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Posts posted by Starwolf

  1. Re: Brink Of War


    Well pooh!!! I am sorry to hear about your computer problems. I sympathize. I am still not completely recovered from when my desktop crashed last winter. In an effort to have enough HDD space to keep EVERTHING backed up, I now have a combined 3 terabytes of hard drive storage. On the first of May I am adding another TB of HDD to my artwork laptop...


    I hope to see you next week for the manservant skewering :D


    Nol... Brad is working on updating both the core campaign file and his macros... I will then add them to my everyman and megaman tokens and sned you the resulting files. Brad says about two weeks. Once we have the standard core file and macros complete, RPMiller is working on an HD export template to add to the mix. He seems to think he can get the export template to actually write the macro code. If it works we would create a character in HD, run the export, zip the resulting xml file, then rename the zip file to filename.rptok. Finally open maptools and drag the newly created token complete with macros into the campaign. Lastly open the token in MT and edit/add your own custom token artwork. It sounds complex, but is actually the work of just a couple of minutes and a few mouse clicks/keystrokes. :D


    Plus the latest release of MT is supposed to support GROUP WHISPERS... via macro code.

  2. Re: Brink Of War


    When I picture a dragon, I see a beast as intelligent and magical as Draco from the movie Dragonheart. Able to cast spells, swallow knights whole, and burn entire villages. However I also see dragons as greedy, and more malevolent then Draco. The movie Reign of Fire shows dragons in this light. Mean, nasty, bad tempered... and they like to eat toasted humans. The whole D&D thing where a dragon can only breath 3 times or some such nonsense, is silly. How could a dragon that can only breath 3 times burn an entire village, or city. I think a single point of BODY damage from dragon fire should be enough to immolate most non-living things. Maybe give the breath an END Reserve with a hefty recovery so that one or two rounds of recovery would be enough to recharge the old oven. Like wise a Dragon's tail, claws, teeth, spells, and wings should be considerable weapons. Imagine creating a wind storm strong enough to topple most wooden structures, then the beast reaches in with a clawed talon and extracts the juicy morsels within. Finally back at its lair, it dines on fair maiden a la mode (My dragon likes ice cream after a hard day of wanton destruction :D ).


    Dragons are armored with scales that ignore most weapons... swords, arrows, and spears should bounce right off. Only powerful magic or some specially crafted and very difficult to obtain weapon should even harm it. They should be immune to fire and heat of all types. I can picture my dragon bathing in a pool of laval. Perhaps such intense heat may even heal them (regeneration, only while bathing in a lava?)...


    Finally dragons are greedy, they should be bribable with sufficient shiny baubles, and or offerings of village virgins (virgins are more tasty than other types of humans, sex must make them bitter or something).

  3. Re: Brink Of War


    Update: Terrie is feeling better today. It seems the anesthesia hey used really affected her in an extreme fashion, and took a LOOOOONNNG time to wear off completely. GM willing and the creek don't rise... we are primed for this coming week.


    In other news, my work schedule has changed, so now I can play as late as you want on game nights... I now work 4 10 hour shifts and have EVERY Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, plus holidays, plus 32 days of paid vacation per year :D I am a prime example of your tax dollars at work (I am a civilian employee for the US Air Force).


    Nol, The campaign file and tokens may be bit large to upload here, but I will both post them to my website, then post a link here... and e-mail them to you (assuming your e-mail addy is still the same :D ).

  4. Re: Brink Of War


    Hey guys, I hate to do this again, but Terrie and I won;t be able to make it tonight. Terrie had surgery on her right eye yesterday to remove a cataract and implant a new artificial lense. The surgery went well, but she is felling kind of rocky tonight so we have to beg off till next week. The good news is she is healing fairly quickly. The bad news is today on her post op exam they found a cataract in her left eye... so in about 3 to 4 months we get to go through this all again. :(

  5. Re: Brink Of War


    As for the END/STUN issue - sorry' date=' I like the rules as is. Once you get into used Stun for END I want the penalty to be noticed significantly. You start taking STUN Damage, no Defenses.[/quote']


    Damn you fickle gots of fate :mad:


    Ok I guess I need to get off my ass/butt and figure how to make it work right. You saw right through my attempt at programming laziness... :D


    Ok dealine Thursday... gotta go figure out stuff :confused:

  6. Re: Brink Of War


    At what rate? It should be 1D6 Stun Only Damage per "2 END" used this way. Which is how I implement it.


