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Posts posted by Rebar

  1. In FH p.138 is the talent Fascination, which gives a +25 PRE, Only to Make "Stop and Listen to Me" Presence Attacks.

    I just stumbled across this in HDv6. It doesn't say much.


    And I checked my FH - p138 is a description of the Flaming Falcon Inn. It may be - kind of old. 1985. :shock:


    I don't suppose you'd be allowed to post the description here?



  2. All adventures are basically dungeons:

    You go from scene to scene (or room to room) and there is some action.

    Clues (doors) lead to the next scene (room).

    Sometimes you find clues that lead into cul-de-sacs.

    Sometimes you you find a shortcut (secret door) and so you don't have to do one scene (fight the monster) in between.




    Trust me - players want to play the adventure, not run around looking for clues that you haven't ready.

    At first, I was kind of dubious about this, but the more I thought, the more I agreed.


    It helped that, when I downloaded and read through several of the Hero Plus adventures, I could see that they are constructed this way.


    The trick, in your dungeon analogy, is not to try to control what happens in the rooms, you need only control how they pass to the next room.


    And the analogy is figurative. The walls of each room are not barriers - in fact, each room can be the size of the whole countryside if you want to let the players wander it before stumbling on the next clue - but regardless of how large the room is, it's the doors that define the progress of the adventure.

  3. extra dimensional movement, must follow successful grab attack, linked with a continuous HKA

    This is very clever and a very cool way to handle it.


    Don't forget usable against others/as attack though.


    But what's the Cont HKA for? Digestion? It seems to me that that is a property of the "dimension". The dimension is simply defined that way. If you were transported to an airless, gravityless point in space, you wouldn't buy the physics there would you?

  4. I think I'm going to go with Invisibility. It is more true to the concept.


    I think I'll allow the 'visible' lim on it. A huge cloud of smoke is a pretty obvious manifestation of invisibility, and therefore easily defeated.

  5. That is the current book for 6E. It is one of the titles made available through Print On Demand (POD) from DriveThruRPG. Electronic copies are available here as well.


    I haven't gone through the 6E version in detail, but at a glance, it appears to combine elements of both the 5E Equipment Guide and 5E Gadgets and Weapons. (Gadgets & Weapons focused on supers previously.)

    Yes, I am interested in 5E. And equipment for heroic. Did not find that anywhere.

  6. Can it be taken away in-combat when he's not using it?

    Good question. 'While he's not using it' is the key. If that's the criteria, then it's Inaccessible.



    However, I must ask, If this is a Pulp Hero game (heroic) why are characters paying for equipment?

    Because only standard equipment is free?



    This is a Magician's smoke bomb; it operates the way the player wants it to. So he buys it that way.


    My knife thrower gets her stiletto for free, but her drug-tipped hairpins cost CP.

  7. One book I found helpful in my GMing was "Play Dirty" by John Wick. It had a lot of interesting advice on how to have memorable gaming sessions without killing yourself with prep work. It's $5 on DrivethruRPG.com.

    Looks intriguing but they're a bit coy about examples. I'd like to have seen at least one simple trick to understand how the book makes good on it promise.


    I'll prolly purchase it when I get home.

  8. If an opponent can grab the Focus and take it away in combat, it's Accessible. If it can only be taken away out of combat, then it is Inaccessible. The example you give sounds like it would be Inaccessible.

    Well, it can be knocked out of his hand when he pulls it out to use it.

  9. I'd like to make a list under a gadget pool for a bunch of premade items for the player.


    So I want to build them, put them on the character sheet, but for 0 RP. Is there a way to defeat the RPs adding up?



    Shoot. this should go the the HD forum.

  10. What is the general wisdom on a focus that is normally pocketed and is only exposed when activated?


    My Magician's smoke bomb: he whips it out and dashes it on the floor.


    Would you buy that as IIF, IAF or OAF?


    FRED (p183 sidebar) buys it as OAF, but here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/88884-flash-bombpoof/?p=2352019

    it's bought  as IIF.


    Also, would you consider Gestures as a valid lim? It's not like he can turn on this power with a thought or a trigger. He's got to have at least one hand free, to reach in, pull it out and toss it at the ground hard.


    Well no, I guess focus covers it. eg. If his hands were bound he couldn't normally use any focus anyway.

  11. One of the primary things I attempt to apply to my scenarios is the 'Yes, And' rule: that is that when a plot string is offered by someone, generally the best response is "Yes. And then...". I make an effort to use it when a player comes up with something unexpected at the table and while it is not always easy it has helped...at least, I think it has.


    Yeah. I've used his technique.


    I had a nemesis challenging the heroes once. He made his soliloquy, then turned and nodded without a word (as all well-practised villains do) to a henchman to go do something. The PCs immediately assumed their nemesis was using psychic powers to communicate.


    Sure, I can roll with that...  :winkgrin:


    (P.S. Anyone know why Mars and Jupiter are in the smileys menu? :mars:  :jupiter: )


    So now what? Do you really have an adventure ready pitting our heroes against the foul plans of The Jade Mandarin, Secret Ruler of Chinatown?

