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Posts posted by atlascott

  1. Re: enchanteds items or make magicals items


    Généralement, des articles magiques sont achetés avec des points de caractère juste comme des qualifications et des talents et des puissances. Des articles enchantés sont habituellement établis comme foyer, et d'autres limitations sont appliquées, de sorte qu'elles soient généralement meilleur marché qu'établissant une puissance inhérente à un caractère. Pouvez-vous donner une description plus détaillée de ce qui est embrouillant vous ?


    Im sorry, my French is terrible

  2. Re: Tips/Tricks/Advice


    Examine all character sheets at the beginning of the game, so note changes, and to make sure new players have a basic understanding of how powers work/derail problems before they surface in game.


    Try to have player speeds the same or close--then make a list of their actions, in order--forget about the speed chart and cllaing segments.


    Keep rolling dice. Players love rolling dice. Adding isnt so tough.


    Focus on fun and set a precedent of NOT LOOKING UP RULES during the game. Ask players to keep a list of rules that need clarification. Between games, email a rules clarification to everyone. For spot rules clarifications, tend towards rulings on the PC's side, to avoid insisting on rules-lawyering in-game.


    Have one player per session designated secretary--he/she keeps notes that game (assuming this is not popular in your group--if everyone does it anyway, no problem). THis helps with game continuity, because last session's secretary can summarize what hgappened last time, from the player's persepctive, rather than just a GM's rehash--and it is interesting to hear how what happened is paraphrased by a player.


    Depending on the gaming surface you use, pre-map out certain key encounters with a program like dunjinni (http://www.dundjinni.com)--or even by hand on cardstock, but only for a couple key encounter locations. Players love the color maps, it really brings them into the game. THis saves you drawing them out in-game. Only having 2 or 3 per scenario means you dont spend all day making maps. Save them for reuse. Dont get bogged down making them perfect--make them servicable--you can always touch them up and print them out again later. (My group uses a Chessex map and water-soluable pens for drawing most stuff out, but for the 'big scenes' I try to have ready made maps so I dont spend 5 minutes drawing out a big complex or building.)


    Make everyone give you at least a 1/2 page character

    history/motivations/backgrounds/goals and dreams. This is usually enough for you to use to modify pre-generated scenarios beyond recognition, or even for you to run something off the cuff on the occasion that you had insufficient time to plan a game.


    If a combat is REALLY taking too long, let the PC's knock the villan out on their next good whack, to move the story along--but only is he is basically done for anyway--being a slave to the rules to the bitter end if the group is getting bored serves no purpose.

  3. Re: Champions Universe


    Book stores allow people to flip through and even read books before purchasing.

    Comic books are more fragile than game books, and comic book lovers tends also to be collectors, so if it aint mint, they aint buyin' (new comics).


    Now, I can also understand the game store's point--you dont want people beating the crap out of the books or standing there are reading the entire thing cover to cover, and getting wear, and smudges all over the place. But Im with the other guys who refuse to show at store with a zero browse policy. Sounds like a prescription for going out of business--goodwill at a game store is everything. I think that running a game store as to be a labor of love anyway, because I dont think anyone make much $ doing it.

  4. Re: Changing HERO - What are the limits?


    I like the distinction between randomly generated versus built characters, and really, I find that building characters is the heart of the HERO system. Other than a random superhero generator found in Champions III (I think), I do not know how you'd do random character gen in HERO (given all the different genres) and still call it Hero.


    I think a game is still powered by hero if it uses most of the stats and powers to describe game action. Who cares if some group threw out END, if they are still using CV's and 3d6 to hit? I think throwing out the speed chart per se is advisable--its cumbersome.


    I guess I'd say that if a system uses HERO rules, it is powered by HERO, even if it modifies quite a bit to fit genre conventions or players' preferences. HERO is a toolkit, after all. Even a character sheet that bears no resemblance to the HERO stat block is fine, as long as the characters are essentially defined by the HERO system.

  5. Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick?




