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Posts posted by Drakkenkin

  1. ... I see ...


    well... if it sounds good to others I'll see what I can whip up. Right now, with my studies the way they are, I don't have a large amount of "free" time. It will be slow (very slow) for me to get going but I'll see what I can create and once it is in a decent state I'll see what people think ... but only if there is a decent amount of interest.



  2. I was playing with the idea of starting up a site at one time, but I couldn't think of what I would place in it. I don't have a complex SH 'world' of my own and I don't have a nice conversion like Aroooo has...


    I was thinking of a site with the following subject matter:

    *Normal equipment

    *Ship write-ups

    *BIO and Cyber modifications

    *More star systems written up

    *BBS/forum type system

    * maybe cross reference sections by tech lvl and race.


    but most of this is already covered by this (the hero) site.


    Any ideas... I would agree that more SH (TE) info/sites would be nice, but what would you placed on them that would not infringe on what HERO has already done, be different enough, and useful to warrant creating a site?



  3. Re: Upload and comment


    Originally posted by Eodin

    I'm finding myself somewhat burned-out on the TrekHero and TNGHero docs... there's stuff I want to add, but when I sit down to work on it, the inspiration just isn't there. IF I get requests to add things (like the Tholians and Gorn), I will do so as convenient, but my regular updates will be less frequent than in the past. At least until I get my inspiration back. :(


    With all the work you put into it you should take a brake! The worst thing would be to hate your project of love. I think I may say this for all the people that subscribe to this thread, Thanks for all the hard work and the great job on the TrekHero Doc!



  4. Shadows Mask


    Description: A cloud of darkness covers the hooded face of this knacks user. Allowing the user to go more places with less chance of someone recognizing him.


    Darkness (sight group):

    Personal Immunity +1/4, Reduce End (0) +1/2

    Cost end to activate -1/4, Extra time 1 min -3/4, Gestures -1/4, Incantation -1/4, Must be used in conjunction w/ a black hooded cloak -1/2, Only affects the face -1/2, No Range -1/2, Dispelled if person is uncloaked -1/4, Dispelled in bright light -1/2, cost 3x end -1/2, Concentration durring use -6/4


    Active:17.5 , Real:3.0


    I know that kacks should be 2 or less but I couldn't think of other ways to lower it.


    I don't have the time right now to write it up but a good combo. would be this knack along with a like knack that 'masks' the voice.



  5. Originally posted by DrTemp

    That's because the Federation doesn't exist yet. ;)



    Nevertheless, they have rules and regulations and they have an attitude of, basically, what do the people on earth know, and what do the high tech Vulcan's know, we're going to do what we want to do.


    I would think that earth would have hand picked their best men and women to go on this mission. With a bases of past service record and mental e-val. I never got this feeling from the crew. More of the opposite. This may be done so that you can see them progress into a well formed group that works well together and know what they are doing, but I find the starting point of the crew to primitive. I could see their behavior if they were just a random selection, but they should be a veteran group well trained to work together. Everyone know that space is dangerous and if they crew can't work together they will all die and there goes the 'state of the art' space craft that you took forever to design and build.


    Originally posted by DrTemp

    Well, they are the major power of their time. What else could one expect than acting like one?


    As with the original ST you could hope for the best. The Vulcan's are not human but the writer have them act human. Not all Supper powers need to be into secret bases and the quest for power. As far as we know they are still a major power. In the other time lines it never is stated that the Vulcans have lagged behind the humans, but in every series and movie they choose to use their tech and power to learn more not to do keep others in the dark or expand their reach.


    Originally posted by DrTemp

    Their emotions have always been there, that's pretty canon. There is one episode where it is revealed that "Vulcan mind-meld" is actually viewed as something really perverse by Vulcan society in 2151. That makes sense, I think. I always wondered why a culture that is so secret about heir inner feelings would share those very feelings willingly.


    Ya' I can't really counter that point. There is even another episode were Saraks (SP? Spock's father) wife talks about him being proud of Spock and during the episode he shows his emotions VERY lightly. ( though that could be do to the fact he had some disease that, I think, affected his ability to control his emotions. It was compared to Alzheimer's) So it's true that Vulcans show their emotions a LITTLE, but they try and hide them most of the time. Once again I just felt they were not hiding there feeling to that extent.


    Explanation; maybe the ones I saw on the show weren't that good ant controlling their emotions.


    I guess, to me, they acted more like Romulans of the original series then Vulcans. Spy tech, lives sworn to the empire, and the government is after power- type of people. I'm not saying they are fully like this just more so.


    Originally posted by DrTemp

    Actually this is a good explanation of how I enjoy the show. Just imagine it's a parallel universe. Given all the time travel involved to date, that's even quite plausible, and parallel universes are actually ST canon, so...



