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Posts posted by Remjin

  1. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    Are you talking about the FN Five-Seven with regards to the pistol version accompanying the P90?


    Yeah, i see all this 6.8 SPC, 6.5 Grendel, etc. stuff every once in awhile. Thing is, I've never been that into the whole AR-15/M-15/M-4/etc. system. I mean, I like the idea, but I have never liked the platform that much. I can see the benefits, and if I were to get one, I'd probably go with a Lewis Machine & Tool version with the gas system and the integrated fore-end. I find it surprising, considering its modularity, that they can't just adjust to whatever suits their needs. Its just a matter of swapping parts. Especially for those in the special forces community, who don't use as much standardized stuff in any case. I'm even seeing the armed forces bringing the M-14 back in limited quantities. Its not like cost is a restrictive factor compared to all the other toys. *shrug*


    Then again, I don't have to equip that many people... so who knows what the logistics and such are. Eh.


    Oh, and another pic, just to be somewhat on topic...


    1. The Tussey stealth-comp in commander size, I believe.

    2. The Detroit Cell Phone

    3. An interesting glock (notice the muzzle inscription)

    4. Belt-fed 1911

  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    I like new packages? =)


    Yeah, I was referring more to the power level of the Knight Arms, AKSU, and similar. Something a little less than a full rifle but more than a pistol. That's what I think of when I say PDW. If its pistol level of energy, seems like it should be a SMG.


    But hey, all academic to me, since I can't have either an SMG or a PDW. =P Unless, of course, I don't mind there being a much longer barrel on it... in which case, I may as well have a rifle.

  3. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    Well the P90 I think was actually a reaction to the machine pistols that were popping up in the 80s, Stechkin, Beretta 93R, H&K VP70 etc.

    The later PDWs are mostly just submachineguns, using cartridges with better ballistics than the pistol cartridges traditionally used in smgs to provide a longer effective range.


    With the exception of the P90 most of these current weapons can probably trace their heritage to the CAR-15, H&K HK53 and similar short barrel assault "rifles".


    I can see why they would evolve. I'm no operator or anything, just some schlub who likes RPGs and movies, but for someone serious... I could see want for something more potent in a small package. I'm surprised that there really hasn't been more in the mid-range considering the large and varied quantity of firearms available these days and the many developers. I guess it just shows that real innovation is harder to come by than is often thought, I suppose.


    Well, if ever these types of weapons become available to the rest of us... sign me up. You wouldn't happen to have any pictures of some of the other PDW type weapons, would you?


    I wonder if that odd little AK submachine gun thing I've seen here and there counts as one of these...

  4. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    I think FN is responsible for the PDW with their P90. It uses a 5.7mm round they designed specifically for it in the late 80s.


    Oh yeah, forgot about that for some reason. Similar sort of thing, I suppose. I don't know much about the ballistics, honestly. I think the P90 looks funky, and that magazine just seems awkward. Then again, I've never handled one, so who knows... =)


    Oh, and to be a tad on subject, a gun pic... I want one similar to this in a commander length, with novak half-moon rear, XS regular dot front, and possibly stainless safety lever, slide release, and hammer. Not sure on the details, yet. Thinkin' of it as a dressy pistol. Something about a black frame, high polish hard chrome slide, and ivory stocks tickles my "pretty" button. Probably have the top and back in satin/matte chrome though. I'd forgo the rubber finger grooves for some checkering, a serrated top, and a mag well. Probably even go with melonite on the frame portions.

  5. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    The whole PDW thing started with Knight Arms, didn't it? They have some special 6mm round for it or something. Looks sweet, and from all I've seen of it, I'd love to have one. Not really available to us stupid civilians, though. *sigh*

  6. Re: Cool Guns for your Games


    I have no idea what 2-bore and 4-bore and all that means.. but dang, 1.3260 inch diameter, 4 inch long cartridge with a 3500 grain bullet at 1500 fps?!?! I wouldn't volunteer to fire the thing unless the rifle was 50 pounds and had a lot of other stuff to tame it. It sounds horrendous... and its not like I'm real recoil shy... but I don't enjoy pain, either. =)

  7. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


    .... okay, by saying this I'm dooming myself to it anyway, but not that I'm trying to sound like a know-it-all... I don't believe there is a prescribed length to handles so much as an average and a usual. Any sword made for an individual is made how the person wants it, etc. And this is where I'm going to sound idiotically nasally know-it-allish... a curved handle usually indicates a katana versus a ninja-to, and the ninja-to is not necessarily a prescribed "ninja" weapon in any case. Many ninja were formerly samurai/ronin, etc. and yada yada.. argh, I'm hating on myself now. :o


    In essence, all weapons vary quite a bit by a lot of factors from preferences, smiths, type, etc. and there are way too many to get nit-picky about details in any case. If we wanted to do that, we could comment on the chain length and wieldability and all that crap too, but I think it looks sweet at that length and swirling around so I just don't care. :D


    We could also argue the feasability of wearing a bikini into combat but I don't hear any of that... cuz we all know it looks hot, and we like our women scantily clad and more suited to... *ahem*... other activities than actually protecting themselves from anything. :thumbup:

  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From tonight's Shadowrun 4e game...


