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Posts posted by Chimpira

  1. Re: My Pulp art


    Excellent stuff, I recognize the masked, trench coat , and twin club wielder from before. Everything looks great.







    Yeah. I was not certain if I had posted that before. Man, that was a long time ago :) . Most of the current batch I have had for some time but I am working on some new stuff as well. Trying to get back into the swing of things as an artist.

  2. Re: My Pulp art


    More great stuff' date=' Chimpira. Have you ever sent anything to DoJ? Your stuff is as good as some of the art they've used, if not better.[/quote']


    I would not mind doing some work for them and I am going to look into submitting. I did some work a while back for Digital Hero and one of my pictures was put into the 'You got to have character.' book.

  3. I have been away from drawing for quite some time. At first it was because I became very ill and then it was because I was a coward. Well I picked up the pencil again and I wanted to share. I know the poses are not dynamic but if you will bear with me I will get back into the swing of things again. To everyone that wondered if I was ever going to put anymore art up. Well this is for you.


    I am also going to post some pics over in the pulp Hero thread. Hopefully They will not throw eggs.

  4. Re: New Universal


    I would have to say that I actually learned to like scuzz. I thought the loogie thing was pretty sick but when they wrote that story about him after his powers got damped down.... I felt for him.


    P.S. Looks like Spitfire is next to be introduced. I dig the new suit design.

  5. Re: The downsides of the Iron Age


    This thread has got me thinking about a game I set in the Wildstorm Universe in the early 90's. At one point I stopped the game in mid session and said, "I can't do this anymore. You guys are nothing but mercenaries."


    Iron Age has good points and bad points. If it is done just to see what level of violence or depravity can we sink to next, then of course it is just flat out bad. Of course, that is my opinion.


    My case is illuminated by looking at The Authority. I found the Warren Ellis run to be inspired at times. Quite a number of violent methods were employed but I never lost the feel that the characters were somewhat heroic in their ideology. This ended abruptly with the thirteenth issue and it simply became about a group of rockstars drunk on their own fame.


    I think that Iron Age truly fails when their is no self discovery for the character. When there is no questioning of their own actions. When there are no reprecussions for their choices. When the line is blurred from what must be done and what is simply most expedient.


    What is the use of a fallen hero if he can not climb back up again?

  6. Re: How Strong are the Crowns of Krim


    In my Champions game the Crowns were the big bad of the season, along with a souped up version of Talisman. My group of supers (5 players all around 380 points because of experience) faced them three times. The first two times, they got trounced. On the third,final and most deadly encounter the team won. I wanted to have the battle be an epic thing and so I arranged it that way. The PC's were able to fight Talisman separatedly from The Crowns and then fight The Crowns sans Dark Seraph and finally put the foot down on the big man himself. By the end of the game many of the players were running on vapors Body-wise but everyone left smiling.


    I made sure that I knew how powerful the opponents were going in and how well the team could work together. I set the game up to run off of three encounters and then elongated the game when one of my players did something unexpected but which helped enrich the overall game. If you want to throw the Crowns at an inexperienced team, I would say to hold off and let them build to it first.

  7. Re: Campaign backstories


    I currently use the Champions world but I have created a campaign world that I revisit every so often. All truth be told I have been itching to get back to it.


    The thread for that world is here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48932


    I tend to think that superheroes in my universe appeared before World War II but became popular during that period. As historic trends I do establish golden age, silver age, etc.. but that is how some choose to remember the times and not necessarily how the times were, if you get my meaning.


    I do not blatantly rip MArvel or DC but I have created characters that are derived from them. You just have to accept that the similiarities are there and just move on.

  8. Re: GM Help: Supervillainous Death


    Well. My only problem with that scenario is that both the villians recieved their powers at the same time from the same source. As well as the fact that they both have the same susceptibility to Kelvarite. So if that was the case they would have died from the amount of Kelvarite already in their bodies before they were tied together as it would be more than enough to kill each other or at the very least both would have perished when they were tied together.


    So I think that given the fact that they both recieved their powers at the same time from the same source it might not have worked out that way. Now Thunderbolt did recieve more of a concentrated blast than Tachyon did but I find it hard to believe that it would trigger the result you had happen in your game. Of course as it is your game, you are the best judge.


    Of course what is done is done and given the animosity of these two towards each other, it would be fairly simple to construct a murder mystery out of this scenario. Maybe Thunderbolt knows more than he is letting on? Why was he not affected? So on.

  9. Re: Cluttered Universes


    I have all that and more, but I never have seen it as cluttered. The universe is a vast place and when you add various Dimensions to the mix you have an infinite amount of room to populate.


    I think it is a matter of taste and scope. I can not shoehorn everything that is out in a vast universe into my campaign but that does not make me think of it as cluttered, I simply acknowledge that it is there and if want to use it I have to put it in the queue. Then we have the players whom want things like lost Russian Science Cities, Fire Dimensions populated by Denizens of all shapes and sizes and etc.. I need to make room for them as well.


    The universe tends to get crowded in one's mind, then I remember what the word infinite really means and I just push things back just a little bit more.

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