    That sounds like a good way to do it. Kind of like watching ST in the parallel evil universe. :)



  6. I think they look very nice. Especially given what you have to work with, and I like how you worked in a declaimer on the info not being cannon.


    The only thing I noticed is that you might want to put the disad. 'only with other Tholians' on the mind link. I know it would not be much of a disad as they aren't likely to get together with other races, but I think it makes sense.


    Also I was thinking it would make more sense if they grew new crystals on themselves and then, at some point, they brake off and grow into Tholians.



  7. Now that you tell me that Tholians Web was meant to be a 'ghost story' I can see it, but I would never seen it on my own.


    I have to say that I don't watch Enterprise any more. I tried to watch it but I just couldn't get into it. The crew just seemed to much like unguided teenagers out on the town, then the earths best people, hand picked for such an important mission. Everyone seemed to fight and have problems with each other ( or just came off angry), they often ignored the federation rule book, and the Vulcan's had too much emotions and they seemed to be painted as being underhanded with secret bases and such.


    I stopped watching when they went to some planet before making sure it was okay to land and they almost all died. Or was it the episode with the first evidence of time travel... can't remember.


    I did like them using some old, less used races more. On it's own I think I could get into it but as part of the ST world I have a hard time with it.


    I have a friend that just loves the show and we talk about it all the time... anyway I think I'm just a TOS snob. :) I always want everything to line up with it... Oh well. I hope you didn't mind my input, Just my thoughts.

  8. All your conjecture sounds good to me. As long as people know that its conjecture and not fact it can be fun to theorize. At least I think so.


    Do you know what they might mean by 'disjointed?' Seems a bit vague to me. I have a hard time creating an image of a disjointed pattern of colonized planets when the fact is you don't get to pick what planets will be good to colonize.


    May be they mean disjointed in another way...

  9. Originally posted by Talon

    Spidery Sentries:


    The spell creates a number of 6" spiders which crawl over the caster, biting anyone who makes contact with the caster's person. The caster can command some of the spiders to crawl onto another person, who is then similarly protected for the duration of the spell.


    you could also make a more powerful type where the spiders don't just attack things that come in contact with the damage shield but actually latch on to the attacker and keeps attacking. ( something like sticky continuous.)

  10. Re: Tholians and Gorn


    Thanks for more good information!


    Originally posted by Eodin

    The Tholians are very likely a crystalline being, probably a spider-like creature as well, from the picture in "The Tholian Web". Conjecture is that they also perceive space (length, width, height) differently from humans, perhaps even existing in multiple dimensions.


    I was woundering why you felt they may be spider-like as well as the crystalline. Is it because of there tech, and why you feel they perceive 'reality' differently? Is that because of the screen view when Kirk talked with them?

  11. Originally posted by Monolith

    I know that in the novels Zephram Cochrane was originally from Alpha Centauri.


    That's it! ... Alpha Centauri, thanks!


    Originally posted by Monolith

    There would be a bigger movie impact from saving the Earth from being borged than from saving Alpha Centauri.


    Hmmm, very true. I don't think it would have sold as well to the gen. public is the USS ENT. was off to save some other, basically, unknown planet.


    Originally posted by Monolith

    It's also very clear that the current producers B&B (who might be getting the axe due to Enterprise's low ratings) have no real interest in Trek continuity. Between the 5 series there are numerous continuity errors.


    I'll just say that I have notice this, and herd it from other people as well...


    Thanks for the input. Any other takes?

  12. Anyone know why the people who made the TNG move changed who originally invented Warp drive?


    Gene Roddenberry (sp?) had them out in space a long time before they had warp drive using World-Ship and basically impulse dive to get to new worlds. Heck if I remember correctly the first Romulan war was fought with fighters, missiles and impulse drives. The creator of the Warp drive was named Zephram Cochrane but he was from another planet... one of earths first contacts.... starts with an 'a'... can't remember what it is right now. Anyway, I've just had something stuck in my craw because of that.


    Any Ideas?

  13. First I must say I love you work! I've tried to create 'books' like this before but they have never looked this good or had this much USEFUL in formation. I have only just downloaded it during this last Hr, did a number of searches and man am I impressed.


    I was trying to think of something that was lacking but all I could come up with was info/packages for Tholians. For some reason I really liked the Tholians. I think it was because there was so little known about them and I wanted to know more. I would really like you to add more about them, but I don't know if you could if you tried! There just isn't that much about them anywhere.


    I remember tidbits here and there like:

    they may have been forced out of there home galaxy by another power and set up shop in ours.

    They may have originally been scouts / World-Ship that were forgotten about / crashed.

    their tech was destroyed in getting here in some way.



