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Posts posted by wolflaughing

  1. Re: How to encourage RP?


    One thing about Champion sessions is that once combat tends to take a lot of time compared to other games. This can make some players very focused on the tactical situation.


    Having said that may have a few options for you.


    1. Clueless npc's- have the contact or whoever throw the situations back at the characters.

    examples:"I can't shut down the doomsday device what do we do?"

    "What possible reason could Dr. X have for stealing _____?"

    "Your the expert on _____ player character. Give us some advice."



    2. Plumb those backgrounds-psych limitations,skills,hunteds and general background.

    Any of these can provide meat for a scenario and the other players will be forced to seek the opinion of a spotlighted P.C.


    3. LOUD villains- by this I mean a coordinated villain team that yells out their maneuvers and combat ideas.


    Hope that helps.

  2. Re: Declaration


    Probably the lobotomy.

    I hit 'em with "The giant mecha stick" and cut some response. They were alarmed at first, thought it needed further investigation but then made judgemental leap of logic.

    They assumed it was only a side effect of the current fantasy campaign. They figure the master villain's plot is messing up reality and gave it no more thought.


    Obviuosly its time to go dormant again till the next campaign(we rotate GM's somewhat). I'll run an encounter in the next GM's camapign and that should really ramp up the situation.


    Hmm, I wonder if I should have waited to put this stuff online. It may be 2 months before the next real development.


    At least this has value as an interesting experiment.



    I suppose the next experiment would be finding another GM your players dont even know and seeing what would happen if both groups switched for a week.(I.E. you step through a mysterious portal)

    Probably a bit of a stretch though.

  3. Re: Declaration


    Thank you for the kind words for my crazy scheme.


    I hope to find out this Friday if they are going to be active about figuring out what is going on.


    Pro-active players can be great for a campaign or a huge problem if they tear off on tangents every play session.


    I figure having a week to wonder"what was up with that strange encounter" should at least get them to ask some questions.


    If not I'll just hit them with the "Giant Mecha stick" and see what happens.

  4. Hi.

    I'm more of a lurker than a poster but I wanted to get this out, so that later I could point to it and say "it was planned all along".



    I have a meta-game that I have been running for quite a few years now, it may go for several more or end quite soon. Things have begun to step up a bit.



    Several years ago(right before 5th edition champs came out) I was running a Champions camapign and I used an adventure in Champions Presents called: Menace out of time.


    This module introduced a villain called Tempus. A scientist who figures out the secrets of time travel. In the course of the adventure his beloved

    wife is killed in an accident, he blames the heroes and attempts to destroy them.

    As in most such adventures he was beaten and jailed, but I wasn't quite done with Tempus.


    He later frees himself from prison and continued his time travel research. I decided that his main goal was the return of his wife to life and the adventure clearly states that with his style of time-travel, preventing her death was now impossible.(paradoxes and such).


    So like any good mad scientist he broadened his scope if mastery of time was not enough then he must control ALL REALITY!!(insert evil laugh here)

    In short he used his time travel skills to gain even more knowledge about reality, the laws of the universe and other dimensions.

    After plotting and planning he realized that his conquest would be something akin to Chess or maybe Dominoes would be a more apt analogy.


    In different worlds and dimensions great events would be set into motion whose out come would be determined by a ridiculously small group of beings.

    Great wars, political campaigns, battles of morality between good and evil, all these would be decide by just a few key individuals.


    Eliminating or controlling these beings would be the key to success....


    My inspiration here was something from a Dark Champions Villain-the Fool. The fool saw people as blanks but was drawn to "high-energy" beings, it

    is implied that player characters or high-point npcs are such beings.

    In his cell at the asylum he writes on the walls cryptic references to-DEX., STR., etc.


    So my targets were clear: Player Characters(even if playing in different systems.)


    So I crossed the genres.


    Nobody noticed at first. I kept the genre similar if a different system. Something from 1 fantasy game ended up in another fantasy game. Players

    went "huh, that was odd" and assumed I was just a fan of that monster.