    "...No matter how much I explain to them that "Star Hero" is likely a superior game to "Illuminati", "Disciples of Cthulhu", "Forgotten Futures", "Alternate Earths", "Cyberpunk", or "Battletech", the latter just have more mystery and allure. They sound like the real thing. They may not be superior in reality, but any newbie is going to choose one of those over something called "Star Hero", a name I'd expect to see in the clearance bin...


    ...And speaking of emotions, is the name "Star Hero" really going to get someone charged up to spend $30.00 and learn 300 pages of rules?"


    Verbosity, you are absolutely, 100% correct. There are many on these boards who agree with you, and many who do not, and will give you a hard time for what is obvious to you, I, and the entire Marketing discipline and profession. Great content in a bland delivery system sells less than mediocre product that is well packaged and marketed. What alot of these guys fail to realize is that you, I, and others who are capable of making this observation STILL love the HERO system, and want it to do well. Even a genius will prefer a pretty book over a bland one, given equivalnet information--it has nothing to do with the fglase dichotomy of 'either content OR presentation.'

  6. Re: New power


    "Mind Control: Set Effect: Everyone thinks I'm "flying" linked to Desol; not vs. Damage.


    The Desol let's you walk (at your normal rate on the ground of course) through obstacles that don't exist at the height you're "flying" at.


    and TK; No Range Modifier so you can affect all those objects really high up."


    LOL!! Awesome!

  7. Re: New power


    No, this is not a serious thread! But that doesn't make it any less fun!




    "Telekinesis. However much Strength it takes to move the world. Only For Moving The World Away From User And Turning It."


    This has definite possibilities! And of course, Transform...it would have to be a major transform, megascale, to fit the entire universe---how many hexes is the entire universe? With intervening space movement lim, and lim--"Only to move the universe this way or that." Note that either approach COMPLETELY eliminate those pesky turn mode issues...

  8. I have an idea for a character. He is able to move very quickly from place to place. He doesnt even have to touch the ground and he can go up to great heights--WITHOUT TOUCHING THE GROUND! He moves from place to place quickly, without touching the ground. He goes very fast. This is a great superpower and I think it should be added to the HERO system.


    First, what should we call this new, never seen before power?


    Second, what should it cost?


    THird, should I send DOJ a bill for my intellectual property?

  9. Re: Tony Donuts


    Yeah, the guy is a freelance mobster who routinely rapes any woman who catches his eye, and beats men to death routinely with his bare hands if they object. He is an abhorent, evil, stupid but shrewd, walking man-mountain. Definitely social limitations--he can never have a friend. Really, it is his presence as much as his behavior--moreso, whether phenromone or what, it is a power-like ability.

  10. Re: Hit Locations


    I thought the head shot modifier was terrible--until I ran a zombie game. Zombies have a very low speed. Most PC's have about a 3. Most zombies, about a 1. If a PC is surrounded by zombies, he SHOULD be lunch. That's the danger in the game. But, do not forget that if a PC is fortified, he can set and brace before shooting, and he gets 3 shots for every zombie move. And, if the PC is using a shotgun, the knockdown rules apply--I think you MUST play with rules in a Zombie game which approximate the fact that a zombie with no legs still crawls, but pretty slowly. A grenade knocks them down, but unless it blows them to smithereens, they keep coming. You also need to decide whether you are playing Night of the living dead zombies (head shot), or Return of the Dead zombies (head shots dont do the trick).


    Another rule I play with in zombie genre is that zombies must first grab, THEN bite on their next attack. Zombies do not have an aversion to exerting 100% of their decaying muscle's momentary muscular contraction ability--they will tear a biceps if they need to in order to hold onto prey. Which is why most folks dont get away once they are grabbed, unless you are Lance Macho.


    Id suggest All FLesh Must Be Eaten for great genre materials, but the Unisystem is too simplistic--run it using HERO...

