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Posts posted by bobrunnicles

  1. 2013 you say? But I backed the Champions Complete, Fantasy Hero Complete, Book Of The Empress, MHI, Solo Villains kickstarters and while the latter three were either 2013 or before (holy crap was it THAT long ago??), Fantasy Hero Complete was 2015 so shouldn't that at least be here?


    I will check my backup hard drive once I can pick it up from the office but that won't be until Monday sadly. Otherwise this is a relatively new computer and I don't have all my gaming files downloaded :(


    Thanks for the rapid responses, Simon!

  2. Longtime member (since 2004) but sadly it's been a number of years since I was last here - so long ago in fact that I still had my previous email address listed so when I needed a password reset I had to get Jason to correct my email address to my current one. However I just logged in here this morning and went to check out my previous purchased downloads (Digital Heroes, Pulp Hero adventures, several kickstarters and other books etc) and there is nothing showing in my downloads. Where did they all go? Did they get cleaned up somehow due to my lack of presence for years? Any way I can get them back?

  3. Okay, not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes. I've been collecting HERO for decades now; I just recently got caught up on the five outstanding 6e books (& pdf combos) I didn't have, and by happy coincidence this weekend I was talking rpgs with my group and we've decided to give HERO a go (yay!!). Anyway, the prime contenders for a genre are Pulp Hero, Dark Champions, Post-Apocalyptic Hero and Champions (and one very enthusiastic voice that wants to do Lucha Libre Hero ;)); since three of the four are 5e books and I'm going to be using package deals/templates for sure to speed up chargen, I was curious - is there any way currently to get the Champions 5e pdf? Or (for that matter) the FRED pdf? I own hardcopies of everything, I just want to avoid having to stress the spines of my books (and the time factor!) making photocopies. I'm quite happy to pay the going rate, they just aren't out there - and another reason I'm keeping it 5e means I can use the vast library of 5e books I already own with a minimum of conversion effort (and free time is very short right now so anything that helps with that is a major plus!).


    I realize that it looks like this was done wherever something was superceded by a newer 6e version, but I'm not sure why you wouldn't keep the previous version available, at least as a pdf. Any chance they could be brought back?

  4. Re: Champions Villains, Volume 3: Solo Villains


    I totally understand the desire to have Star Hero done for Gencon, no question, I guess it was the eight months or whatever prior to that that was muddying the waters lol. On the other hand, I'm sure I've missed status changes in the print backlog so apologies if this is just rubbing salt into an old wound! I do try and check Steve's Friday updates each week and always dip quickly into the store to see what's new in hardcopy but I don't always check the message boards the way I used to.


    Thanks for the update! Looking forward to it!

  5. Re: The HERO System Advanced Player's Guide


    True, and in fact I have several examples on my shelf and PC like that, but I understand that HERO wants to make some money off them - I just think the current pricing structure is on the harsh side. The Champions Powers book is the prime example; hardcopy is $38, pdf is $28.50, combo deal is.....$60??? So you get a 'discount' of exactly $6.50 for buying them both??? That's....crazy.

  6. Re: The HERO System Advanced Player's Guide


    Printing is one of the lesser costs of book production. It's not gouging.


    Maybe not, but I definitely feel that the combo 'book and pdf' deals could be cheaper - I mean, you're essentially buying the same damn thing twice over! If I'm buying the hardcopy at the same time as the pdf, and the printing cost is not a major part of the overall price as you claim, is there any particular reason we should be paying more than $10 extra for the pdf? I mean I've bought the book itself, why pay so much extra for a pdf of the same thing?


    On a separate but related note, I'll request again that combo deals for new release books & pdfs go up when the pdf does, even if it means having to wait for the physical book to be printed - there are half a dozen or so HERO books out right now I'm *dying* to get hold of, but I'm not going to pick up the pdf then six weeks later pay the full price for the hardcopy (even though it's the hardcopy I really want). It can't be THAT hard to put a disclaimer on the page saying that "THIS BOOK IS STILL AT THE PRINTERS - YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY AS SOON AS THEY ARRIVE AT THE WAREHOUSE" and let people place the order....


    See to me, the hardcopy is the thing, the pdf is simply a nice luxury item I can use to print out the pieces I might need for a particular adventure without having to lug the whole book around. But I would pick up the combo deals (although ideally without paying so much extra for the pdf, see above!) the day they came out if I knew I could just pay the price, get the pdf instantly to look over on my computer and know that as soon as the book itself comes back from the printer it will be on it's way to me.

  7. Re: Traveller Hero


    And Shadowcat1313 is a bonafide seller - I got mine from him in tip-top shape, and I'm very happy. You can buy the books from him with no worries at all.




    P.S. Rex, is your icon the dude from the Disturbed vids? Kewl beans!

  8. Re: (5E) Help with shotguns


    I agree that the range seems a bit long.