    On interrogating a prisoner...


    Mike: "Well, I don't want to kill him. Seems like he was roped into this... and I couldn't kill someone in cold blood."

    Black Mamba: "I could."


    On descriptions of NPCs... or lack of GM vocabulary or IQ tonight. All OOC.


    Harry: So what's she dressed in?

    GM: A tight red leather suit... y'know, like that chick in Underworld.

    Harry: You mean like neoprene and that shiny stuff?

    GM: Kind of, except its just leather, and not that shiny stuff... there's a... uh... thing around her middle, the one that ties up.. ummmm...

    Black Mamba: She's wearing a cat suit?

    GM: What? No, its not a cat suit...

    Black Mamba: In some circles, this is referred to as a "cat suit."

    GM: But... not... er.. she's not a cat.

    Harry: Oooh yeah... catsuit. Right.

    Mike: Okay, I get it.

    GM: .....?


    Black Mamba: We sure could use a car like one of these.

    Grief: Will I even fit in this?

    Mike: Oooh, good question...

    GM: Nope.

    Grief: What if I rip the trunk lid off and sit in there?

    GM: You'd... fit. The suspension might even take it.

    Harry: Right, let's take the van.

    Mike: And outfit it like the A-team.

  9. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    NP. :) If you're confident in your conversion abilities' date=' it wouldn't be too hard to cut off the cat-like head with a pin saw and glue a replacement head on. Head-swaps are pretty easy.[/quote']


    Oh sure, give him the easy way out... :D I never did like smoothing out the neck afterwards, though, so I have a tendency to reshape the one that's on it. Then again, some miniatures don't need it...


    If you need a bunch of heads, check out Hasslefree Miniatures, they have just heads on a sprues along with weapons and such.

  10. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    Ok. How did you make it? What did you piece together?


    I have a PC in my group that is a Caporiesta an this would fit perfectly, except for the female and animal part.


    Uh... female? its not female. I can see how you see that, given the angle, though. I'll explain it further below.


    He's from Crocodile Miniatures/Wargods of Aegyptus' date=' if I'm not mistaken.[/quote']


    Teh Bunneh is correct, that's the miniature in the middle. I made it by simply bending the miniature into the position I want, and sculpting on the ragged pants and torn shirt by mashing some putty into place and then fraying the ends. No actual sculpting skill required. Be careful when you bend it, if you're going to do that, as the arm snapped on mine and I had to put it back together with a pin and some putty. It shouldn't be hard to file down the ears and face to make it look more human. Just use one with a pointy tip so you can groove the nose to look more human. Otherwise, the hair and stuff work fine for a person. The paint job was just base coat, a light wash, and some directed dry-brushing with some free-hand stripes. Obviously, you can skip that part. =) I decided it was easier to just leave the ball rather than try to wittle it away and replant. At the time, I was quite burned out on miniatures and I just had to push myself into finishing it.

  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    Chimera here is one I did awhile ago, but forgot to post. Another commission that the idea came from someone else, but Death Tribble so nicely paid for it because he liked it.




    This is a character from a game my group played, actually. He was evolving as the adventures continued... but, here's the miniature that I made for him. Not the best paint job, but it was good enough for the table.

  12. Re: Help with Abilities


    In essence, buy a bunch of books. =)


    Buuuuuut, on par with that... I'd refer in conceptual things like: the Die Hard movies, where he seems to get hurt... a LOT... but is generally fine as he goes along. Perhaps a form of slow regeneration with a limit to how much it can regenerate (below max).


    Or... just some extra PD/ED for someone being pretty tough, beyond the human norm but not by much. Just enough for some "wow" factor.


    Powers as superskills is covered in Ultimate Skill as well... which is a great book in general.


    Ummm... there's also movies like Equilibrium, which likely strays into the Wanted arena; or Hard-boiled, The Killer, umm... Unleashed is interesting, as well as Fist of Legend for more martial arts stuff. Umm.. pretty much it for now. Brain is dead. Time for sleep.

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