    Well crap!!! I thought it was a straight 1 for 1. I have the macro set to use a certain amount of END. Say a given spell uses 2 END. If you have 0 END and attempt to cast the spell the macro uses 2 Stun in its place. When you reach 0 Stun the tokens "state" becomes unconscious, and a little graphic appears over the token showing the unconscious state. Perhaps... puhlease... (sad puppy eyes go here) :o, could we house rule this one for at least the short term. I am not sure how or if it is possible within the automation to have the macro convert from a static END to a calcualtion of how many dice to roll and apply to Stun based on negative END. Though I will work on it, and seek help from the macro gods... Oh wait there are no gods that we know of in this campaign :eek:


    I will set up a macro for Qliians taber.


    IRL the weapon sounds like a cross between a modern police baton, and an Irish Shalleighla. The PR24 is almost what you descfribed. a wooden tube with a metal rod inserted then capped and wrapped in leather. Of course the PR24 also has the 90 degree handle to give it tonfa like martial strike capabilities. :ugly:

  7. Re: Brink Of War


    Ok... as we saw upgrading to 1.3b53 did indeed fix my connection problem. The platform was much more stable. I am looking forward to testing the new macros I setup. They will make the Hero mechanics much easier to implement and manage from both the GM and the Player prespective.


    Nol I have setup macros that auto deduct END for spells, powers, etc. And if you run out of END it starts eating your STUN :D


    When you take a recovery, simply click the recovery macro button, and viola it adds in your proper REC to Stun/END but will stop once you are fully recovered.


    The SOAK macro applies damage and takes into consideration defenses and hit locations.


    I have figured out the initiaitive tracker... and it rocks.


    There is a new functionality to target NPC Icons and have the damage auto apply, but I have not figured out this aspect yet.


    All in all just letting MT track Damage and END/REC is pretty cool without the other bells and whistles.

  8. Re: Brink Of War


    Game was short but good. I keep having connectivity issues, so we are going to try upgrading to MT version 1.3b53 as it has been reported to be very stable, in the hopes it will fix my problem. We are in the middle of a pretty complex mystery with many questions left unanswered...


    Nol if your schedule gets to where it allows you could maybe join our FH group until you are ready to resume the GA campaign. A foursome would be very cool, we could really use a good rogue, warrior, bard, ranger, etc. :D

  9. Re: Brink Of War


    I like the feel of the system. Perhaps just change the penalty curve based on AP? Of course that could have the opposite effect and make spells too effective. With us being brand new characters, maybe just leave it be for a while and see what expending XP does to the effectiveness of the characters. It gives us something to work for besides the usual hack and slash and grab the wagon loads of treasure. Have you noticed that we have not yet even tried to ransack any bodies (of course the skeletons and the elementals left nothing to ransack), but the barbarian Orcs had charred remains, and we didn't even look. I know I took the map fragment and half silver from Evelyn's charred pack. But I plan to return them to her once we find and hopefully rescue her royal nibs. :D

  10. Re: Brink Of War


    For those reading the logs I play Chaz. He is a human raised from a young age by a goblin swordsmith from the lands of Chaddath. While human by birth he is a goblin warrior by training and temperament, and a swashbuckler at heart. Think of the old western classics where a young white boy is taken after an indian raid and raised by the Souix to become a great warrior, then returnes to his own people only to be shunned as they think he has turned indian. In Chaz's case he is truly proud of his adopted goblin heritage.


    In this last session, it was great fun even though Chaz was slowly getting wittled to death by the waves of mook skeletons. It truly felt like an epic cinemetic battle. Due to the darkness, and the relentless forward march of the skeletons, I would cut down 2 or three only to find myslef surrounded by 4 or five more. With defense manuaver, two weapon fighting, rapid attack, and a goblin sword martial art based on real world Kenjustu, surrounded is right where I like to be in a battle, but a raking bony claw here, and a skeletal slash there, was soon taking it toll. By the time the battle ended I was seriously wounded and bleeding from multiple wounds. And a slight case of flash burn from a spell gone wrong :D


    All in all, it was a really good fight, and some good roleplaying all around. I look forward to tracking down the dogs that kidnapped Evelyn and Jak. The mystery of why they are after the amulet, and how they keep finding us as we trek through the wilderness has Chaz intrigued. And as a bonus he gets to kill the occasional Barbarian (Chaz hates most barbarians, it's a back story thing).


