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Posts posted by Starwolf

  1. Re: Wolves Lair


    I'm looking over the characters and placing notes here. First up, Vareth:


    Sanguinaries and Atharians are not buddies. Atharians consider the blood mages to be hedge wizards and threats to their dominance of the magical arts.

    You're paying for literacy in Igardian, twice. Once in the language itself and once in the Sanuinary Initiate list of skills.

    You're paying 1 point more than necessary for Bluetongue. Select Bluetongue from the language drop down rather than typing it in and you'll get the correct cost.


    First off thanks for the input.


    I fixed the language and literacy thing, and invested the two points recouped into a CSl: +1w/Quarterstaff.


    I groked that whole Sanguinary vs Atharian thing. I know that they are at odds philosophically and that Athariens would have a dangerous bias towards Sanguinaries. I figure most people would look on the Blood Mages with a mixture of suspicion, revulsion, and maybe a little fear. However it says in the write up that Sanguinaries consider themselves to be keepers of knowledge and in some cases know more about Atharian magic (though they don't use it) than the Atharians themselves. In pursuit of such knowledge it follows that from time to time they must have a source of smuggling information out of the Academy, be that from a paid informant, or a spy. The information could come from any source, but at some point it must be passed to a Sanguinary to be recorded... In my back story at some point I acccompanied my teacher on a journey to the capitol to retrieve just such an information hand off. Having said all of that, while Atharians have this bias towards Blood Mages, Vareth holds no hatred in his heart for the mis-guided Atharians. To him they are like handling a snake, it must be done with caution to avoid being bitten, but the snake cannot help being a snake.

  2. Re: Wolves Lair


    Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas... We just returned from our trip to Phoenix, so I am playing catchup, but here goes.


    The 8th actually works better for me. it gives me some breathing room to finish up the character macros.


    To Nolgroth, I most certainly will.


    based on Savinien's answer I have already ugraded both Terrie and myself to version 1.3b63 of Maptools.


    I'll see ya all on the 8th.

  3. Re: Wolves Lair


    Finally, at long last, here are the characters so far. I have not posted Grundle our Roofrunner yet as I have not heard from his owner. I will be posting character pics soon, hopefully before our first game session, but by the end of January for certain.

  4. Re: Wolves Lair


    Hi everyone. I would recommend at this point that the group upgrade from Maptools 1.3b59 to 1.3b63. This new build will most likely be the last, or perhaps second to the last version before they declare this the completed street release and start development of version 1.4. The benefits of upgrading, are that we will experience fewer dropped players (more stability), and easier map making due to a new map/art repository retrieval system. The new repository retrieval system will allow the GM (or anyone) to make an art pack that holds maps, token art, object art, etc and host it as a zip file. Then the players (and other gaming groups if you share the host url) can download and auto-install the art pack from within Maptools. By having each player have thier own copy of the artwork on their local hard drive, it reduces the strain on the server, thus enhancing overall stbility, and shortening screen load times. This also has the effect of increasing the programs speed.


    Let me know which way we are going. I think the existing campaign files should load just fine, but I would like a chance to test/troubleshoot just in case they don't.


    Also are we going to have our official game start date be the evening of Jan 1 or the evening of Jan 8?

  5. Re: Wolves Lair


    Any chance of posting the characters that will be participating? I'm curious to see the builds for this campaign.


    Sure thing. In fact I had planned on it, I was just waiting for character approval from Savinien before I posted the HDCs to the vault and the writeups here. I hope to have them up for consumption this coming week.

  6. Re: Wolves Lair


    So it is requested... so it shall be done :D


    Our first game session will be after the Holidays. We have had two getting acquianted/Maptools Q&A sessions so that our new GM (Savinien) and the new players to maptools can get comfortable with the interface/program and learn the basics of macros, maps, online dice rolling, and chat commands. So far all is good.

  7. Re: Kamarathin 6E HD Files


    So we have Kamarathin: The Kingdom of Tursh. It is great and I now have a desire for all things Kamarathin. Are there plans for other expansions of other Kingdoms? Will there be a designated area of the world intentionally left for GM development so that some future release doesn't render the GM developed material as non-canon? Will there be Some kind of core world book to gather cetralize character development material like racial backgournds, available professional packages based on race, culture, or geography? And what about elves? There are dwarves, halflings (Bezzi), and goblins (Kvonites)... but the fair race is either hiding in a distant land or non-existant.

  8. Re: Wolves Lair


    Cool! Thanks for the heads up...


    I do have a Kamarathin price question. I am working on creating a Paladin of Asuna. The character has the perk well off, only for purchasing starting equipment. If I calculated correctly this comes to 16 crowns or 1600 farthings. One of her package perks is a Heavy War Horse as a follower. If I buy her a riding saddle it costs 1500 farthings leaving her 100 farthings, not even enough for a sword let alone armor and other things. Is this price correct? Along the same line it lists a War Saddle at 3000 farthings.

  9. Re: Wolves Lair


    I have had some major life problems the last couple of days so I am not ready to run the one off that T wanted too tonight. Having said that I will load the server and work woth anyone that wants me too... and we can do as much as we can. I will be ready by next Friday, if everyone is willing. And then we can start the campaign whenever Savinien says go!!!