    Explosion is an equally valid option. I suppose it depends on whether you want a more linear decrease in damage over the range. Since a Cone Explosion defaults to -1 DC/2" the damage drops off more dramatically as you get farther away. Having never been shot with a sawed-off shotgun, I can't say with certainty which is a better model. (Note: this is NOT an invitation to shoot me, I am perfectly happy remaining ignorant of said effects.)


    Not even with a copy of 5ER to protect you? The bulletproof book?




    Thanks for all the replies, guys - glad to know I was basically on the right track. The explosion suggestion is an interesting one, I wonder which way Steve will take it when Shotguns come up for 6E.

  9. Okay guys, playing a Pulp Hero game and we ran into some questions about shotguns and I want to make sure we're doing it right. Firstly, the pertinent stats for the 12 gauge sawed off shotgun from Pulp Hero is this:


    12 Shot, Sawed Off. +0 OCV, +0 Range, 2 1/2d6 RKA, 1d6 STUNx, 2 Shots, Str12, +3 PER, 140/22 A/R, 2H, AEC, AF2, NR, RR, RP


    1) I assume that the NR limitation (No Range) only refers to the AEC, correct, in that the cone has to start adjacent to the firer? If he hits the target adjacent hex then everything in the cone takes damage, right? Out of curiousity, even with a DCV 0, what if the firer 'misses' (ie botches the roll)? Is it just a wasted shot? Does the cone origin hex move?

    2) I can't find any way to get that active total up to the 140 points quoted - a 2 1/2d6 RKA is only a 40 point base, right? Most of what I can see there are limitations beyond the AEF.

    3) Is it that 40 point base that is used for the range of the cone? As in 8 hexes (40/5)? Or should it be longer?

    4) The RR obviously refers to the falling off in damage class as the range increases, but if the range of the cone is only 8 hexes, does that mean beyond that range there's no effect? Even though with the RR there's still a ways to go before running out of damage? No question about the RP other than the same range question here.


    Thanks guys! Hope we're doing it right!

  10. Re: The HERO System Advanced Player's Guide


    Wow....oh well, congrats to Steve and co for a sell-out book! I was mainly looking to ponder whether or not to pick up the pdf from rpgnow for $10 this week (really $5 each with the Basic Rules pdf bundle but I already have the Basic Rules) or get the combo deal here; since the hardcopies are OOP I think I might do it and look for a hardcopy someplace else.

  11. Re: Interstellar Trade rules for Star Hero?


    As another alternative, a very good friend of mine put together a generic RPG add-on for interstellar trade some years ago.


    It is on my website - here is the link - http://members.ozemail.com.au/~iandl57/trade.html


    At the very least, it has some good ideas and solid advice for refereeing a space trader style of game.


    Thanks Ian! Some very useful stuff there - consider that page bookmarked. :thumbup:


    The, er, music wasn't doing it for me though, sorry to say ;)

  12. Hey guys,


    Looking at hopefully starting up a 'tramp freighter' (aka Firefly-esque) campaign sometime in the hopefully not to distant future; the two prime contenders systemswise are GURPS and HERO, although it has to be said that upon an initial perusal the various interstellar trade rules in the GURPS Traveller & Spaceships books have a lot more 'crunch' than the few pages and small tables I've been able to find in Star Hero & Terran Empire (part of the reason I'm hunting for Traveller Hero in another thread) - does anyone have or know where I can find a more detailed treatement of the subject for Star Hero? Upon reflection it doesn't look like it would be too hard to customise the GURPS stuff and retrofit it to SH if needed, has anyone else tried doing anything like that?


    It just seems funny to me that one of the biggest examples of SF-themed camapign styles out there (the PCs owning a small freighter and plying the spacelanes) doesn't have a more detailed treatment in the HERO universe. Or am I missing something obvious?



  13. Re: Traveller Hero


    Somewhat unbelievably, I just found an old copy last night of the download from when it was free on my hard drive - thought that was long gone! Anyway, this is version 0.9 (from September 2006), how much changed between that and the published versions? I didn't see much in the way of interstellar trade rules in my quick perusal of the contents list, am I missing them or were they never there to begin with?


    In the meantime I will just try and keep an eye on ebay for the 'real deal'.

  14. Re: Traveller Hero


    Be advised that Traveller hero was written using v5 rules that go 'poof' next spring about May 2009. ALSO Traveller Hero's license goes "poof' in November 2008 and will be yanked from the stores and no longer be for sale either, because the license for Traveller gooes "poof" then...so buy it all now before it's gone!




    CRAP - this appears to be completely true, as I can't find copies of these books ANYWHERE now, in either pdf or hardcopy. This really blows! Just shows you....you step outside of a game system for a year or so and stuff just goes sailing past and out of print :(


    Anyone have a line on getting copies of these anywhere? Amazon is no good, nothing on ebay, nothing at Noble Knight, nothing at stiggybaby. Anyone I missed?

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