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About Ironhide

  • Birthday 05/07/1978

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Ironhide's Achievements

  1. Re: WWYCD? #126: For Whom the Bell Tolls Ironhide: Death? but I'm Invulnerable, right? I haven't thought about it but as long as I die serving the US of A i'll die statisfied. Darkfire: Die?, Die! The magics of necromancy are mine to command, Death obeys MY command! Death cannot come for me, I send it to consume my foes. [que maniacal laughter as the rest of the group edges away] Father John O'Mally: when I die it will be serving God's will, what greater reward can one ask for? If possiable bury me in a Catholic ceremony and return my saber to the Order, another will take up my burden.
  2. Re: Map Makers Our group uses a 34½†x 48†battlemat with 1†numbered hexes. It allows a fairly large area to be drawn, and eliminates arguments on exactly where a hero was when that AOE hit.
  3. Just remember to alert the press to your duel. That way when you are soundly defeat… er, ahem. I mean completely victorious your magical acumen will be acknowledged throughout the world. Also our GM is already gunning for us both are you sure you want to add the Champions to his arsenal? Not that I think Darkfire and Jade would be defeated.
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