  10. Re: Wolves Lair


    Have you sent the PCs? I haven't seen them and don't have anything in my email.


    I just sent them. I had trouble finding your e-mail. I hope I sent them to the right address. I sent them to your verizon address.

  11. Re: Wolves Lair


    So far I have four characters... so four players as Savinien indicated.


    Thanks Mayapuppies... That helps.


    I will have completed characters to you tonight for approval Savinien. Once you give me the go ahead, I will create the Maptools token to go with the characters. Each token can take up to an hour to setup.

  12. Re: Wolves Lair


    I have a question concerning character generation. I need guidance concerning starting equipment or starting funds to purchase equipment. I noticed some packages come complete with 4 Crowns, The Sanguinary has no money listed but all of his spells require the reliquary and the Deagrus Serrratus (Bloodletter). In addition Terrie has settled on a Paladin of Asuna for a character and that package has the perk "Well Off" 3 active points only to buy starting equipment. How much does that perk equate to for starting equipment?


    Once I have done the starting equipment for the characters they are ready to submit to you...


    The characters are Vareth, a Sanguinary apprentice of The Iron Road, and Lady Rina Coret, a mnor noble (Baronet) and Paladin of Asuna.

  13. Re: Wolves Lair


    Here is the Hero 6E Maptool framework. I have updated it to include a group whisper macro and a Hero explosion macro. I will use this campaign framework on the 11th for our one off. I will stage a fantasy battle so that you can see how to do spells, missile, melee attacks, and I will try and throw in several types of attacks and skill/dice rolls.


    Savinien, if you want to get together and have me walk you through creating/adding maps and objects or NPCs, just let me know and we can try and schedule a time. During the one off I will try and show everyone how to edit your own token if you want to take a stab at it. Knowing how will make it easier to update your character rolls attached to the token as you gain XP.

  14. Re: Wolves Lair


    For our initial game I would prefer Savinien's Kamarathin game because it fits my personal play style and I have already spent the money to buy the campaign book.


    On the other hand, I would not mind playing in Panpiper's game either but it would depend on scheduling as Savinien said.


    Savinien, I will have mine and Terrie's characters submitted today. And I will have the Maptools 6E framework uploaded today as well. I had some trouble locating a missing file I needed to make the group whisper work. Thanks to Nolgroth I was finally able to locate it.

  15. Re: Wolves Lair


    As promised here is the link to the maptools video tutorial...




    They were created by the same guy that made the Hero 5ER Maptool Campaign framework. So, a lot of his demos are based on the Hero system.


    it is going slow on the macro code for the framework I used for 6E last night. I will complete it and get it posted by Tuesday night at the latest. The only ones that need download it are the GMs.


    I almost have mine and Terrie's characters complete and ready to submit to Savinien for approval.


    Savinien said he wanted to keep our campaign as canon as possible, which it turns out is a good idea. I have received permission from Mayapuppies to include maps, NPCs, creatures, spells, etc in our Kamarathin campaign framework, and to distribute it to other Hero/Kamarathin groups. He would like me/us to zip it up and send him a copy when it is ready for public consumption.

  16. Re: Kamarathin 6E HD Files


    I have another question. We are playing online using Maptools. I would like to create some maptools maps, and tokens with attached macro code to support our game and ultimately the Kamarathin Campaign setting. I am seeking permission to create the Maptools campaign file and share it with other Maptools users. It would include some maps from the book, and the Macro code would include game stats for things like weapons, spells, skills, powers, artifacts, etc. The macro code does not refelct what is written in the book verbatim, but rather causes dice rolls and displays the results in the chat window. The file would also eventually contain tokens with code attached for NPCs, and creatures. If you would rather not grant permission, then I will use the resulting campaign file only for our in house group and not share it.

  17. Re: Kamarathin 6E HD Files


    Very cool!!! Thanks for the quick reply. After our initial get to each other session last night, I started working on my character, and by the time I got around to posting my questions my 12 cylinder brain was firing on one cylinder... and even that one was backfiring.

  18. Re: Kamarathin 6E HD Files


    Two more quick questions... Our Gm wants to stay as close to canon as possible with our characters. I am creating an Iron Road Sanguinary.


    I am confused by the Elan Cruor Elemental Control and how to convert it to 6E. Should I replace it with a multipower? If not should I be buying the Cruor individually like in Turakian Age? Or should I try an put them into a VPP. It seems that a mulitpower comes closest to the old EC with the limitations applied.


    My second question... Should the Power Skill Blood Magic be based on a Characteristic and if so which one?



  19. Re: Wolves Lair


    I may ask a buddy of mine (lezentauw here at HGF) to join us as a co-gm if y'all don't mind.


    I don't mind a co-GM.


    I have just downloaded the Kamarathin Campaign setting so I plan on spending this afternoon getting familiar with it.


    So if I understand the template and the new 6E point concept correctly, the characters get 120 free points and up to 60 more points in matching complications for a maximum possible total points of 180. Is that correct?

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