    Well, if you do - save the Ghouls for later!

    Well, if your answer is no, skip and tell the players: "After three days and nights in the dark and brooding alley of Chinatown you come home, tired and without a hot trail to pursue. Suddenly there is a knock at the door!" - ENTER - no, not the Dragon - Policeman Jones who was so impressed with the heroes that he found out where they live/ have their office/ hang out after their exploits.

    Might be more difficult if they have a Secret ID or a hidden base. Well, then use the damn Batsign (that's what it is for!) or maybe Cop Jones put a contact ad in the newspaper.


    Trust me - players want to play the adventure, not run around looking for clues that you haven't ready.


    Yes, but that requires having quite a few adventures all ready  to go.



    Back the players into a nasty, tight spot, one where you have no idea how they could get out of it.


    They will. Don't sweat that. Just try to be sure all of them has something important they can accomplish.

    Easy to say.


    Nasty tight spots suffer the same problem. The line between drawn-out and instant success can be a fine one. To make sure everyone has something to accomplish, you end up choreographing events (railroading).

  13. I'm not certain that the effect would truly qualify (IMNSVHO) as Invisibility, especially if it works like most stage magic effects that I have seen.

    Why not? Please elaborate.


    My rationale is, as I said, to start with the Hero Games rule of power building : start with the effect you want, (player wants to disappear and get away), then buy the abilities appropriately.



    Also, if it is meant to emulate a pyrotechnic smoke effect, I think that buying it as Invisibility does a disservice to the character by constraining more unique future uses involving misdirection (eg: he tosses it into one hallway while going down another, etc).


    Yes  but that's a different effect. So, he'd buy slots in a multipower.


    Hey, darkness would make even more sense - and it would solve your multipurpose suggestion.


    Oh. clsage beat me to it.



    Of course, the downside to darkness is that, unlike Invisibility, he can;t activate it AND move in the same phase. Darkness takes two phases to complete an escape.

  14. A have a magician character who wants to disappear in a puff of smoke.


    It is just a standard flash bomb; he doesn't expect it to be foolproof as an effect or an escape. It's really as much character flare as it is effective power.


    I don't care so much about the construct of the flash bomb - he's managed to spend a whopping 2CP for the power (1D6 Flash with limits) - but something occurs to me:


    Technically, he can't throw the smoke bomb and escape - his attack ends his phase and he would have to wait for next phase to make a move.


    How might you buy this ability for just a few points? Any way of doing it without getting too elaborate - with a combination power including running - invisible power effects? Teleport? (That would be wild - if my 125pt Pulp campaign had a character with Teleport. The other players would freak. :snicker: )


    I suppose, if I apply HG's First Rule of Power Creation: "start with what effect you want", then a construct comes immediately to mind:


    Invisibility, Instant (-1/2)

  15. Man, I don't know how the rest of you do it. It's very taxing on me to plan adventure episodes.


    I know all about sowing a plot seed and seeing where it goes, but I have real difficulty walking the razor-fine line between stringing the players along a storyline and revealing one little detail that has them jump right to the solution.


    I'm trying to seed the first adventure that starts with a bar fight that leads to one of the players being arresting for murder, and ends when the players track down the real killer.


    They'll (hopefully) interview a couple of people I've planted, but I'm always terrified they'll ask a question that I give a seemingly innocent answer to, but for the heroes, it leads them right to the killer too soon. I can't fill every plot hole.


    Worse, if they track someone down, and are supposed to get a clue from them, they manage to overppower them, take them into custody, and gig's pretty much up, unless I magically pull an escape out of thin air.


    And I have to have answers ready, even if I don't know who they're going to talk to.


    Admittedly, I'm pretty new to the Standard Hero power level - I usually run low-powered supers games. And I'm pretty rusty at GMing - it's been ten years.


    So, what I'm doing is writing out pretty much the whole adventure from the villain's viewpoint, and then dovetailing it with the players' presence. I've written most of a chapter now - virtually none of which even involves the heroes - just so the plot maintains some kind of consistency as it unravels.


    At the same time, I am trying to avoid the problem I've had in so many past games, where I railroad the characters because I didn't have a backup plan in case they actually make too much progress. "Well, he escapes out the back door. " "Not with six coils of my lariat around him he doesn't." "Oh. Ah. Well, he uh ... bites and swallows a cyanide pill and dies!" : GM shreds notes for episode 2:


    And so far, I haven't made it past episode one of the multi-ep adventure!


    I should just stick to plain ol one-shot bank robberies...


    NOW I remember why I had to give up GMing!

  16. Didnt Bond shoot Jaws in the face at one point in one of the movies?  (If I remember it slightly stunned him-aka it smarted-but he was more or less none the worse for it)


    Yeah, it certainly fits, I was just trying to shave points. Though frankly, with the Activation(-2) in there, the only HTH(-1/2) only shaves a point or so off.

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