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Everything posted by dalton

  1. Re: Batman vs Midnighter [ A previous poster mentioned the battle where Midnighter butchered a thinly-veiled copy of the X-Men. That thin veil was a gender-swap and some different costumes. That's it. Funny stuff. In that battle, mightnighter caved Colossus-chick's head in with a single blow (with a staff)... establishing his STR in the "way the heck up there" range. 50 at least, with plenty of MA DC's piled on to boot. This was not an HKA, but it still one-shotted a brick. The majority of the Authority enemies are thinly-veiled copy of others super-hero or super-villain. In other issues they had killed the legion of super-heroes and all the marvel and dc supervillain without sweat. But this is just the author that say: My hero are better than yours... ha ha ha. Not that the hero/villain parodied is so easy to kill. I don't consider their victory against the gender-switched x-men, the americans ( the copy of the avengers) as an indicatation of the outcome in any battle against the original, just the writer power trip.
  2. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority Since a definite different societal mood has yet to emerge for the current decade, there is justification to deem Iron Age and Cyberpunk more "realistic". Or, in other words, what depiction of society currently seems more realistic: "Dark Angel", or "Pleasantville" ? ________________________________________________________________ Neither of them, one is too dark and the other too bright (and scary...very scary)
  3. nt. Why did we bother to free Europe three times? It appears many of them hate freedom and Western Civilization so much that they must atone for it. The future Europe craves: A jackbooted foot smashing a human face, forever. Ironically, many here in Europe think that of the USA
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