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Posts posted by lrojas

  1. Hi, not sure if this should go here but since it involves adoubt i have with the Wizardry Magic System of Killer Shrike and i didnt know if some one would benefit from my questioning i decided to ask it in this manner.


    The definition of the VPP for Wizardry requires several things...


    * Only Arcane Magic (-1/2)

    * Only Change Spells With Spell Book & Study Time (-1/2)

    * All Spells Must Have 1 Charge (-1/4)

    * Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must take -1 of Limitations from Extra Time, Concentration, Incantation, Gesture, Limited Range, Restrainable By Spell Components Pouch, or RSR: Magic Skill vs. Spell Resistance in any combination at a MINIMUM)


    Control Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) = 2.5 Real Points

    Total Cost per Spell Level (15 Pool) = 17 Real Points


    the point of discustion came from the fact that acording to my friend the "All spell must have 1 charge (-1/4)" is a wording of the charges limitation ( but there is no charges limitation that costs -1/4), i am of the opinion that it is not the case because that would imply the whole VPP would have only one charge. So how can we explain this inside the Hero Mechanics?


    Also he said that you cant buy a Variable Limitation that imposes a specific Limitation uppon another power. Since he comes from Champions 4th Ed. I sugested that maybe is a Fantasy Hero thing or just something from FREd. Some clarification would be apropiate here if anyone could provide it.


    The final point is that if a character where to have an initial pool over 15 ( once more, acording to my friend ), say 90 pts, he would save 4 pts from it... he did the math and apparently you do save yourself 4 pts but since this is suposed to be bough in increments of 15 you dont really get the saving becasue you always round off in favor of the player..

    once again i would apreciate clarification on this point.


    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi, i am waiting on my FH book and in the mean time i am reading up the rules of FREd, and i would like to know... while running a heroic campaing, the max points per category disadvantage for 75+75 is listed as 25.


    i am not sure how to interpret this, is it 25 from "Mental Disadvantages" or is it 25 from a subcategory like "Psychological Limitation", does this mean i have to spread the 75 points of disadvantages all over and for instance i can get 2 or 3 hunted if they make more than 25 points?


    please, somebody clarify.

  3. Re: Campaign: The Turakian Age


    They are talking about the magic system used in the D20 source book based on the "Wheel Of Time" fantasy series of books by Robert Jordon. It is not a Hero source book but Mr Long gets around a good bit.


    cool, i have that book, indeed the magic system is betther than the Core D&D, it would be interesting seeing how would steve or some other could translate that to FH.

  4. Re: Campaign: The Turakian Age


    To be fair' date=' the person who deserves credit for the WOT magic system is Charles Ryan. I had a little input here and there, but I actually wanted to do something significantly different. Since Charles got that particular part of the assignment, he's the one who deserves the praise. ;)[/quote']



    sorry to be dense, but since i am new, and the only WOT magic system i know is the one with the d20 book, what exactly are you guys refering to in here? is this something that is available somewhere? or is it something that came in a book that i am not aware of?

  5. Re: Secret Identity


    the proble steems from the fact that in FREd "Secret Identity" is a Social Limitation


    As per the example in FREd page 220 - 221:


    Social Limitation ( 15 pts )

    - Occurs : Frequently [ 11- ] ( 10 pts )

    - Effects : Major ( 5 pts )


    The character maintains a secret identity of some sort ( for example a superhero with a customed crimefighter persona and a normal, everyday, identity ): Frequently, Major



    and i cant find anywhere "Instant Change" in FREd

  6. Hi!


    I was talking to afriend of mine, trying to explain how FREd is diferent from 4th and we came to the point of Secret Identity, Instant Change and the whole notion that on 8- ppl could "find out" his secret identity.. he said that this wasnt like that in 4th, since i dont know Champions 4th i am asking you guys to pleas clarify for me the situation.

  7. Re: Begginner Question


    bummer, you are right, i was the one that got the quote wrong:


    A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked…A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.

    -John Gall, from "Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail"

  8. Re: Begginner Question


    gotcha! Killer.


    btw, i was reading your wizardry system and i have a question, there is no way a wizard can start with the ability to use powerfull spells ( basing this on the default 75+75 split ), so, lest say that he makes a VPP that he can afford, and after a while he gets enough xp to increase its VPP, how would he do that? dumb question but i cant seem to figure out the right way to do it.

  9. Re: Begginner Question


    i saw a review on RPG.net for star hero, and one point the reviewer made was that in he liked the fact that in Space Hero all characters where done with 75+75, but in Fantasy Hero all where 75+75 except the wizard. Does that mean that the wizards have a clear advantage over other type of characters in Fantasy Hero?