  11. In Spider Robinson's excellent 'Callhan's' books, there is an antagonist character called Tony Donuts, who immediately makes people nervous and afraid of him in a primeval sort of way. He is huge and scary and violent. He makes other around him quake in their boots, and are therefore less than effective in doing basically anything--bluff, fast talk, even normal conversation, they stutter. People tend to acquiesce. This is only in his presence, and the ability to think and act clearly vanishes within a few minutes of his departure. How would you do it? High presence?

  12. Re: How do i Represent a Taunting skill?


    If it just makes your character harder to hit, buy it as some DCV CSL's with an activation roll or a roll based on your character's Taunt skill.


    If it changes the opponent's behavior in a broader way, use a limited but AP (to simulate that you can taunt high-mental defense charater, too) Mind Control, defining the behaviors you want to invoke, and again, give it an Activation roll. It ought to be pertty cheap/effective with the limitations. You could buy cumulative, too.


    Maybe, you link these for both effects.

  13. Re: Champions Universe


    The only hobby shop I remember with visibly-worn stock was one in which the only gaming stuff was in a small corner on a second floor. THe stuff they has was so old and grubby! Some of that stuff must have been on shelves for YEARS and YEARS. The dust was so thick on some of it that the books were dirty. Within a year of my discovering it, they got out of the business--and I was there to pick thru their junk! and I was HAPPY to do so (very few game stores in those days...).

  14. Re: Skills System - Out of Synch?


    Really interesting ideas on this thread!


    Doesn't EVERYONE already play with 'degrees of success'--i.e., the more you make your roll by, the better the success is? I always have, tho' now that you mention it, I do not remember it being in the rules. It should be added, but left subjective--let the GM run with it.


    A problem with the paradigm suggested where only the most brilliant of the brilliant can do difficult things, but always succeed at the easy stuff, and the average can never aspire to the greatest of challenges: it is a game. It isn't fun to tell players that, even tho' they spent points, they have no chance at doing a diffcult thing without hanging up their cape.


    As far as 'mimicking reality'--I would perhaps agree to modifying the skill system along those lines if I were running "LabTech--The Campaign"--but in the course of a heroic or superheroic game, diffculty modifiers do just fine. A mediocre skill with a great roll still doesnt hit the target number for something with a really tough modifier. And a good GM isn't going to allow a Middle-Ages 'scientist' to create a spaceship with a good roll--or series of good rolls--anyway.


    The bell shaped curve takes care of alot, too. Most rolls are right in the middle, where they are supposed to be--most results are 'average' for the super skilled and the mediocre, just as they ought to be. The most skilled practitioners of a skill just have a much better average outcome than a medicore practitioner of a skill. So as it is set up, a very skilled practitioner is already going to routinely succeed at tasks that a mediocre talent would need an exceptional roll to accomplish.

  15. Re: Champions Universe


    Ok, I am a liar. THIS is my last post.


    I re-read the entire thread, and I am being the most aggressive here. I apologize to the entire bunch of you folks. After re-reading, I see that this is a simple difference of opinion, and I am being more obliquely nasty than anyone else. Everyone is entittled to an opinion. I just got a little too worked up. Again, I apologize. I think that my current working arrangement has me prone to overreaction and venting. Thanks to everyone who has contributed--I read everything, but evidently, need the persepctive of a second read.


    Again, apologies.

  16. Re: Champions Universe


    I had no negative reaction to posters pointing out that there are so-and-so many write ups, other than to point out that it is completely beside the point.


    My point was, and always has been, that the Champions book is supposed to be the generic 'how to do a superhero game' but that CU was supposed to be--and in fact, is described as-- a 'complete' setting. What about this makes anyone think I do not know what my point is? How many times do I have to restate it before my detractors understand that there has always been a cogent point? You can use your snide posts, or your interesting attempts at striking an oh-so-world-weary and superior tone. I hope you are impressing yourself, because I just see it as an attempt to skirt the issue, avoid it, rather than confront it.


