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Everything posted by CdwJava

  1. Re: Online Starbase Maps? Found it, thanks! - Carl
  2. Re: Online Starbase Maps? Now you've got me curious! Where'd you find it? - Carl
  3. Re: TSR Alternity I currently run a Space Hero PBeM game in the Alternity universe (though we've taken a break for a month). While I never did a full conversion for any of the races or backgrounds (didn't have to with a small number of players) it should not be a difficult thing to do. I, too, am dismayed that the system - or at least the setting - never took off. But, the mechanics of the setting kinda has it's faults - like the calendar and the time being based on the Earth calendar ... it really made for some odd time and date situations. But, as long as it provides consistency. - Carl
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