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Posts posted by Drakkenkin

  1. Ya' but sometimes it can be fun to work through making normal equipment. That, and sometimes I come up with spechal equipment by way of making normal equipment .



  2. Originally posted by bjbrown

    I don't think you need Usable by Others Simultaneously unless you have more than one rope.


    Shouldn't it be Usable by Others Simultaneously because morethen one person can clime the rope at the same time? I would think that's how that would work.


    Originally posted by bjbrown

    I wouldn't put 1 recoverable charge on the climbing aspect of the rope- ... I don't think it's an appropriate limitation.


    Do you need charge at all? If its a OAF can't anyone use it, or would you need to add the independent limitation to it (I think that that's the one where anyone can pick it up and use it.)


    Originally posted by bjbrown

    Turn it into a multi-power if you want to add other powers.


    I too would put it into a Multi-Power, but I would also make the grapple a linked power.

  3. I have been logging in and out all day, and I just logged in from the link on this thread and I haven't had a problem.


    It must have been a short-lived problem because there are several new posts on the site. Try it again and it should work.



  4. I think Matter Conversion should be of a lower tech then Quantum Singularity an Zero Point. We can do it in limited forms right now. We just can't do it with any efficiency. Working with such a powerful force as gravity and such, especially to the point of containing a black hole in your ship (Quantum Singularity Drive.)



  5. Combine Aroooos idea of a Mass Converter with my Grav-Scoop ® and you would have larger ship that could pull in small asteroids and convert them to 'fuel'. Heck, if the ship was the right size you could suck in fighters or other ships and convert them to fuel...


    Hay then you could attach that ability to a colossal ship with a destructive cutting tractor beam and take down big ships or EVEN planets...


    Just remembered that has kind of been done before in Star Trek in ‘The Dooms Day Device’ or was it jut called ‘Dooms Day.’ Still it sounds cool.



  6. I think your looking for more of a Lang flow chart. If you are only going to make a few flow charts there are some programs you can download that you can make the chart with.


    One is called INSPIRATION. It's not hard to learn. When you are done making the chart just right, you can export it as an image for your book, HTML format of what not. Just don't save it only in the original projects format as you will not be able to open it after the software expires. The copy you down load is good for 30 days. During that time you should be able to get quite a bit done.


    There are other programs that do the same thing that are just as god or better, but I can't remember their names and I don't know of any free ware programs. If any one knows of any please let me know.


    Hmmm, there is MORE. it's free now and it makes good flow charts that are pure linear, but it sucks at the box flow chart style and it's just lines of text... like this


    Doing this:

    * if one happens-

    - a

    - b

    *if two happens-

    - a

    - d

    - e:

    - 1

    - 2


    Anyway I think you get the idea.

  7. I would think it would fall in some were after ATRI 12 as that is meant to be the current level of tech and they only have drive systems that work on principles of gravity. At least I think that's what they have in the TE. If that is correct I would think it would be ATRI 14 or ATRI 13 but not any more. It would not make sense that this tech would be more advance then ATRI 15, a Wormhold generator.



  8. Poor Mans Power Plant...


    Poor Mans Power Plant...

    Millions of drugged up bio-engineered mice, and or hamsters, with a wheel in their cage that generates electricity when spun.


    *Life Span: Thanks to bio-engineering a lot longer then normal. (and they get a positive rush while in the wheel, so don't worry about them not being happy. :) )

    *Fuel: You will need a load of grain, but that should be cheep compared to antimatter!

    *Self renewing parts: Once you have required number for your ship many you can just have more 'made'...if one 'brakes down.'


    Side effect: Smell and need of self cleaning cages to aid in the life span of your parts.




  9. Ah, yet another loose theory. In some groups of scientist they believe the galaxy is still expanding, and they wounder why that is. So they came up with the theory of anti gravity masses. Basically, with out writing up and article on it it is a strange thing that has anti-gravitons and it pushes masses away from it, much like gravitons pull masses together.