    I kept track of all the campaigns(even the ones I was only a player in).

    For a while it was simple: something from say ADnD appeared in a palladium game or a Star Wars game crossed over with a Star Trek game.


    Nothing was noticed until the other day.


    June 12 the next phase started.


    It was yet another fantasy game but during a lull an NPC from Dark Champions(RETRO from Hudson City Blues) popped up out of a portal and

    started shooting p.c.'s by surprise.

    He managed to badly wound 2 players then was beaten and dissapeared(though he left a fedora behind, along with quite a few bullet wounds).


    The players are thoroughly mystified, they recognize that the attacker wasn't an appropriate foe but did not connect him with the DC villain.


    The rest of this campaign will have 2 more incidents.

    1. A portal will open and a large Mecha from BESM will attempt to come through but will be stopped by a player character from a previous campaign.

    2. In the climatic battle of the fantasy campaign 2 giants will dissapear through a portal. they will re-appear in the next campaign. Which I wont even be running!

    I will ask the GM to let me run a quick encounter(it will be a RIFTS game). The players will be sure to remember the 2 giants even though 3-6 months will have elapsed by then.


    My ultimate goal here is pro-active players. Once they begin to realize something is up(and recognize beings from other campaigns) they will have to

    take matters in their own hands. I assume they will demand to rerun certain older characters and campaigns to get to the bottom of the mystery.


    I am not even certain many of the players will remember Tempus or even think of him as the possible villain. However if they become Pro-active

    then all bets are off. Tempus won't try for subtly anymore, the enemies will become impossible to ignore and Tempus may even try to bring characters from 1 game to another just to get them to fight each other.


    I intend for it to all end up back in Champions(since HERO can simulate everybody elses rules pretty well).


    My end-game is still a bit up in the air, The module Reality Storm gave me a lot of insipiration on what kind of place Tempus should be holed up at.


    Some early Hero products contained information on changing characters from 1 system to another.(I even have the old-Bad Medicine For Doctor Drugs superworld module somewhere).


    Luckily my players don't peruse this forum. I am open to any contructive criticism and advice, but remember this plan may take several more years

    to pull off.

  5. I am starting up a DC campaign using the 4th edition campaign book-Hudson City Blues.


    I was wondering if anyone else had used it successfully? I tried running it once but the campaign "fell off the rails" as it were due to too many dark and mysterious loner types.


    Getting them to cooperate was quite a pain(though the plot device helped some).


    So any horror/sucess stories?

  6. Re: Re: question about END. Drains


    Originally posted by Edsel

    As I understand it no. If you are subjected to a Drain that reduces your END to a negative number, that in and of itself, does not cause any STUN damage. In essence getting your END drained to negative values just means it will take that much longer to recover to positive END.



    thats really the direct answer I was hoping for

  7. I cant seem to find an answer to this one, maybe somebody here can help.

    (A vs. B for example)

    A uses an END. drain on B that would suck B to -12 END.


    Now would B take stun damage from losing this END( as in using END that you do not have available), does -12 END =6d6 of NND stun damage?


    Please let me know if this example is not clear enough for a proper answer.

  8. Sorry to be a bother about this.


    I tried going through the FAQ but it was as inconclusive as the rule book.

    I found this staement:

    "If a Characteristic is Drained/Suppressed into the negatives, then the standard rules for that Characteristic apply. For example, a character with zero or negative END would have to use STUN in place of END if he wanted to take actions requiring END."


    However this seems to talk about taking actions to use END.


    What I am asking is: If A drains B into negative END does B take immediate stun damage for using end that B does not have?


    Thanks for the help

  9. Hi.


    I was wondering if an END. takes someone to a - number do they take STUN damage as if using END. that they don't have?


    This has come up in my games and seems a little too effiecient since the villain loses END at a very quick rate and then takes NND stun damage also.

    The attack in question is a mere 3d6 drain and has cripples some villains who are very END intensive.


    Thanks in advance for your help.

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