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Everything posted by flaire

  1. Re: How to deal with a multiform pregnancy? Well, it's funny you should mention that, Mr GM but I was talking to a friend who has chatting to a cousin about a conversation she overheard in a pub... See you Thursday (if hubby hasn't expired from the cold I've given him) Love, C x aka Whiplash, aka the person who wields Excalibur and is thus Emprahess!
  2. Re: How to deal with a multiform pregnancy? Personally, I was SHOCKED...SHOCKED at the dragon p0rn on Thursday night. If Melinda gets preggers, I'd better be a godmother. Hugs and kisses, Whiplash (innocent and pure)
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Tell me, my dear GM, are you slightly fixated on me being a lesbian? I am forced to defend myself here! My dear GM said that as my name is Whiplash it would follow that my costume should be leather...and not much of it. Deny it! He also fails to mention that he broke the heel on my boot and a nail. Evil. Pure evil. Hugs, f x (also known as Whiplash)
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