  10. Re: Begginner Question


    Ahhhh... i Thought you had to rebuild the reserve of the frame work to add powers to it...


    ok, makes more sense this way... Maybe i am trying to hard to see things in a D&D light. i was thinking in a mechanic to have the spell be scrolls that you could either cast directly or inscrive in your spell book and that you could pay money for them or found in Dragin Hoards. but i guess i am being too D&D centric.. maybe is time to begin trying to seee how the rest of the world looks at magic...


    still, there is the point of dealing with weapons that use ammo, like pistols or arrows... i know you can buy the weapon as having charges but in the case of a pistol, how do you define the reload clip for the weapon? or in the case of arrows how do you define that the quiver is empty.

  11. Re: Begginner Question


    Thanks Killer, this sure helps.


    but i still need to know how does the mechanics work when a character is trying to "improve" on a Power FrameWork, in the case of the mage with a EC, MP or VPP by buying a new spell? what do i do? do i deconstruct the whole power framework and rebuild it with the new points or is there another mechanic that i am not seeing?

  12. Re: Begginner Question


    Point Taken, if you notice i did say i have choosen Hero System, was just pointing out that with the new ruleset GURPS is trying to aproach the Hero Model.


    On another note, i have a few questions regarding magic systems, Power FrameWorks, Bow and Arrows, and Character Grow.


    can somebody probive me with a general idea of a magic system? How does the VPP, MP or EC work in regards to spells for a wizard? after i make the character and get a few ep during game play, how would i signify the learning of a new spell in a Power Framework? individually? How do i represent munitions for Bows / Pistols ? like if i am firing and the pistol has a clip of 12 shots and i have to reload the pistol with a new clip? how about if we where talking arrows? can i dip an arrow in a poison vial prior to shooting it or do i need to buy a poisoned arrow power? Same for fire or any other type of special kind of arrow or bullet ( Armor Piercing, Explosive, etc ) ?


    thanks in advance you all, i really apreciate all the time and answers you have given me. My Fantasy Hero and Star Hero shall arrive sometime during this next week ( I hope ), and maybe i would not be as dumb as i am now.

  13. Re: Begginner Question


    i reckon you are right, but, Hero also has a lot of suplemental Genre Books. Granted, the genre books for Hero are more all-encompansing and thus you tend to shell less money over-all...


    you could, with both systems, just get the core and make your own, with GURPS 4th Edition they streamlined the game mechanics and added a bunch of stuff to make it less clunky. Still is a taste thing.


    What swinged my decision in the end was amount of material, just ordered Fantasy Hero and Space Hero, after i look them over and ppl review the new 5ER, i will consider buying that also.


    Still have to get The Following Books :

    - The HERO System Bestiary

    - The HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook

    - The Spacer's Toolkit

    - The Fantasy Hero Grimoire

    - Monsters, Minions, And Marauders

    - The Ultimate Vehicle


    Donations acepted ;)

  14. Re: Begginner Question




    Found a dude that was willing to loan me his not-in-good-shape book of FREd, reading up on it now :)


    Now all i have to do is get Fantasy Hero!


    ( althought, and please dont get me wrong, the gurps core 4th ed is looking pretty spiffy *sigh* decisions are hard when you dont have enough cash )

  15. Re: Begginner Question


    once more thanks,


    as is human nature, each answer brings forth more questions.


    when making a character and selectingh a racial package deal and a class package deal, how do i figure out the costs? lest say i have 100 pts and up to 50 pts of disadvantages. and a racial package cost 15 pts, does this means i only have spent 15 pts out of the 100 i have available and the 50 pts disadvantages are still there for th grabing, even tho the package deal has advantages and disadvantages?

  16. Re: Begginner Question


    thanks all of you guys.


    it seems i have my job cut out for me then... i definitely would want the 5ER so i will wait on the core book maybe i will dispair and buy the old one before that or sidekick...


    a couple of questions tho, Magic systems, as i understand it i have to write my own so any pointers regarding this would be apreciated. What does FREd stands for? is there a official IRC channel for this forum or this comunity? if so.. on what server/network does it reside?

  17. Hi!


    this is probably not the msot correct place to ask this but since i have a 50% chance of being correct i am posting here.


    i finally got fed up with d20 and started looking for some other system ( even crafting my own ) to use as base for my games. I looked at gurps nut the rules seems to be spread too thin across too many books, i looked at White-Wolf Games but integrating then in a coherent manner was nightmarish, I looked at stormbringer but too boring a system, RuneQuest is out of print and so i remembered about champions, came to the page and saw they are using now 5th edition and is called Hero System now, and have spread across genres. Maybe this could be it, i thought and after thinking it over i decided to give this a try.


    Now for my question,


    Since i am just beggining, what books would i need to get to play a fantasy based game? how about if i wanted a space game? Obvious answer is Hero Core + Fantasy Hero o Hero Core + Space Hero, what i am looking for is the not so obvious that i will end up kicking myself for not getting initially. Nothing derails a campaing more than having your players gathered around you and finding the rule you need is in another book.


    On a side note, how much of a wait do i need to do to get the revised edition book, and if i decide not to wait, where can i buy the Hero System Book then as Amazon dont have it and the Online Store is out of stock too.?


    thanks in advance, and i apologize for any too obvious questions i might have made.

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