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Emerald Mask

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Posts posted by Emerald Mask

  1. Re: Planets of SF Author Hats


    Zelazny's System - has two inhabitable planets . Planet on has no rotation- sun side has super science , dark side has magical creatures and physics. Second planet Zelazny Prime has ruling class of immortals who use various methods to achieve long life. Primitive weapons are favored and a diverse religions and cursing are studied.

  2. Re: What was Marvel's best decade?


    For me the best was the 60's. The introduction of Spiderman the FF, Daredevil, Iron Man , the Hulk the X-Men. The Avengers and the return of Captain America.And best of all the villians - Doctor Doom , Magneto, Doc Ock

  3. Re: Golden Age Superheroes as Pulp Heroes


    A lower powered Hourman or Starman if you allow devices or sci fi explanations. Captain America , The Tarantula? DC acrobat with swing gun. Wildcat or even the original Atom.The GA Green Arrow. As for villians Per Degaton or Lex Luthor .

  4. Re: Help me populate a "No Man's Land" city


    After the massive disruptions of power and food sources like minded people banded together to survive. Lots of them blamed technology and believed modern life was too fragile. They wanted to return to simpler times and old ways of doing things . This group would hole up in the Cities Park and plant food ,wear homespun or animal hide clothing . There weapons would be the bow and arrow and the spear. They would distrust all who use technology and be actively destroying whatever tech they came upon. A back to nature group.

  5. Re: Hey Rube! Circuses in Pulp Hero.


    Read Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes for a creepy traveling circus. In the real world - my Dad and a friend found a dead body near a railroad track in 1938 or 39 ,the Police thought it has been thrown from a train-the only train thru had been a circus train on that siding. Speculation was body was shot elsewhere and circus transported it to a smaller city .

  6. Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


    For the group name- the Sky Knights, The Tommorow Men or maybe Future Flight. I have let players in Pulp campaigns use up to a 30 point magic pool before . I required they buy 5 pt skill with magic that let them use there pool on an 11 or less. This is changeable by skill levels. Incant and Gesture were also used to modify the cost.

  7. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did


    Ok, nostalgia time - Ghost Rider from Marvel, Not Dan Ketch or the other guy , the very first one , the Western hero. Turok son of Stone. The Mighty Crusaders . DC's Blue Beetle - Ted Kord.Tales to astonish with Giant Man , the Atom from the 60's not the Tiny barbarian swordsman. Oh yeah and most importantly the Champions comic book - I really enjoyed it at first especially Marksman.

  8. Re: Pulp Apocalypse - Suggestions Wanted


    Try this for background-




    Operator #5. One of the most memorable of the pulp characters, Operator #5 debuted in "The Masked Invasion" in Operator #5 #1, April 1934, written by Frederick Davis. He was James "Jimmy" Christopher, Secret Service Operator #5 and a man of almost superhuman abilities, Bond before Fleming put pen to paper. Operator #5 was never given any background, so far as I knew. He was simply Operator #5--and that was enough.


    His job was to guard the U.S. and to fight against the enemies that would bring the United States down. He was aided in this by a number of people. Tim Donovan was a young shoeshine boy who, long before "The Masked Invasion," had saved Jimmy's life (a little matter of a gangster with a gun). In return Jimmy informally adopted him, making him Jimmy's assistant, and when Tim grew up he entered the Service just like his adoptive father. Diana Elliot (later "Elliott"), a reporter for the Amalgamated Press, was Jimmy's girlfriend (and frequently the Woman Who Must Be Rescued figure); during the Purple Invasion she became an agent for the Service. Z-7, a grim, stocky man, was the head of the Service; he began as Jimmy's boss and friend but was eventually replaced by Jimmy. Jimmy's father, John, was a former Service Operator himself; he'd been very effective as Operator Q-6, but he'd taken a bullet near the heart which forced him to retire and kept him from active duty. (He still managed to help Jimmy out on occasion, dying in action in some novels but returning without explanation in later books) Jimmy's twin sister Nan also was of assistance to Jimmy. Of the most use to Jimmy, however, were the Hidden Hundred, a group of 100 men who'd been members of the Secret Service until a stupid Secretary of State had dismissed them. The Hundred continued to fight for America, however, and Jimmy was their head.


    The Operator #5 stories were all about invasions, from within or without. The United States was constantly in peril, and often it was only Jimmy who could stop it. The invaders used any number of tactics and weapons: destroy the food supply, steal the gold reserves, "green death mists," rockets, the "flaming death," the atomic bomb, etc. The Purple Empire stories were about an invasion of America by the dictator Rudolph I of "Balkaria" and his armies. Jimmy helped lead the resistance, and America triumphed, but only after Canada and Mexico were left under "vandal rule" and much of the U.S. was rubble. Worse still was the Yellow Vulture sequence, in which an invasion from Japan threatened to crush what was left of the United States. Operator #5 was canceled with the Yellow Vulture, the Japanese warlord Moto Taronago, not yet defeated. Taken as a whole the Operator #5 stories constitute the greatest epic of the pulp age, on a scale few other pulps attempted. (Can you tell I'm a fan?)


    Jimmy, lean and hard, was in his early twenties, with a strong, clean-cut face and bright blue eyes. The only real distinguishing mark on his body was a scar on his right hand in the shape of a "spread winged American eagle. Its wings seemed to flex, as though straining to take flight, as the young man's fingers moved." He was of course adroit with knife and gun, and very very (very) tough in a fight. He had a few secret weapons: a skull ring which had the number 5 engraved on it and which had an explosive tip; a gold skull ornament which held within it a reservoir of Diphenolchlorasine, a poison gas; and a rapier hidden within his belt. In his personal life he is assisted by his very capable manservant Crowe.


    Operator 5

    Short on information, but you can buy e-texts of the original pulps from here. Part of the Vintage Library site.


    Secret Service Operator #5

    A good overview of Jimmy Christopher. From the Hero Pulps! site.

  9. Re: McDowell County, WV - plot seed


    If you wanted to do some mystical or horror related there is the Indian burial mounds in Moundsville. Or some historical treasure buried by Washington during the French and Indian wars. Or if horror is the flavor , Simon Girty's ghost or mummy should do it. alot of the motorized bandits of the 30's passed thru the West Virginia pan handle area.

  10. Re: McDowell County, WV - plot seed


    My grandfather worked in steel mills in the Ohio river valley . In the early 30's the steel mill locked the workers out and had armed private guards with Thompson machine guns and shotguns to keep them out.West Virginia has many pulp seeds in it . My Greatgrandfather on my Fathers side knew and ran with the Hatfields of the Hatfield - McCoy fued. Where I grew up in East Liverpool is Babbs Island - Washington camped there on his way to attack Fort DusQuenne - present day Pittsburgh. Pretty Boy Floyd was killed outside of East Liverpool , Ohio near the Ohio River.

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