    A race that is good with gravity may be able to use these forces very efficiently and create a form of transportation that allows for the ship to be pushed by the Anit-gravitons (that would tend to be in emptyy' space) while being puled by normal gravitons when they are there in efficient quantities. Somewhat like a sail.



  10. Here is a spin on the Black Hole Power Plant that would be of lower tech. It has it origin in the ram-scoop principal. You can't really scoop up enough matter or collect enough energy in space to keep your ship going for long ( unless you are in a matter rich area, close enough to a sun for solar energy, or what not.) So to make the scoop work for you with out a planet to scoop from you take a lesson form your brother the black hole. Increase the strength of your ships gravitational field to pull matter to you. Then set up an other field to Chanel the incoming mass around your ship to the Scoops. This way you get the benefit of being able to collect mass from a larger area and therefor more energy for your ship. The main draw back is that, because your mass has not changed, you may be moved to the object you want to collect it it's too big. Minor complication.


    It could have other uses to. Just because of its nature.



  11. Here's another possibility for space travel. They game mechanics may work the same but physics wouldn't be, and I'm sorry if it makes no sense, but I hope it dose because in my sleepy state it sounds real cool.


    One of my physics professors was talking about black holes, their effect on the surrounding space, and what theoretical information we know about them. During his lecture the question was proposed what would happen if the black hole became so dense that it was able to pull in it's own gravitons.


    Now he qualified the answer as rubber science more or less, but that because that area would no longer interact with space as we know it. It would become a true singularity, and a hole in the space time continuum as we know it. Much like the beginning of the universe if you follow the theory of the Big Bang.


    Now, if some race was able to create a device to detect these points of 'nothingness' (these holes) who knows what they could do with them! A device of war (upset their balance and they explode into a "Big Bang".) or transportation they may be a hole into another dimension that would require special ships to pass into (as the hole would be VERY small), or maybe, because the points are out side time and space as we know it they them selves are their own kind of dimension and are all linked together and can be traveled through. Better yet they could just be a hole and all the holes in existence are the same hole.


    It would be like having a doorway that, if you knew how to direct it, you could exit at any other doorway. Stick your hand through and your body would be at home while your hand could be anywhere else. Directing where the exit would end up could be a feat of mind over matter... maybe amplified by some sort of bio-mechanical engineering.


    The holes could be literally anywhere. They would be so small, they would have no generally noticeable effect on their environment, and yet have effectively infinite mass.


    Just a thought. I hope some one finds it useful if not at least understand what I'm trying to write. :)



  12. Sorry if I offended you in any way. I thought that you were not sure, because you posted,

    Originally posted by tkdguy

    I think the ship's mass isn't too important ... I'm not fully awake just yet, so I'll take a closer look when I am.

    not that it was your opinion. My bad.


    Do you currently teach at one of the local bay area schools?



  13. Thanks for taking a look at all.


    Originally posted by tkdguy I think the ship's mass isn't too important when calculating it because it is so tiny compared to the star


    No, your right about not needing the mass of the ship. One, it is to small in comparison to the sun to make any noticeable difference in the solution and two it cancels out when you solve for r.


    I'll make that correction in the last equation now. I was trying to stay to the original formula so people could use it for other heavenly bodies, but for solving for r I think it would make it more simple for people to use.



  14. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but here is how you would do it by math:


    Givens: The ship starts with max acceleration and flies in a 'strait' path away from the Sun.


    First the variables:

    m = mass of smaller object (ship) in [kg]

    M = mass of larger object (Sun) [kg]

    G = Gravitational Constant [Nm^2/kg^2]

    r = distance from center of the larger object to center of smaller object in [m]

    Rs = radius of the Sun in [m]

    a = current acceleration of ship


    The Numbers for this equation:

    m = need

    M = 1.991*10^30 [kg]

    G = 6.673*10^-11 [Nm^2/kg^2]

    r = unknown

    Rs = 6.96*10^8[m]

    sum of all forces = ma

    a = 40 [m/s^2]


    Second the equation with its units:

    (m[kg] * M[kg] * G[Nm^2/kg^2]) / (r[m])^2


    Third, calculate the equation with just the units:

    1[N] = 1[(kg * m) /s^2

    ([kg] * [kg] * [Nm^2/kg^2]) / [m^2]

    = [Nm^2] / [m^2]

    = [N]


    Forth the calculations:

    -1) To find the minimum distance a ship can get to the Sun and still get away with max acceleration we need to know the mass of the ship. It’s sad but true.

