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Posts posted by SatinKitty

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    Hey C.C.:


    Too many sleeping pills make Restless Leg worse. This can also happen if you take another med that makes you drowsy on top of the sleeping pills. I take Pramipexole to help with RLS. I also have a pill called Horizant that I am supposed to be taking but always forget. Anyway, you might ask your Doctor about these meds.

  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


    Hooray for both of you, Enforcer !


    I am floating on a pink cloud tonight as I was given love and caring by so many people at a gathering. They actually cheered for me ! It is ridiculous that I do so much whining when love is everywhere for me and all I have to do is suit up and show up. People may not always say they care, but they really do.


    This night lifted me out of the morass of self-absorbed self pity I've been wallowing in. Phew ! Now maybe OddHat can relax. I was twenty minutes late coming home tonight because I stopped at Wegmans and he thought I was laying in a ditch somewhere.

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    Our place is cracking down on the parking which means we'd have to park one car right in front of the garage and one in the garage. This destroys all the convenience of having a garage. It is a one-car garage. So OddHat thinks he might give his car to our Niece who is 18 and we just both use the one car.

    We will wait and see if they really mean it this time. I think they do. OddHat says going down to one car is easier than moving. There are no apartments around here with two-car garages.

    We'll see what happens.

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