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Posts posted by smoelf

  1. Re: Am I doing it right?


    Thanks a bunch everyone.


    Regeneration for something like this doesn't NEED to be Usable On Others. A Focus by its nature can be used by anyone, unless you define it as Personal.


    The person applying the bandage can still make the Paramedic roll to activate the Power, but the act of applying it is also the act of giving it to the patient who then gets the benefit of the Power, as per the usual Focus rules.


    So I could achieve the same effect with Regeneration, a time limit and a universal focus? Let me see if I follow you. By applying focus to regeneration the "Self only" target, as stated in the rules, applies to whomever is "carrying" the focus, here represented by wearing the bandage?

  2. Re: Am I doing it right?


    Welcome out of Lurking Mode! ^^

    Thank you :)


    The No Conscious Control seems to be unnecessary. What do you mean with that there is no mental control of the Healing?

    Yeah, this one caused me some trouble. I thought I remembered an example in 6E1 where a spellcaster had control of a blast in a way so that he could attack every turn and still do other things so long as he payed END cost. I thought this was the damage over time, but after looking back I found that it was a constant effect attack power. It makes more sense this way.


    The Damage Over Time ... With so small Healing Power, isn't it simpler to just increase the Extra Time Limitation?

    Would that achieve the same effect? If I applied extra time 18 hours and someone ripped off the bandage after 9, would he receive any healing or would it just be halved?


    And The Focus is Expendable, right? I feel a bandage might also qualify as a Fragile Focus (an additional -1/4 Limitation.)

    Yup, expendable.

  3. Right, first a little introduction. A long time ago I spend many hours browsing RPG forums to make up for the fact that I didn't play enough myself, and on several occasions I was directed at the HERO system, mostly unintentional, and after realizing that D&D/Pathfinder wasn't able to give me the kind of campaign I wanted, without some serious work, I started looking at HERO once more, and it looked like really great system. So I got the basic book and later the fantasy supplement and now the to core rulebooks. It looks great and I'm really looking forward to introduce to some friends. However I need to familiarize myself with the system first and to do that I read that simply creating characters were a great way to get to know the system. It works ok but it is hard to know if you're doing it right when you don't know anyone who knows HERO.


    So after lurking this site for some time I decided to get some advice and test my understanding of powerbuilding. It can become quite complicated rather easily :)


    The first I want advice on is a power representing a bandage made with a mixture of different herbs, including one called greymoss, which has healing capabilities. It looks like this:


    Healing bandage: Healing BODY ½d6, Reduced END (0 END; +½), Usable on others (+1/4) (Active Points 9); Requires roll (Paramedics at -2; -1), Extra time (1 min; -½), No conscious control (Can activate, -1), Damage over time (5 increments, every 3 hours; -1/4), OAF Very difficult to obtain (Greymoss)(-1½) Total Points: 1


    The idea was that the bandage takes time and skill to prepare. The healer can apply the bandage on anyone, one at a time, but not mentally controll the healing, hence the NCC, but the bandage can be ripped off, which might be covered by the removal of OAF? At first I thought regeneration would be easier and more suited, but the rules state that regeneration can't be applied with UOO. I reconsidered handwaving this restriction but it seems working by the rules at first might be the better idea.


    So, am I understanding this right?

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