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Everything posted by NightStick

  1. Sometimes it just seemed that we could do nothing right. It actually got to be quite funny - at times. There were other times when the dice turned against us all, and stupidity ran rampant! As Edsel stated, the log was there to remind us of our recent actions, it wasn't there as a step by step narrative. What I wouldn't give for something like that here. As the "saying goes...", we all have 15 minutes of fame and glory. NightStick's is coming up. I can't wait. I really did surprise myself with the actions of that night. Anyway, the road getting there is really quite a trip.
  2. Dark Champions is a WILDCARD for me, NORMALLY, .I much prefer Fantasy , which I got my start in a home brew fantasy world created by Brian G. Based on JRRT's world. A very complex system to learn, but always worth the effort. This OMEGA TEAM campaign was, what I thought; an anomoly, but now I would prefer to play in this setting!
  3. *****sick, but humble belly laughs resonate off the walls***** We all have our time to shine!
  4. You know that I would love to assist you with details Eddie, HOWEVER, I was not there, and have absolutely no recolection of any team member even bragging about cutting down the two major prizes. Heck, I even went through my notes from that time frame, to no avail. I can hardly wait for what is about to unfold for the followers that you have hooked with this campaign tale. It has something to do with the swamp. But, that is another story arc.......
  5. Boy does this bring back fond memories of one of the longest running campaigns that I ever worked in. I say work, because this campaign was not your normal Wham Bam Thank You Mam setting. It was all consuming and a blast from the first session to the last. We still egg on Edsel for a proper ending to this campaign, but alas, I doubt that will ever happen ****heavy sigh**** This tale gets very complex, sometimes very convoluted, but always great fun! I actually got out my log and started to refresh my memory of the upcoming events. GOOD YUKS!
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