    With a break this coming week due to life, I will spend some time expending XP and perhaps even get to start some real character art.

  11. Re: Brink Of War


    Heh... He doesn't want much does he :D


    We will be there for game time, but we may have to retire early. Terrie has a cataract in her right eye. We are going into the eye clinic tomorrow morning to start treatment, which will most likely require surgery. She wants to play, but if her eye starts hurting her to much we may have to "make camp" early. Knowing her though she will try and tough it out so as not to spoil the game for anyone else... that's part of why I married her :D


    See ya's all tonight!

  12. Re: Brink Of War


    Sorry to hear about your back problems, get healthy quick.


    Terrie wants to be able to cast an area of darkness, and possibly be able to do short teleports from shadow to shadow (Shadow walking?). She also wants something akin to the D&D spell faerie fire, where the target glows granting opponents a bonus to OCV. Other abilities might develop later.

  13. Re: Brink Of War


    I discussed Solron's computer issues with him this morning, so hopefully he will be ok for gaming before next week.


    I will have some roughed out characters for Terrie and myself submitted within the next couple of days. The biggest holdup on completing Terrie's spell selection.

  14. Re: Brink Of War




    I am not able to connect to your server. I get a connection timed out error. Did you set the PW to all lower case?


    The website looks cool. Great information. Interesting twist for the magic system.

  15. Re: Brink Of War


    That sounds great. Over in MT land RPMiller is working on an HD Export format for the Hero community. We will be able to create in HD and export directly into a token, hopefully with working macros. Then simply drag the token onto the map (I recommend creating a blank map just to hold the initial tokens), and add your character art.


    I think you guys will like the new initiative and dice roller macros Brad is coming up with. He has addressed many of our concerns and is creating an on screen character sheet that pops open when you click is macro button. The HD export will feed into that.


    Oh yeah, and the best part is we don't need to update versions to use the new macro stuff :D

  16. Re: Brink Of War


    Yes I'll need the MT Campaign.

    Yes I'm working on Package Deals (both mine and which ones from FH I want to use), HeroDesigner Campaign Rules File.

    I'm waiting on Chad.


    By Monday or Tuesday I should have some Mechanical Information ready for you guys.


    As soon as I get home and get settled, I'll get the Campaign File to you.


    Chad = good :D


    As for mechanical information and packages...


    You ROCK!!! :thumbup:

  17. Re: Brink Of War


    So are we waiting on Chad and/or Nol? or do you have a new player?


    Are there any character guidelines percolating yet (point values, NCM, things you don't want to see, disadvantages you would like us to not use, etc)? Are standard packages from FH, ok?


    Assuming mavsfan77 is who I think it is, if he wants my help with his hedge magic mp, I am willing.

  18. Re: Brink Of War


    Hmm... Sea Gods, Kind yet temperamental... Salinas Tempus (from the words saline or salt water, and tempest or storm), perhaps many common human words come from Elven root words, in a fashion similar to how many common english words come from greek and old latin roots. In image the elves believe her to have the appearance of an elven mermaid. she has the lower body of a dolphin and the upper body of a beautiful elven woman, but with blue green skin and stormy eyes.


    More on the forest god to come... Terrie and I are vacatioing in a hotel out of town right now, so I can only get to this in spurts. We will be home on Monday.

  19. Re: Brink Of War




    Ok this sounds great so far. I have ideas percolating away already.


    I think Terrie is leaning towards a wandering elven warrior with some VERY basic hedge spells. If I am getting the gist it seems that hedge spells would be more natural as opposed to the cerebral High mages. And natural would be more in line with elven nature.


    I am thinking something of a wandering fortune seeker. One who sells his sword to the highest bidder, but with morals. Perhaps the son of a noble that lost his family and holdings due to a border skrimish between the two kingdoms. The young orphan was taken in by an old weaponsmith, who raised and trained him. Jo-dan dreams of the day he can "repay" those that destroyed his family, and now works hard to hone the skills that will enable him to achive that goal and restore his families, name and honor.

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