere but it's literally filled to the ceiling with comic books. To the ceiling.


    Just found an article that said they're losing their lease and intend to move after New Year's or sooner so you better call first.

  11. I'm building Juggernaut who's schtick is being completely unstoppable. So I was thinking about using tunneling, above ground only, to represent his busting down walls and such. But, can you only "tunnel" when you are physically breaking through a wall/obstacle? I'd like to be able to do move thoughs through walls and characters in one attack. Like a super move through. So I was thinking if you could, it'd be worth the points to buy enough tunneling (especially after disads) to do effective movethroughs that cut through walls and other obstacles like butter. What do you think? Can't recall if it's even legal, but I doubt it.

  12. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


    Gads! :shock: Are you saying that Timothy Dalton was better liked than Rodger Moore?!?



    My wife is a huge Bond fan and she has two boxed sets. I never really watched any Bond movies before I married here. I've seen 14 out of 20 now and I have to say that Timothy Dalton is pretty good and his two movies were both decent. Roger Moore was ok too, but his movies sucked. Guess I'm wierd.

  13. Re: "Essential" Graphic Novels / Trade Paperbacks



    I'd second the JSA trades. Johns has a talent for writing continuity heavy stuff without losing the new reader. The JLA trades - just go for the Rock of Ages and whichever one is the invasion trade that was the start up of the Morrison run.




    People who like continuity always say that, but being continuity heavy even if it is well written, means that a new reader with no comic experience is missing a piece. It's a good book, but his money would be better spent on more "definitive" books.

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