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Posts posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Re: Join Team Freedom!


    I think this was asked before but I will go ahead.


    In the Silver and Golden Age Magic or Unexplained power origins were quite common, at least in the DCU.


    I wanted to know if an Angelic gestalt with magical or magitech powers was acceptable in the proposed genre.


    I lean towards the magitech mostly because I want him to hold a weapon. MP with Flaming Sword, Staff, Sheild, Holy Bolt thrower settings(slots) and would like to add a slightly different direction/flavor to the campaign ala Dr. Fate or Dr. Occult.


    If that is unacceptable to the milleu how are battlesuit/OIF armors envisoned in your game? Would the concept altered to fit symbolicly (Angel) but from a solely high tech end work better?



  2. Re: Join Team Freedom!


    Very unlikely.


    In the real world, Australia only had about 7 million people during WWII. It had a massive influx of migrants after the war. Presumably this wouldn't have happened if the war had continued.


    Also, it's unlikely that any US commander would be "the greatest and most revered man in Australia".


    A "relatively cut off division of the US army" would have been just another division fighting alongside a larger force of Australian, New Zealand, Dutch, British, Papua New Guinean and Fijian troops. In other words, nothing special.


    You could consider the possiblity that Australia might have elected a Communist Party government. The CP was at its peak during WWII. Without the Cold War it may well have eclipsed the Labor Party as the "left" party of Australian "mainstream" politics.


    This has the benefit of potentially causing more peoples' heads to explode than merely promoting Patton to "the greatest and most revered man in Australia". :)


    I actually started designing a character for this game, but I don't really have the time to play. Bummer.


    My reason for suggesting this was that the Army led by Patton was trapped on the Continent by really powerful Axis forces. This lead to more action being seen here than in the Pacific Theater. Patton and his Brigade/Company/Division or whatever formed a nucleus around which a successful counteroffensive could occur. Given the drawn out nature of the war a likely result would be Patton becoming a foreign born hero like Lafayette. The end result would be a more American and less GB influence on the continent and Patton could be veiwed more like our George Washington.


    Anyway that was just one of the "nuggets" that was sparked by reading just the opening paragraph in nexus's call for players. It is his world so I am very much certain I am wrong on this and that nothing of the sort occurred. It was just a fun exercise.



  3. Re: Join Team Freedom!


    This is really one of the more interesting campaigns I have had the honor of potentially being a part of. If you may forgive me a slight indulgence, I will list a few nuggets that spring to my mind as to the effects of this alternate history.


    The racial revolution never occurred. There was no Mall speech etc. But the racial divide dropped all the same in the face of Nazi aggression. As Society pitched in together the essential humanness of all people became evident to even the most bigoted person.


    The Space Race never occurred and thus a moon landing might still not have been made. Satellites developed from the ICBM program developed in the War are used extensively but only in the Eighties were they allowed to carry commerical use.


    The Cold War never happened with Russia. Russia failed early and that was one of the factors of the prolonged war. China took up the role as dominant "cold war nemesis'. Although they have more fascist than communist bent.


    The Battle of Boston: a turning point in the War.


    The Western White House: Cheyenne Mountain or NORAD??


    Devastation at Mount Rushmoore


    London was nuked by the Reich in the sixties. It is largely uninhabited and the King (Charles of course) and PM and Parliment meet in Glasgow now.


    Austrailia was a bastion of power led by a relatively cut of division of the US army. The greatest and most revered man in Austrailia is General Patton.


    Just some thoughts



  4. Re: Dream Teams - Champions Style


    You stole our groups name and now we are going to have to go to your house and trash your hero base.


    We were Vanguard!


    Anyway our Vanguard team was totally great, we went through roster changes left and right, but the players all stayed. The best group was


    The Z-Man: (my PC) Alien empowered Superhero (Flying/MA/MiniBrick/Energy Projector) who was also a Soap star and a Canadian! :grin:


    The Atom Smasher: Shrinking Brick with a Rocket Pack and a AP Punch


    The Priest: Zen Buddist/Catholic Pacificist preist with Aikido and Mind "influencing" powers


    The Demon: Pharmeacopic Speedster; Running and SPD in a Pill [10c continuing]


    Vanguard: Team founder and the only person I ever knew to just throw a 'naked' VPP at some villian and say to the GM "I roll a 9 to hit! Vanguard is channelling the pure force of his power cosmic, what does it do?"




    Goodtimes :grin:

  5. Re: Join Team Freedom!


    Nexus are there any particular types of characters you would *like* to see?


    As a GM, I had very strong ideas about what I wanted in my PCs. If you posted a entry saying what you wanted to see it would greatly help me in determining what type of characters you wanted in your campaign.


    Also seeing examples of the way ~you~ build characters is important. In my experience every group is slightly different. I was taught a very ahem twinkish ahem style. It was fun for us at New World Games in the 1990s but when I moved to California my PC development style sent my first new GM into cardiac arrest.


    I am eager to learn more about your new world as well, do you have any written material available for distribution? Or are we going to have little bits of Alterearth History parceled out? Importantly, are any major US cities sites of WWII action? Did the Empire State Building get Buzzbombed in the 1950s for instance?





  6. Re: Archer ideas?


    I am currently awaiting shipment of my 5ed, but one of my favorite archer characters was Bowcaster. I bought all of his arrows as no range OAF -Arrows (aerodynamic and balanced obviously) and built a multipurpose weapon pool that had +30 STR -1 only to launch arrows (bow form) as the 1st slot in the 2nd MP.


    He had about 20-30 points in MA, and light armor.


    I liked him alot. When I get the new rules I'll probably update him.



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