    But there was never any meat. In the show the only think I can remember them doing was saying basically "hay you get lost", giving them x units of time to comply and then slowly making a web around them. The web did something to them but I can remember what any more. :(


    If anyone can remember what it did, could you help me create something like that? I was thinking of having them and their web in a game of mine (once I get it off the ground) or at least something like it...all I can remember was it was cool.



    I may have missed it but is their a Gorn package?

  14. Originally posted by PhilFleischmann


    I'm thinking about a house rule for my FH campaign that some of you might find weird: Doubling the cost of all Resistant Defenses, and powers based on resistant defenses. I want my mages vulnerable. I even want fighters in plate armor to be in at least a little danger. If a guy in 8 DEF plate is facing a hundred orcs armed with short swords (1d6), he knows he'll never take BODY damage. Is this a problem for any of you? What do you think of my solution?


    I really don't like changing the points at all. It always makes some other area of the game unbalanced, makes a powers to costly so PC will not use it, or what ever. Nevertheless with enough pre-game walk through and in game time I know you could work it out...


    Originally posted by PhilFleischmann

    DEFs in fantasy genre settings tend to be lower than in superheroes, IME.


    I agree. There have been times when a PC will be able to just walk through a swarm of What-Evers and not have the possibility to get hurt. Most of the other PC just hide till the danger has passed.


    Once in a while I think that thats okay. When that comes up I normal have the Bad guys get a clue and run (just away, to get bigger bad guys, or to lead the PC into a trap), or try and wrestle the PC to the ground and start ripping off the armor/make called shots.


    But as you have pointed out with the Short SW, it has a hard time getting pass Full Plate with out any help. Do you allow your Monsters to push their STR? You could also have some that are better trained to handle the more armored 'targets' ( In a fantasy world armored opponents come up form time to time. ORCS: WHO DAT !? Mo' knights comen' ta get KILLED ?!) You could give them MA training with the sword to show their skill/training to handle armor (They know where the weak parts of the armor are: AP, or they just know how to use the weapon to hit harder: +DC)



    Originally posted by PhilFleischmann

    I had another idea as well for my FH game:

    If you hit (or are hit) with a weapon (not a spell) and the hit roll is made by X or more, it automatically becomes Armor Piercing. That way a 1d6 weapon might still do BODY through 8 DEF armor. It represents the weapon getting through the chinks in the armor.


    I think there is a rule like this already... I thought I had read that is you hit by +10 you do max damage... am I correct here? If it is it gives you a frame of reference to select your X.


    Originally posted by PhilFleischmann

    What happens if the weapon is already AP?

    You could just count it as APx2 so it can get passed harden armor


    Originally posted by PhilFleischmann

    Sorry this post is so long. I seem to do that a lot.


    I don't know about that. Yours seems about as long as the ones I write. I find I explain things in a way that takes more typing then needed. :/


    Anyway, hope it was some help! :)



  15. Originally posted by Bartman

    I'm not sure that is the case. First R2 is far more independent than Automaton would allow. Second there are at least two instances in the original trilogy where is incapacitated but not damaged by attacks. The first is when he is ambushed by the Jawas. The second is when he is shot on Endor. In both cases no physical damage is obvious but R2 is still knocked 'unconscious.' This sound a lot like Stun damage to me.


    At least for the first one you could come up with some type of 'restrainable' limitation, because that is what the Jawas did with the item they shot/attached on to R2D2 and C3PO, or you could say they used a OAF with mind control type robot/computers. The later seems more correct for the effect it gave. I think it could be activated by remote to shut them down. Please correct me in I'm wrong.


    But the Endor thing I can't argue with... given that the model above just needs to have some stun. (could you say that when he was hit he fell below 0 bod and has a power: heal/regen bod, triggered at 0 bod , and has a independent/inherent type advantage? It could be built with charges to simulate he could only repair so much internal damage.)


    Still... I think it's a real nice write-up! :D Just thought I would put out an idea of mine.


    I'm still trying to get the hang of Power Pools, could you use an EC for his sensor group?



  16. Re: Other treasure


    Originally posted by tkdguy [/b]

    In short, instead of stocking the dragon's lair with layers of gold and silver coins, how about putting a little variety in the hoard? [/b]


    As the PC stand in the layer of the cunning dragon they just hunted down and slew, and the sounds of combat fad into the memory of the past, the subtle sound of lives stock ring in the ears of the heroes.


    The money hungry rouge mumbles "what's up with all these animals?" As the poor farmer turned adventurer shouts "Alright Cows!"





    Despite how it might sound I agree with you 100%. I try to give my players stuff you normal wouldn't think of as treasuer. I get a few grumbles form time to time, but some times coins and the like just aren't logical treasuers. Over all they like it... or so they say...