    -2) set the equation to equal ( 40 [m/s^2] * m [kg]


    Lets say in this example that the ship’s mass is 5000 [kg]. To find a mass that works for you, you might want to find out how much mass another object has and compare its size to the size of your ship. (EX: a combat ship may have the same mass per [m] as a tank while a racing ship may have a mass more in common with a car.) Anyway... on with the calculations,


    Because you want to know how close the ship can get to the Sun we will leave 'r' as an unknown, and set the equation equal to it. Then we just solve the equation.


    (5000[kg] * 1.991*10^30[kg] * 6.673*10^-11 [Nm^2/kg^2]) / (r[m])^2 = 5000[kg] * 40 [m/s^2]


    => ( 6.643*10^23[N m^2] ) / (r[m])^2 = 200000 [N]

    => ( 6.643*10^23[N m^2] ) / (200000 [N]) = (r[m])^2

    => 3.32*10^18 [m^2] = (r[m])^2

    => SQRT (3.32*10^18 [m^2]) = SQRT (r[m])^2

    => 1.82*10^9[m] = r[m]


    That means that the ship could technically get with in about 1,820,000,000 [m] of the center of the sun OR (1.82*10^9[m] -Rs) 1,130,000,000 [m] from the surface of the sun. Just for a loose perspective, it's a good bit closer than the closest planet (Mercury) that's at 5.79*10^10 [m]!


    SO, you say you want this to be an easy calculation that you can use over and over again. Well just plug in 'm', 'a', 'M' into the following equation, and grind out what r is:


    SQRT ( M[kg] * 6.673*10^-11 [Nm^2/kg^2]) / (a[m/s^2]) = r[m]


    Then subtract the radius of the Sun, and you will have the closest they could get (in meters) and still get away using max acceleration.




    PS: I'm sorry, I just took a look at you original post and saw that you wanted it for a Sun with a surface g = 600 [m/s^2]. Hopefully this will help, but if I get the time I'll find a probable solution for your exact question.

  15. PC Death, I can't really add and think more to this part of the topic. I'm too much of a softy when it comes to PCs being killed. Makes me feel bad when someone puts time into a PC they like and then it dies, but I know I have to have it happen some times. Other wise combat becomes more or less meaningless and the treat of death looses it sting. So far I have been lucky. My players have not done anything to ridiculous.


    Combat description, I have been trying to do that for some time, but the players in my group just stare at me blankly with the look of, so is it dead. Makes me feel like it's a waste of my time and effort. I know that I like all the detail I can get. I'll have to ask them what they think. Do they like it or not.



  16. I have to head to class right now, but I have two possible Ideas fro you. one comes from the book " A Wrinkle In Time" and the other from DUNE.


    The first is called TESERAC, I think... I'm positive the spelling is off but I know there are people here that know the book and can correct me. I read the book any moons ago but as I remember it, with this ability you could fold space and time making travel to a new position instantaneous. In the book I don't think they needed ship to do this, but you could create a ship that has the same effect. Anyone here that can correct / expand on this?


    Second is the whole needing a living navigator to get form point a to point b. Kind of like what Snaf had in mind, I would think.


    Anyway, goto to go.



  17. I don't really know that much about this subject, but I thought you may wish to have the Chaff & Flares built with charges.


    As a side question, in real life do EW affect friendly units or can they be keyed? I would think if ship in your area had EW systems active you would make it just as hard for you side to hit as the other side... seems counter productive to me and my lack of understanding how EW work (though I know military uses them and they work for them.) :\



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