    Now, the fact that everyone on this thread (other than the one fellow who didnt care for it too much) evidently sees CU as a great book without any flaws is not statistically significant--too small a sample size. And even if it is, I do not particualrly care. I didn't care for it, so I didn't buy it. I said my peice, and most of my latest posts have had to do with answering inaccurate charges or unkind characterizations. In addition, I think there is definitely some 'jackal factor' here. Pounce on the guy with the unpopular opinion. In response to my unpopular opinion, I get oblique insults, strawman arguments, and other horse-poop like 'now you're being overly dramatic.' Well, you are being rather unkind and nasty. Touche.


    I agree with the guy who said that my opinion is not likely to be changed by people who tell me to buy other books, and that, since every detail in the world cant be included in one book, none should be. Nor am I likely to persuade people who evade plain and simple criticism with haughty responses and misdirection.


    This is my last post on this thread, and I know, you're happy for me, good-bye and good riddance, right? Try reading some of my other contributions on the boards before you brand me permanently a HERO hating troll.

  17. Re: Champions Universe


    MitchellS, if a book is 3 years old, does that mean no one is allowed to comment on it? Does that mean a new edition might never come out, with modifcations the authors might have made based on feedback? If my 'whinning' bothers you so much, change the channel. It takes more effort to post rudely here than it does to ignore posts in which you find no value. So go be rude somewhere else. Otherwise, someone might accuse you of only posting so that you can stretch you 'oblique-insult' muscles.

  18. Re: Champions Universe


    For the fourth time, I do not want or need or expect every detail statted out. I do not need or want or expect and entire world to be spoonfed to me. But can we at least agree that, if you are going to have an official game world, it might help to provide some frames of reference? Believe me, I don't care what secret map to Foxbat's base you use--it is not primary of the CU. But stats and maps of the main characters. their vehicles and bases are.


    The only thing subjective is the entire CU game world. But DoJ could have corrected that--by giving more of an objective frame of reference--by including maps, stats, stuff like that. Which they did. In other books. Fine. Just not in their 'complete game world' book, CU.


    And, BTW, Champions did not exactly blow me away with the stats and write ups--but then again, CHampions isn't MEANT to. It is a generic general reference volume for superhero gaming generally.


    Now, I understand the economics of the situation. If you can sell 4 or 5 books, break the necessary info into 4 or 5 books instead of 1 or 2. But when you do so at unnatural-for-the-industry points, or allude to information that reasonably can be expected but which a particular books does not contain, IMO, you've crossed a line.


    And let me clarify--I own over 1/2 of all published 5th and 5thER books. I am a great user and lover of the system. Sourcebooks, rules, everything. I haven't asked for a refund. But when I am bombarded with accusations that I am unreasonable, intolerant, or a bit nutty, I take umbrage. I find it to be a bit outrageous that my position on this is taken with such incredulity. No one ever heard any of this before?

  19. Re: Champions Universe


    No further response is really necessary. But I just cannot help myself...



    - a review of superhumans and sites of interest around the world, including secret bases, long-lost civilizations, space stations, mystic gateways, and lots more...a look at what the most powerful characters and organizations in the setting - Dr. Destroyer, UNTIL, Mechanon, DEMON, VIPER, and more - are like, and what schemes and missions they're currently involved...a separate GM's Vault section for "GM only" information, so players can use the book without learning any of the secrets the GM plans to create adventures around"


    Yeah, expect NONE OF IT IS STATTED OUT. Or almost none of it. What good does a reference to something do you when you have to build the entire thing yourself? Why have an official game setting if every campaign plays it completely differently, because you gotta stat it all out yourself? Again, it is charming beyond measure that you are so forgiving and so possessed of spare time that buying a book that offers "a complete world for superhero gaming" is simply a great opportunity for you to do more work. That's not what I or most gamers want. If wanted to build my own world, why would I buy a book?



    "I was shocked to find out that Prince Summerset did not have a write-up in Valdorian Age. And then I realized how cool it was. I could do anything with him I wanted. The same could be said for a ton of other NPCs mentioned in the book."


    I am really trying not to lose my temper and say something unkind. You just do not get it.

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