  17. Originally posted by Rick

    In a real life sence, we'd be like Blazing suns to them, we give of so much radition that we'd probably be leathal. That's if they were native to the cold enviroment.


    I like that point Rick!



    heck, landing a chemical reaction ship could kill off most of the planet!


    If they did have space flight they would have to find a way to do it with out causing any real heat, and some of there weapons would be heat based... probably wouldn't do much to humans...


    They may be experts in magnetic fields.

  18. Originally posted by Sociotard

    Star Hero might help you. It specified other possible chemistry that might be present in other life forms, as opposed to our hydrocarbon base. Several of them might be of help, Such as Liquid Helium. *Thinks* Actually, I'm not sure if Pluto is cold enough for liquid helium. I'll have to check. It also mentioned liquid methane base, and an ammonia base. I think. Star hero is at home.


    Well I took Sociotards idea and I'm running with it! :P


    I looked up if you could have a liquid helium race... Though I would never say you can't, Pluto would have to have a temp of -270c.


    In the Star Hero book there is no temp listed for Pluto but it states it has no real atmosphere to speak of. Though it is said that Pluto has a trace amount of nitrogen in what atmosphere it has with tiny amounts of methane. So I went to look for info. on the temp of Pluto just in case it was cold enough for a liquid-helium race. This is one of the tings I found:


    G - Surface of Pluto

    We're not exactly sure what the surface temperature is on Pluto but most scientists agree the number must be somewhere near -378 to -396 F (-228 to -238 C, 35 to 45 K). Some theories suggest that the atmosphere of Pluto must distribute the surface heat around such that all areas are the same temperature. Other theories would allow darker regions that did not have any nitrogen or methane frost to be warmer than the surrounding regions. ... So cold that water ice would act like rock and most gases have condensed out on the surface.


    -On this same site it stated that Nitrogen becomes a liquid at about -196c.

    -As the temp for Pluto is listed, it would have no gas (just liquid or Ice) it also states that it is possible to have areas that are a tad warmer (this may also depend on its currant distance to the sun.) In turn allowing for gas. This would most likely create a air supply thats made mostly of Nitrogen... if my source have the right...

    -in my thought process I was trying to avoid a life form that needed chemical reactions, but because the only life I know about needs chemical reactions I ended up just giving my self a head ache.


    .... but how do they...ack!


    So, my latest ideas based on how they breath are:

    - more solid life form:

    = The life that formed on Pluto could breath gas. It has a multi-lung system that allows for multi-processing of the 'air' that it takes in, and also allow it to take in more 'air' as the last breath is still being processed.( I'm thinking of something a kin to the cows digestive track.) The atmosphere is thin, but I now think I would not make them resistant to cosmic radiation because the sun is SO far away. They may be resistant to low pressures and combined with their breathing they may be able to survive in space for short times. Who knows.



    = They could eat the ice that is around them and by way of a digestion system they could release the gas stored in ice form. This might work best with my other idea of being able to collect/ store cosmic radiation.


    -more liquid form:

    = They absorb what gas that is in the atmosphere through their 'skin'. or they secrete something that causes the ice to melt and give off the trapped gas they need for air.

    Here I'm thinking some thing more like a slug that could reshape it's self. You could even give it a bit of stretching. Also, it could trap gas within it. Much like a spider I saw that traps air in its web so that it can go under water for long amounts of time, or you can think of it like how humans put on fat for times of famine. Gas is filtered through its 'skin' to an inner chamber/bladder that is filled up like a balloon. This could in-turn give them a limited form of flight, and they can move by releasing what is left after their 'air' is processed.



    in any form you have them, they could have a limited ability to change the temp around them caused by letting off radiation of some form or by a chemical reaction.( but at this temp most chem reactions are very slow) This way they could melt the ice around them in their winter and still breath when normally all the nitrogen and methane would be in ice form.



  19. I what reading the Thread on RuneLord... and this idea came to me...I don't know if it's what the RuneLord thread was saying but here it is just the same.


    Could you... strike that... how would you construct an object to give a person that knows how to use the object a powerpool that would fade over time that would be used to cast different forms of magic. (kind of like a power talisman.)


    What would be a good way to make this item?


    The idea is still only in its fledgling stage but here is what I thought it might be like... PLEASE post any variants on this idea as well. :D


    -Only one could be used at a given time.

    -Some Objects could be used to boost duration the magic could be used, or its strength.

    -Power set that could be used would be built in a framework of some form.

    -power might be given by way of a transfer Att.

    -Power would be because of the symbols on the object as well as what the object is made from.

    -some would be destroyed by using them others, and others (most likely weaker ones) would be able to be used more then once.

    -could only be make by people skilled in the knowledge of what material to use for what type of magic and how to 'harness the power of the universe' for a given type of 'talisman'.



    What do you all think?


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