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  1. Re: Hunted: Watched Thanks for the responses. This gives me some options at least to work through. Probably will go with Law enforcement watching the character, until such time as he breaks the law, when they become a hunted.
  2. Re: Hunted: Watched So based on the theory that a Watcher is able to take away some sort of benefit, would it still be valid to be Watched by an enemy? The character in particular I am thinking about is developed as the son of a supervillian, who turned good against the dad's wishes. However, the FBI and law enforcement is watching him, to make sure he is not just misleading everyone, and/or doesn't turn back to a life of crime. In this situation, the only things that could be taken away is the characters items and freedom (ie, imprisoned), which in turn make the Watched a Hunted. Would this be valid (since the character would not gain the additional points), or would you handle it a different way?
  3. Re: Hunted: Watched As a point of clarification, I should state that the entire group has either a public id, or no id at all (ie, no secret ids in the group).
  4. Having just started a new Hero campaign, I quickly found that several of the characters chose Hunted (which is normal), but at the Watched level (which is pretty uncommon for our group). As such, I was going through, making up several Hunted scenarios, and ran into an issue. How do you use Watching Hunted in your campaigns? To me, is seems Watchers are fairly irrelevant. The best I could come up with is "The FBI agent approaches Heroman. Just wanted to let you know, We are Watching you..., and then leaves". Of course, the Hunted can't do anything further, otherwise it would have been worth more points. Or do you assume that the Watched can be elevated to a higher level, depending on character actions, etc. For this example, perhaps Heroman breaks the law, making the FBI now want to imprison him. Just curious how everyone else handles this level.
  5. What would be the appropriate way to block an already established Mind Link from functioning, or at least suppress it? I would assume a Darkness, but the sense group listing on 5ER pg 160 does not categorize Mind Link. I am looking for a way to both cancel it and temporarily suppress it (as separate powers), but can't seem to find anything clean, except for Transform (to a being without an active link) and Dimensional movement (to a dimension where links dont work). thanks for your time
  6. I am curious to find out what systems everyone uses for chases in Hero. In a combat situation, the basic movement speed certainly works fine, but eventually someone wants to run away. Although a simple comparison of relative speed works, it has always seemed to me to be too cut and dry (20", 5 speed always beats 18", 5 speed, etc.). The d20 Spycraft system (for example) had a very usable skill vs skill contest system for chases, in which speed was a factor, but not the only one. Instead, sudden turns and daring maneuvers could allow a slow runner to get away from a fast one. Anyone use any systems that they particularly like for Hero? Or have any thoughts? hehe, or am I just missing such a system in one of the many Hero books? --- Sean Wijbrandus http://www.wijbrandus.com/nexus
  7. I was reading through the Villain vs Villain thread, specifically shaunclinton's posting, and had an interresting brainstorm. Does anyone have any experience running a game where the players take turns playing the villain? What I am thinking is that you have the regular GM, who doesnt change, and you have the heroes, but one of the players (rotating through the group) take turns in the role of the villain (playing a suitably evil character of course). The "guest" villain would then coordinate with the GM to maintain campaign continuity, and provide all the necessary details of the "master plan", which the GM would simply run as the evenings regular episode. Henchmen and antagonists would be run by the villain player (so they aren't sitting idly while the rest of the group has the fun), and would run the master villain for the final confrontation. The GM's role becomes one of playing the NPCs, maintaining the storyline, and acting as impartial judge for the game. I can see this as having some definite benefits, assuming the group plays their respective roles (ie, the villain probably still needs to be foiled in the end, etc.). Anyone have any thoughts, opinions, or past experience with this sort of game?
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